Martin Niemöller springs to mind. First they came for the independent journalists and I did not speak out as I was a comfortable mainstream media journalist. Then my newspaper was given away and nobody gave a fuck because I got what I deserved. Ok a little artistic licence

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Anyone commenters here who don’t hate Israel?

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"Either Guardian journalists don't actually care about the police accruing powers to jail journalists for doing journalism.

Or Guardian journalists have no real editorial control over the material they publish, and it is the paper's management that imposes the editorial agenda from the top."

Both could be true.

P.S. Dawn Foster forever!

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I heard Asa Winstanley recount his experience with British “anti-terrorism” police on Code Pink. Pathetic that the Guardian journalists have not stepped up to speak out - although quite common in societies slipping into authoritarianism. I won’t be opening their articles again. Thanks for the enlightenment!!!

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On the same side of Empire, but marketed as the opposite of The Guardian, is The Daily Terrorgraph - https://www.mikehampton.co.uk/p/daily-terrorgraph-telegraph-british-propaganda (forgive me for sharing my own link).

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As a long standing Guardian reader, I've come to the same conclusion. It is no longer that niche paper after becoming an international brand. More recent changes curtailing reader engagement have taken all the interest out of continuing a subscription. This and a dulling of editorial making it more politically acceptable has resulted in The Guardian losing its radical edge. The Tortoise sale which makes no sense whatsoever shows its aspirations lie elsewhere. A pity because with one title left in the GMG stable, the reader offer is impaired and my Sunday mornings will never be the same!!

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I sometimes read the movie reviews, and it's accompanied by guilt (which is appropriate).

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I tackled this subject recently in Finding Truth in Dystopia.


Of the mainstream news sources, I have found The Guardian the most useful on my primary topics of climate change and overshoot. There are no perfect news sources, and ever adjusting scientific studies to contend with. My gut is to emphasize the work of those like James Hansen, rather than Michael Mann, in the face of such dire and immediate consequences. Optimism is foolish.

Jonathon, are there any mainstream news sources we can consider 100 percent unsullied by money and power? Finding truth is a full-time job and requires following the money and a healthy dose of skepticism.

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Nobody's perfect, which normally means they're wrong on Ukraine, but I appreciate Novara Media - https://www.youtube.com/user/NovaraMedia

For anti-war podcasts, Scott Horton - https://www.podbean.com/podcast-detail/zgzty-4f0ff/Scott-Horton-Show---Just-the-Interviews-Podcast

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Thank you for the recommendations, Mike.

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I like Byline Times, Norovira Media and Double Down News.

I'm trying this place too but it could get expensive quite quickly to follow everyone I'd like to, especially as I often miss postings amidst all the other things vying for my attention.

It'd be handy to have a play feature that would read everyones latest works that I'm subscribed to.

A kind of TalkRadio, but not evil!

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Totally agree- it’s as left as Starmer

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Baal gates owns the Guardian. It’s morphed into a rag since he came on the scene. This paper was the one that helped Ed Snowden after he left US INC...before lord of the flies corrupted it into doo doo...even if the “journalists “ know the content is edited etc yaady yaady it’s no excuse for being collective Tokyo Roses. Is it.

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I met a Telegraph journalist once who previously worked at the Guardian.

She said it was strange, her politics fell withing the Guardians target demographic, but actually the Telegraph where much far more liberal in their office culture.

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The telegraph props up Charlie and feudalism and therefore isn’t the ally of the common man.

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I do agree with this author’s honorable tenets, I am against war as well. However, we have a madman at the doors of Poland and a mean spirited dimwit here in America. But, I opine, in these times we need NATO. Trumpie’s is HELL bent on destroying my “puny progress” country—and we need Democratic leadership to literally block and oppose fiercely anything this reckless miscreant who’s so manipulated by flattery, as well as his religious zealots and billionaires whom want everyone and everything for themselves! We’ve really only been a democracy for around thirty years, but now we, here on the righteous left side of things must thwart any and everything these domestic terrorists want to level upon us..Just a side note pertaining to “The Guardian”—they were involved in the slave trade, so that for me is an immediate frown and snicker! But good luck, Britons, on your rights to a free, independent press!

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Do NATO's wars not matter, and give context to its nature in Europe?

Are you saying Biden and Trump are more sane than Putin? Have you, at least, watched 10 speeches or press interactions with each?

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So true, much more dangerous than the mainstream media who are openly hostile to the truth coming out!

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I have given up with all the mainstream media as they proved their true colour during the Palestine and Ukrainian wars. When I want to read and hear the truth I go to independent sites, substak is a good example. They are loosing their readers and see them closing their doors sooner than we think.

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Thank you so much for finding it!!!!

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John Lennon said, ‘Gimme Some Truth.’

The FBI haunted him.

Julian told Truth about unpunished U.S./U.K. war crimes.

The U.S./U.K. hunted him.

The CIA and Starmer too

Stalked Julian like snakes.

They throttled him as pythons do

Until their victim breaks.

War criminals become celebs

Despite their hellish crimes.

The ‘news’ is fake and wisdom ebbs

In these Orwellian times.

Newspeople, ask what you are for—

To cringe, obey, kowtow?

Or warn the world of nuclear war?

You must be Julian now.

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Totally true, and so discouraging. I have left-leaning friends who just keep reading the Guardian or the New York Times.I've tried suggesting an actual progressive site (in my case, Naked Capitalism), but they just keep on with the same establishment-mouthpiece sources that they somehow think are as left as they need...

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