The BBC's "reporters" Jeremy Bowen, Anna Foster, Orla Guerin and others are cynically misleading the public by taking sides and following a prepared script, which makes a mockery of the BBC's claim to "hold itself to the highest standards" and "are committed to impartial reporting"! Real journalists and knowledgeable people of integrity like Jonathan, Chris Hedges, Jonathan Sachs, Col. Richard Black, Col. Douglas Macgregor, George Galloway, Scott Ritter and others are never asked on the BBC to challenge and provide balance so that people can make a rational judgement. Considering what is at stake, this is totally unacceptable. There really is something rotten at the head of the BBC.

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This is why we left UK years ago.

I do not ever remember the BBC doing honest reporting.

UK thinks it is still a Colonial empire attached by cords to the USA.

Stop paying for the licence to watch this MUCK

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This entire article and I mean all of it is a tortuous shock and awe of surprise at the inverted language of reporting by the BBC. Dear Jonathan, the BBC is a wholly owned subsidiary for the British government and Zionist power base. That power and influence has been simmering for a while but that business with Jeremy Corbyn made it come all out in the open. The BBC to my knowledge has always been a defender of the British establishment and now a Zionist, supremacist channel. Never expect anything else.

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Great stuff Jonathan. Only from you can I get the truth. I shall continue to support you and other independent journalists. Best wishes.

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Meta removed the piece within 1 minute.from FB. Have to put everything in comments.

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I can't put anything in comments on FB and most of the time I don't use it.

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American and European Media are among the most important Weapons that America and Europe Export to the Zionists / Jews, illegally Occupying Palestine and now turning its aggression to Lebanon with their Bunker Buster Bombs from the from the Maker of WMDs and Sponsor of Wars around the World !

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Thanks, Jonathan. One could wish the honest voices, such as yourself, and there are many more now than in past years, would have had the ability to reach a wide audience, and cause a needed reckoning, long before we got to this stage. But we are where we are, and can only go forward from here. "...riders are approaching. The hour is getting late."

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"Language becomes a weapon to hide the truth."

No better exemplar than Nut&yahoo's sermon on the mounting of the rostrum to deliver his homily to the faithful in the UN this morning on ye olde horrors of war and the joys of peace in our time...

..under Pax A$hKKK€Nazi uber a££€$.

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Today, the butcher of the Middle East was once again showing his and his partners plan for what they like to call “the greater israel”. on one hand the image we saw before with many Middle East countries stretching from a chunk of Egypt to the Saudi with on it written “the blessing”, while in the other hand, this time one more map with Lebanon, Syria, Iraq, and Iran colored black and with on it written “curse”.

I could not heard what he was saying for the simple fact that, like always, when I see his ugly face I immediately mute him, Nevertheless, the plan is there for everyone to see.

Nothing about peace, and all about war, like a junky this time not addicted to drugs, “though I would not be to sure of that hider” but addicted to blood.

His Intent to commit Genocide publicly declared from the microphones of the United Nations, in a show of immorality and disregard for life, insulting and attacking entire countries, and trashing all resolutions and court orders, as if he should be the law, was nothing different from what we saw before.

The UN is now a farce controlled by eugenists which like and profit from wars, and which if left to their own device, would see to complete extermination of the indigenous inhabitants of the entire Middle East.

Thank you for this important article Jonathan.

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Jeremy Bowen was in Ukraine in 2022 pretending to be shot at-it was ridiculous.

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He really is an odious individual.

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No support for Israel!

Not one cent! Not one bullet!

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Thank You Jonathan

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After one rogue group discovered a wave length code that can explode batteries, now, all 7 billion humans are terrorized by this group.

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I live in the US. Thx for this description. It is an accurate description of the voters in UK and mainstream media in US. I wish there was a way to stop my govt from sending arms to Israel. We try all ways to protest and nothing works.

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Nazi Israel is not a country, it's a horrific, fatal disease of unequaled ugliness. It must be destroyed and eradicated.

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"Israel" = Zionism Terrorist Organization. Western mainstream media = ZTO Ministry of Propaganda.

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