Can someone tell me if the actual math makes it clear that the pier killed more palestinians than it fed?

It was only functional for 20 days? And it barely moved food and was never a design that could actually move very much food. I wonder if we paid $300 million to kill 300 plus people. Did we pay $1 million to kill each Palestinian? This is what our taxes are used for?

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Who started genocide on 7/10 🤬🤬

Fekin terrorist supporter 🤬🤬

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Another batch of lies from a pseudo-journalist. I'm not surprised again.

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Bo this is not success This is a conflict the Hamas started What of the dead and rapes of hostages? I guess they are subhuman too

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Those who brutalise others, and those "others" being the weak/weaker or helpless, create for themselves and unto themselves, a monstrous heart. They not only become the thing they abhor, that darkness deep within them, the grant it succour and allow themselves to become fused with it until they are that very darkness itself. What Israel is doing to the Palestinians, is an act of murder upon the civilians of Gaza and an act of savagery upon their own humanity.

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It is insane and profoundly dishonest to blame the deaths related to liberating the hostage to those who fought to liberate the histages.

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Anyone who claims to care about Palestinians should demand the unconditional surrender of Hamas.

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How about the Terrorist State of Israel surrenders or better yet when we send all 535 Zionist Nazi politicians from the US and Biden to the Hague for trial and execution we then BOMB ISRAEL INTO OBLIVION! These war criminals will NEVER BE FORGIVEN NEVER FORGOTTEN!

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Rescue of hostages vs sneak attack slaughter of over 1,000 and the rape, kidnapping and brutalization of hundreds more. With all due respect, GFY.

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There is an easy and very moral solution for Hamas. Release the hostages. They sacrificed a lot of lives trying to recapture four of them the other day. Really Hamas!? Is it worth it?

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Do you understand what moral means?

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Really you think it is about the hostages? How can you be that fucking clueless. They have killed more of their own hostages and don't give a shit about them. This little fiasco was PR for election time. They want to completely destroy Palestine and kill all the Palestinians! It's called GENOCIDE for a reason.

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Hamas is the only one not agreeing to a ceasefire right now. Their war strategy is human sacrifice so this is all Hamas’ fault. Also they just painted a donkey in an Israeli flag and then torture it to death - fuck these people.

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Hamas agreed on multiple occasions but it was to be total ceasefire. Not a temporary one. And the last agreement they made (accepting almost all of America’s conditions) was in Qatar but Bibi refused

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BULLSHIT. Hamas took these filthy Zionist Nazis up for the exchange and Netanyahu canned the agreement. Sure have gotten a shit load of Zionist Nazis showing up here all of a sudden.

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Start with the hostage rescue battle: What caused it? Hamas tried to keep the hostages, generating the ferocious fighting that killed and wounded so many civilians. Sad that Hamas didn't simply release the four hostages when they saw the commandos coming to release them. Sad that Hamas didn't release them during the conflict all these months, thus obviating the commando raid to free the hostages. Sad that Hamas keeps them for negotiating purposes, for more fighting, for more dead Palestinians, and for more naive sympathy abroad (for Hamas). Sad that the Hamas invasion of Israel on October 7th with massacres, rapes, and kidnappings, caused the Israeli counter-attack in the first place. Sad that so much Qatari cash went to steel and concrete for underground shelters for Hamas leadership but NO bomb shelters for Palestinian civilians, although Hamas knew the counter-attack would be fierce. Mr. Sinwar may proclaim that Hamas needs "martyrs," but why not take a poll of surviving members of devastated Palestinian families: Are they happy that their deceased family members are dead or maimed for the political drive of Hamas?

Sad that the Hamas approach to Palestinian life is so brutal. Since it is the most powerful organization in Palestinian society, imagine what life would be like if Hamas ruled all Palestinians. The overall problem in both societies is the domination of policy and politics by extremist factions that want all the land for their side, but zero for the other side. Sad that any "diplomatic solution" to the current round of fighting will be a pseudo solution; for Hamas, a "permanent cease-fire" is an oxymoron.

Both competing nationalist claims to the land are valid. One is an ancient nationalism, which once had its nation-state there until it was finally destroyed by the Roman Legion. But nationalism, a state of mind, persisted and caused the renewal of the ancient nation. The other nationalism has never had its own national home, but its present people have had forebearers there for generations. Both nationalist claims need to be honored. The more control by the extremist factions, the more violence, casualties, and hatred. I will not discuss the ultimate frustration for both nationalisms because it is too ghoulish.

Anyone for some constructive ideas? Hyper-venting is a waste, so why not reserve any comments for possibly constructive thoughts

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The Jews defied the Germans and Hitler then wreaked unimaginable violence on them. Are you happy the European Jews had defied him? Were they overjoyed with their maimed and dead?

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All manipulated lies. Hamas offered to release the hostages very early on – in November 2023. As late as May 2024, Bibi said the attack on Rafa would happen with/without the hostages. Hamas changed its Manifesto in 2017 accepting a two state solution which is a tacit recognition of Israel’s de facto presence in the region. They asked to go back to the pre-1967 border agreements. So blaming Hamas for Israel’s war crimes is pathetic. Let the Palestinians decide what they want to do with Hamas. It is not your business.

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All manipulated lies. Hamas offered to release the hostages very early on – in November 2023. As late as May 2020 4BB said the attack on Rafa would happen with/without the hostages. Hamas changed its manifesto in 2017 accepting a two state solution which is a tacit recognition of Israel’s de facto presence in the region. So blaming Hamas for Israel’s war crimes is pathetic

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Zionist lies will never excuse GENOCIDE. GFY.

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Jonathan, excellent analysis, thankyou. Truth and critical analysis are so hard to find in Australia's media landscape.

Our government and media are telling us that pro-Palestinian sympathies will erode the fabric of our multicultural nation! Yet, the opposite is true as our large Palestinian (Christian and Muslim) and Arab diaspora communities watch people like them being gleefully slaughtered by Australian 'allies'. Where's our government and media's respect for human life and international law?

Thank you again for your important work that I'm sharing with my 'awakening' network.

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These governments have both been bought and infiltrated by the Zionist Nazi politicians. They never perform any type of diplomacy it is always immediate infiltration and war. The CIA are actual Nazis and our governments here in the US and in Australia are filled with Zionist Nazis who are here in the US committing treason, genocide and war crimes. NEVER FORGET NEVER FORGIVE! ARREST THE WAR CRIMINALS ARREST THE GENOCIDE COMMITERS ARREST GENOCIDEJOE AND THE ZIONIST NAZI POLITICIANS AND ARREST NETANYAHU!

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All the Future Terrorist in the Region will be Traced Back to Gaza…! The Humans who were not Killed will have Hatred So Deep In Their Hearts to Avenge the Murder of Their Friends and Families. I would feel the Exact Same Way!

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The real terrorist are and have always been the terrorist IDF! The others have always been the Freedom Fighters! The Terrorist State of Israel has been killing, torturing and destroying the world since 1945. The Zionist Nazis are the enemy of the entire world.

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"....The real question is whether Blinken’s serial diplomatic failures in ending the slaughter in Gaza are a bug or a feature. ..."

What question? Has everyone been asleep while Blinken has whitewashed zionist terrorists two years ago?

20 May 2022: Washington, DC

- The US State Department has removed the ultranationalist Israeli group Kahane Chai from its list of “foreign terrorist organizations” (FTO), in a move that US advocates had warned could embolden supporters of the Israeli far-right...”



And now that organization is IN THE ISRAELI CABINET


So"Questions" about what Blinken's agenda actually is? Really ?

Better to move the analysis on to HOW LONG Blinken has been at this and to uncover the EXTENT and DETAILS of these actions over the years.

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In a country with values and accountability, Sec Blinken should have been by now asked to tender his resignation, as his ACTIONS clearly contributed to what is a historic failure and goes down in history a crime against humanity.

Instead that clown is still up there doubling down on his failed policies and blatant service to violent Zionism.

It’s scandalous.

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The hatred of Israeli’s war crimes is not the hatred of Jews - who, in large numbers, protest too

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No, we define a success as rescuing four hostages and opposing Hamas, an Islamist death cult.

Free Palestine from Hamas and assholes like you.

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No free Hamas and Palestine from the Terrorist State of Israel and the Zionist Nazi politicians from the US! The terrorist IDF is the death cult. Lies will never cover for the Zionist Nazis committing GENOCIDE.

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Have you heard of proportionality?! And rules of war in this century?

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Yes. And unlike you, I know what I am talking about. All you know are buzzwords you virtue-signaling, self-involved, hypocritical, asshole.

You are a parody.

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You don't know shit. Zionist Nazis are the enemy of the entire world and apparently you are one.

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Foul Typical Israeli Mouth hahaha, loser!

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Foul but entirely accurate.

Can't stand you death porn tourists. Lives so empty you happily instigate and encourage the deaths or misery of others to give yourselves a vicarious thrill.

Go slit your own wrists next time.

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After you slit your miserable throat lol

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Like I said: death porn tourist and asshole. You need a hobby that bad, try bowling.

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