Thanks as always to Jonathan. The West always pretends to know who are the "bad guys" but resolutely remains the main force for conflict and hatred.

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The same way they now find fascism palatable. Desensitization of the deplorable has been going on for a long time.

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Wow! Someone has said it out loud, I’m impressed. Never understood why a resistance group only active against their oppressor has to be a ‘proscribed’ group. It’s remarkable in its hypocrisy - Hamas is legitimate as defined by the Geneva Convention but illegitimate if defined by the US, UK and some other European countries. The behaviour of our government toward Palestine shocks me to the core. We need look no longer at the domination of the Dollar and Sterling in the currency markets but should instead look to see where the Shekel is. It most certainly seems to have a wider impact and bigger buying power than any other currency.

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The legal disclaimer is brilliant!

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Great stuff. I have to say that nothing was stranger than watching the Syrian War play out in the British media. I never understood who really were the 'white helmets', whether Assad was protecting or killing his people and came away from it all thinking that at least Russia was helping to destroy ISIS and/or Al Quaeda when clearly Israel and the USA were doing nothing at all but watching it all burn down.

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Love this 5 minute format 😍

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CIA Islamophobic enemies are the prophylactic to prevent the decline of white supremacy

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Jonathan - you think a "Legal Disclaimer" will get you off the hook? You reckon without UK Lawyers for Israel, who can recognise a terrorist beneath a sane and decent human being

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I take difference with Mr Cook, he says, "Israel is determined to stop any Palestinian state emerging, even it means committing genocide".

which sounds as if genocide is a last resort. I believe the evidence is clear including from the crooked mouths of the Israeli murderers, as well as from Israeli historians, that since its birth, Israel was determined to rid the land of Palestinians, by any means necessary..

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Israel, a state that occupied another nation in violation of UN rulings, a state that regularly has committed acts of terror in other nations, a state that is currently committing a genocide, a state that has just invaded Syria, a country that has never attacked it or threatened it, is not considered a terrorist state. Iran and Cuba which have not done any of the things Israel has done are labelled terrorist states. Up is down, down is up, 2+2=5, this must be 1984 come true.

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Anyone who thinks the HTS takeover of Syria will result in flowers blooming, bees buzzing, and birds singing joyfully is an incorrigible fool.

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No-one really knows what will happen but are willing to give it a chance. Israel's premeditated, violence will tip the scales toward more violence.

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This is quite ironic by Jonathan tho. You just switched roles with mainstream media and liberal establishment. "If a muslim organization is not doing our bidding just call them terrorists. If a muslim country is not doing our bidding we will call them puppets of [insert any world power you deem the enemy]" is the play both you and liberals are playing. If Turkey is not allied with Russia, they are puppets to US according to leftists. If Iran is not allied with US, they are puppets to China according to liberals. Muslims are a bunch of mindless zombies ready to be used according to any westerner left, right and center. You guys jerk each other off and celebrate Israel when they start killing the "islamist jihadis" you hate so much

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Chomsky said that the biggest terrorist organisation in the world is the Republican Party. To that we should add the Democrats, the British and other ex-colonial powers. We live in a tipsy-topsy world of inverted reality, where the press parrots those in power.

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"Israel" is an ongoing fraud. Theft and lies. Theft and lies.

The gullible will scoop up the lies and are free to feel whatever they want to feel about it. Few examples: Zionists (religious or not) are free to feel that it is Zionism. Democrats are free to feel it is a democracy. Westerners are free to feel it is the values of the west. You can also sit there and be mesmerised, just let it hypnotise yourself. But please remember it’s a bunch of criminals who are simply making it up as they go. There is no rhyme or reason to it, just some international folks getting rich while you ponder about what you see... (is it Jewish? Zionist? Democratic? Progressive? Inclusive? The greater good?...etc.)

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Fucking A Jonathan. Thank you for continuing to call out the stinking corruption and hypocrisy peddled endlessly by our 'media'. Only a sucker would swallow their cut n' paste garbage. Sadly there's still plenty of them.

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Not unlike the transition of Haganah, Irgun, Lehi, Stern Gang terrorists to y€ o£de mo$t mora£ army in the world as seen from Murdoch's Wapping gutter.

Meanwhile Bibi $ees no evil through its Ne£$onian telscope.

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