Israel is on the rampage again and Gaza’s population is facing a quiet, slow path to erasure. The ones funding it and enabling it are the US and its European allies
HOW IS IT POSSIBLE THAT THE WESTERN 'CIVILIZED' COUNTRIES CAN WATCH THIS MADNESS ISRAEL IS DOING TO INNOCENTS IN GAZA? There is no excuse like tit for tat, or ANYTHING else! Israel is openly committing genocide! Blood is flowing from babes and little girls. But these are real, unlike the lie about '40 babies beheaded', a terrible propaganda ploy by Israel s government to get sympathy from the world and permission to kill! Israel has weaponized VICTIMHOOD since JEWS were victims of the NAZIS, and by massive world wide propaganda they covered their terrorism with the image of The Eternal Victim. They used movies and every possible false story to stay Victim in the eyes of the world. But nobody can sit there and do nothing when mass killing is announced openly, und better yet, like Biden, give full support and billions of dollars to reward these Zionazi terrorists in Israel! I am so angry, so hurting....I can't stand being fully aware of this historic crime, and the endless pain that is currently being orchestrated by the infamous, racist zionist leaders. I am against violence all my life....but this makes me want to kill the criminals!! Of course, I can't do anything like it and have to keep watching the torturers. Being powerless is so painful....!
And what I hope happens now is the Israeli army doesn't invade because noone wants a regional war. Instead Netanyahu resigns and the US returns as a peacemaker with Biden now the MAGA man and Trump revealed as the fake who damaged reputation of the US by encouraging Netanyahu. Israel is maybe the only issue that can turn Republicans against Trump. Then it remains to share out rewards for other players like Saudi Arabia and Russia. And Iran? This looks to me like the Cuban missile crisis of 1962 too dangerous to continue. If Biden plays his cards right he will be the hero and Trump the villain.
Thanks Jonathan for a breath of fresh air amidst the ignorance, subterfuge and horrific hypocrisy.
Last I heard, 300,000 Israeli troops (remember they are forcefully conscripted) were descending on the 2 million people locked inside the prison camp that is what is left of Palestine.
That is 1 soldier per family, with explicit permission from the western "leaders", to do as they please, as long as it involves punishment.
It is utterly chilling, and an absolute genocide and torture unfolding before our eyes.
God help us all. We were supposed to learn the lesson 100 years ago, not bloody repeat the crimes.
Excellent piece Jonathan, Totally agree on all points.
While we can never condone the killing of innocent civilians, the complete lack of substance in the reporting of the slaughter of civilians in Palestine, which is mainly women and children is palpable.
The Western media and governments as you quite rightly mentioned are totally complicit in the under playing of the genocide of Palestinians.
Its bewildering how the West support a Nazi led, highly corrupted Ukraine government and blast us with lie after lie about the events of the ongoing war and then censor, cancel and even jail independent journalists who attempt to report the truth.
I hope you are at least as appalled by the savagery with which Israel has attacked vastly more Palestinians on a regular basis. The oppressor is completely responsible for the response of the oppressed.
Who is going to stop this genocide in Gaza?Somebody stop this devil state of Israel from killing an entire people.I cannot believe that a so called civilised Western world will just watch this happening.My heart is literally breaking.The Palestinian people are human beings and no-one is protecting them.Why does every world leader stand with Israel?Are you all blind?Israel has been bullying Palestinians for years and that has been totally ignored.Shame on you.
Shame on all of us propagandized Westerners. When all massacre is said and done, our desensitizing propaganda machine will go to work to distract us from the genocide with fuckin platitudes securing freedom and democracy ,and somehow move on to a future of systematic control
and brainwashing. Sounds promising, doesn’t it? Just can’t envision what the spin will be to make this horror a regrettable but fading memory.
I hear you. I feel the same. Is heartbreaking, and you feel useless, which is actually what they want.
If you have the energy, there are good decent powerful groups fighting for Palestinian rights. Although, you probably know this, and are, like me, in despair, that we are about to witness another genocide from the west, while idiots argue about who is right or wrong because they have no idea 🤦♂️
A few years ago, I watched a documentary filmed inside Palestinian territory. Truly, it's a shrinking open air prison as the Israelis annex more and more land. Rebellions rise from injustice and repression. How do you think America was born? Certainly, we were no better than terrorists in the eyes of the British aristocracy. Then we proceeded to carry out genocide on Native Americans, enslave Africans jammed into the holds of ships, half dying on the voyage. This is what we do to each other. As a teen, I read much about the atrocities of WWII. What happened to Jews and others was ghastly beyond comprehension. It is sad to watch Israel turn into a monster. This all started with the carving up of the Middle East by colonial powers a long time ago. The Palestinians were victims from the beginning.
I've been to Auschwitz and it was a sad and horrifying experience, but one that every Israeli military member should be forced to experience rather than conscription. Some of them of course get it, and don't need that education, but are forced to participate and witness horrors that no kids their age should.
It is an absolute horror of a regime that the US and the Brits are holding up by the oaksters, ruining lives for absolutely everyone except the ones creaming cash and power at the top.
I hate violence, I really do. But even I see the need for the guillotines right now. Right now. Decades over due.
God help those folk trapped in the Gaza just now, with not even a sting of hope to escape these utterly evil fucks. But even if that were to happen, it will take decades of education to erase the horrific bigotries that the Israeli government has been indoctrinating its children with.
Every person encouraging this from the Israeli government is responsible for the next 200 years of the lives that are going to be ruined, because that is how long this genocide and its effects will last for, and more.
I rarely say this about anyone, but in this case, God forgive me, part of me wants a Hell for them.
They are currently embarking on a massacre upon 2 million innocent families, and the wonderful West, our "leaders", are encouraging them.
Through the genocidal slaughter of the indigenous populations, that resided in North America before the filthy Anglo colonial parasites stole, and banished them from their homes.
And most of the people caught up in this violence and insanity, simply want to have decent lives. I knew a woman who survived a concentration camp, numbers tattoos on her arm. She hated black people. Couldn't see the hypocrisy.
I hear you, but, and imo, forgive me, is a big but.
When we talk about victims of genocide, the voices of the survivors are important. Some of them are going to be bigots as well. Not every group that is a victim of genocide is going to be a wonderful, paradise group of angels.
It doesn't excuse genocide. I know that's not what you're saying, but just think the point needs made.
And it is actually rather relevant to the Israeli government claiming it represents the world's Jewish population, when in fact, it really really doesn't. Same as ISIS is a million miles away from the world's Islam population.
My grandmother in law fled the Nazis in Amsterdam. Didn't have a racist or bigoted bone in her. And she was from Sweden. But still had to hide.
It was never as simple as black and white, it was always grey. Black and white were just the labels that were convenient for the fascists, and still are for the politicians and Murdoch media.
We're a diverse species, is all I'm saying, and we should be embracing it, enjoying it, and loving it...Not letting cunt sociopaths use it to divide us.
The was no “Murdoch” (does that include MSNBC, CBS, ABC) media when the red tribes of North America were first being genocided. And, there was no political bully pulpit to speak of.
What there was/is, are invading Anglo hoards, worshipping their kooky, fairytale, gawd, which told them that they were the superior, chosen ones, and the current inhabitants were “savages”. You know, “human animals”. Sounds familiar, doesn’t it?
Tucker, Hannity, and Ingram weren’t on the dais when Plymouth Rock landed on the red man.
There are perpetrators, and there are victims. And, do you see any efforts on the part of the invaders to rectify obvious crimes? Obvious to any with eyes to see.
The answer is an unequivocal, nope.
1492 is along time ago, yet no effort is made to make things right with native North Americans. The same holds true with Palestinians.
With all that is widely known, and accepted as fact, Israel and the United States, and Britain, still double down on killing, not negotiating. (Are those two aircraft carriers transporting diplomats?)
Where are the voices calling for peace? Or at least restraint.
With the exception of Omar and Talib, I don’t hear any.
And, they’re vilified by their own fellow “blue people”.
I’ve been ridin’ with/sidin’ with the “savages” from North America and Palestine since childhood.
If a little kid can see through the bullshit, so can big people. It’s about greed and a misplaced superiority complex, in my opinion of course.
To make things right, after all of this time, requires sacrifice. And, stupid, selfish Anglos and Jews/Zionists/Israelis aren’t willing to part with their stolen loot. In fact, they want more.
See Russia/Ukraine for another iteration of this same old same old, sad, sick story.
I appreciate your sentiments. I really do. But, I think that we’re dealing with soulless monsters here. There are no better angels in them, to appeal to.
Ceasefire, truth, reconciliation, remorse, and reparations are the way out. I hear zero hue and cry for these features of peace.
Like you, I continue to hope for universal understanding, and love. But, I don’t see it coming over the horizon anytime soon, if at all.
In the meantime, only one group in this conflict is facing/experiencing annihilation, for no good reason I might add.
I have to ride with them, until the killing stops.
It’s a pleasure meeting you.
And, that’s how it’s done.
Appreciate the beautiful qualities in the other, even if we may disagree about something. Welcoming words, and a sincere desire to find similarity rather than unforgivable difference. Disagree, without being disagreeable.
If we can do it, why can’t everybody?
Try to find some splendor in your day, today, in spite of all of the horror. And, hopefully, somewhere, somehow, advocate for peace. May love and joy be upon us all.
HOW IS IT POSSIBLE THAT THE WESTERN 'CIVILIZED' COUNTRIES CAN WATCH THIS MADNESS ISRAEL IS DOING TO INNOCENTS IN GAZA? There is no excuse like tit for tat, or ANYTHING else! Israel is openly committing genocide! Blood is flowing from babes and little girls. But these are real, unlike the lie about '40 babies beheaded', a terrible propaganda ploy by Israel s government to get sympathy from the world and permission to kill! Israel has weaponized VICTIMHOOD since JEWS were victims of the NAZIS, and by massive world wide propaganda they covered their terrorism with the image of The Eternal Victim. They used movies and every possible false story to stay Victim in the eyes of the world. But nobody can sit there and do nothing when mass killing is announced openly, und better yet, like Biden, give full support and billions of dollars to reward these Zionazi terrorists in Israel! I am so angry, so hurting....I can't stand being fully aware of this historic crime, and the endless pain that is currently being orchestrated by the infamous, racist zionist leaders. I am against violence all my life....but this makes me want to kill the criminals!! Of course, I can't do anything like it and have to keep watching the torturers. Being powerless is so painful....!
Ghandi and MLK Jr might disagree with you.
This is what is happening in the usa 🇺🇸 to the blacks and nothing is being done
And what I hope happens now is the Israeli army doesn't invade because noone wants a regional war. Instead Netanyahu resigns and the US returns as a peacemaker with Biden now the MAGA man and Trump revealed as the fake who damaged reputation of the US by encouraging Netanyahu. Israel is maybe the only issue that can turn Republicans against Trump. Then it remains to share out rewards for other players like Saudi Arabia and Russia. And Iran? This looks to me like the Cuban missile crisis of 1962 too dangerous to continue. If Biden plays his cards right he will be the hero and Trump the villain.
Yes and they bombed Syrian airports today but Netanyahu is blamed for all this by 86% of Israelis:
And this was before it was revealed that they ignored Egyptian intelligence warning that Gaza was going to do something big 3 days before it happened.
Thanks Jonathan for a breath of fresh air amidst the ignorance, subterfuge and horrific hypocrisy.
Last I heard, 300,000 Israeli troops (remember they are forcefully conscripted) were descending on the 2 million people locked inside the prison camp that is what is left of Palestine.
That is 1 soldier per family, with explicit permission from the western "leaders", to do as they please, as long as it involves punishment.
It is utterly chilling, and an absolute genocide and torture unfolding before our eyes.
God help us all. We were supposed to learn the lesson 100 years ago, not bloody repeat the crimes.
Excellent piece Jonathan, Totally agree on all points.
While we can never condone the killing of innocent civilians, the complete lack of substance in the reporting of the slaughter of civilians in Palestine, which is mainly women and children is palpable.
The Western media and governments as you quite rightly mentioned are totally complicit in the under playing of the genocide of Palestinians.
Its bewildering how the West support a Nazi led, highly corrupted Ukraine government and blast us with lie after lie about the events of the ongoing war and then censor, cancel and even jail independent journalists who attempt to report the truth.
“Never again” and yet the west and Netanyahu seem to be determined to repeat it. Shame on us! Thanks for saying it how it is Jonathon.
Great job! Appreciate your work
Well said!
I can agree with what you say and still be appalled by the savagery inflicted on civilians in the attack.
I hope you are at least as appalled by the savagery with which Israel has attacked vastly more Palestinians on a regular basis. The oppressor is completely responsible for the response of the oppressed.
I DEMAND that Israel is prosecuted under international law for war crimes.
Who is going to stop this genocide in Gaza?Somebody stop this devil state of Israel from killing an entire people.I cannot believe that a so called civilised Western world will just watch this happening.My heart is literally breaking.The Palestinian people are human beings and no-one is protecting them.Why does every world leader stand with Israel?Are you all blind?Israel has been bullying Palestinians for years and that has been totally ignored.Shame on you.
Shame on all of us propagandized Westerners. When all massacre is said and done, our desensitizing propaganda machine will go to work to distract us from the genocide with fuckin platitudes securing freedom and democracy ,and somehow move on to a future of systematic control
and brainwashing. Sounds promising, doesn’t it? Just can’t envision what the spin will be to make this horror a regrettable but fading memory.
I hear you. I feel the same. Is heartbreaking, and you feel useless, which is actually what they want.
If you have the energy, there are good decent powerful groups fighting for Palestinian rights. Although, you probably know this, and are, like me, in despair, that we are about to witness another genocide from the west, while idiots argue about who is right or wrong because they have no idea 🤦♂️
Vincent Lyn recently predicted the war. Jonathan, he and you are aligned. Maybe you two can collaborate.
Sadly so true! Well put
A few years ago, I watched a documentary filmed inside Palestinian territory. Truly, it's a shrinking open air prison as the Israelis annex more and more land. Rebellions rise from injustice and repression. How do you think America was born? Certainly, we were no better than terrorists in the eyes of the British aristocracy. Then we proceeded to carry out genocide on Native Americans, enslave Africans jammed into the holds of ships, half dying on the voyage. This is what we do to each other. As a teen, I read much about the atrocities of WWII. What happened to Jews and others was ghastly beyond comprehension. It is sad to watch Israel turn into a monster. This all started with the carving up of the Middle East by colonial powers a long time ago. The Palestinians were victims from the beginning.
I've been to Auschwitz and it was a sad and horrifying experience, but one that every Israeli military member should be forced to experience rather than conscription. Some of them of course get it, and don't need that education, but are forced to participate and witness horrors that no kids their age should.
It is an absolute horror of a regime that the US and the Brits are holding up by the oaksters, ruining lives for absolutely everyone except the ones creaming cash and power at the top.
I hate violence, I really do. But even I see the need for the guillotines right now. Right now. Decades over due.
God help those folk trapped in the Gaza just now, with not even a sting of hope to escape these utterly evil fucks. But even if that were to happen, it will take decades of education to erase the horrific bigotries that the Israeli government has been indoctrinating its children with.
Every person encouraging this from the Israeli government is responsible for the next 200 years of the lives that are going to be ruined, because that is how long this genocide and its effects will last for, and more.
I rarely say this about anyone, but in this case, God forgive me, part of me wants a Hell for them.
They are currently embarking on a massacre upon 2 million innocent families, and the wonderful West, our "leaders", are encouraging them.
How was “merica” born?
Through the genocidal slaughter of the indigenous populations, that resided in North America before the filthy Anglo colonial parasites stole, and banished them from their homes.
A model for Isra-hell/Palestine.
And most of the people caught up in this violence and insanity, simply want to have decent lives. I knew a woman who survived a concentration camp, numbers tattoos on her arm. She hated black people. Couldn't see the hypocrisy.
I wish you well.
Thank you, Mike. You as well.
I hear you, but, and imo, forgive me, is a big but.
When we talk about victims of genocide, the voices of the survivors are important. Some of them are going to be bigots as well. Not every group that is a victim of genocide is going to be a wonderful, paradise group of angels.
It doesn't excuse genocide. I know that's not what you're saying, but just think the point needs made.
And it is actually rather relevant to the Israeli government claiming it represents the world's Jewish population, when in fact, it really really doesn't. Same as ISIS is a million miles away from the world's Islam population.
My grandmother in law fled the Nazis in Amsterdam. Didn't have a racist or bigoted bone in her. And she was from Sweden. But still had to hide.
It was never as simple as black and white, it was always grey. Black and white were just the labels that were convenient for the fascists, and still are for the politicians and Murdoch media.
We're a diverse species, is all I'm saying, and we should be embracing it, enjoying it, and loving it...Not letting cunt sociopaths use it to divide us.
Here’s what I find to be the flaw in you thesis.
The was no “Murdoch” (does that include MSNBC, CBS, ABC) media when the red tribes of North America were first being genocided. And, there was no political bully pulpit to speak of.
What there was/is, are invading Anglo hoards, worshipping their kooky, fairytale, gawd, which told them that they were the superior, chosen ones, and the current inhabitants were “savages”. You know, “human animals”. Sounds familiar, doesn’t it?
Tucker, Hannity, and Ingram weren’t on the dais when Plymouth Rock landed on the red man.
There are perpetrators, and there are victims. And, do you see any efforts on the part of the invaders to rectify obvious crimes? Obvious to any with eyes to see.
The answer is an unequivocal, nope.
1492 is along time ago, yet no effort is made to make things right with native North Americans. The same holds true with Palestinians.
With all that is widely known, and accepted as fact, Israel and the United States, and Britain, still double down on killing, not negotiating. (Are those two aircraft carriers transporting diplomats?)
Where are the voices calling for peace? Or at least restraint.
With the exception of Omar and Talib, I don’t hear any.
And, they’re vilified by their own fellow “blue people”.
I’ve been ridin’ with/sidin’ with the “savages” from North America and Palestine since childhood.
If a little kid can see through the bullshit, so can big people. It’s about greed and a misplaced superiority complex, in my opinion of course.
To make things right, after all of this time, requires sacrifice. And, stupid, selfish Anglos and Jews/Zionists/Israelis aren’t willing to part with their stolen loot. In fact, they want more.
See Russia/Ukraine for another iteration of this same old same old, sad, sick story.
I appreciate your sentiments. I really do. But, I think that we’re dealing with soulless monsters here. There are no better angels in them, to appeal to.
Ceasefire, truth, reconciliation, remorse, and reparations are the way out. I hear zero hue and cry for these features of peace.
Like you, I continue to hope for universal understanding, and love. But, I don’t see it coming over the horizon anytime soon, if at all.
In the meantime, only one group in this conflict is facing/experiencing annihilation, for no good reason I might add.
I have to ride with them, until the killing stops.
It’s a pleasure meeting you.
And, that’s how it’s done.
Appreciate the beautiful qualities in the other, even if we may disagree about something. Welcoming words, and a sincere desire to find similarity rather than unforgivable difference. Disagree, without being disagreeable.
If we can do it, why can’t everybody?
Try to find some splendor in your day, today, in spite of all of the horror. And, hopefully, somewhere, somehow, advocate for peace. May love and joy be upon us all.
For the record, I’m an atheist.