How many Israeli soldiers were taken prisoner in the 10/7/2023 attack? I can’t find a full accounting. The best I could find was a BBC article. It only listed 49 prisoners by name and 5 were listed as IDF.

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“They took them from their homes!”

Okay, and the Israeli military literally KILLED Jews in their homes that day. Which is worse?

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How many of the "civilians" captured or killed by Hamas were IDF reservists?

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Thank you Jonathan for raising this significant point. This should help us to question the use of the word 'Hostages' every time the word is being used in the Gaza context. The thought that came to mind was that every Israeli captured by Hamas bar genuine tourists or foreign worker or under aged youth captured on 7th October, should be seen as fair target, because they have been enlisted in the Israeli military before/and as reservists have taken part in illegal activities under international law.

I am also grateful to you for highlighting the plight of the Palestinian prisoners as being abducted, and we need to insist on this term at all levels including in international courts.

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The trouble is our media never tell us anything unless it’s approved by, in the UK anyhow and elsewhere, our Zionist run Government, and when they do tell us anything it’s carefully vetted. People in the UK don’t get told anything about anything by the MSM anyhow, so they read carefully worded articles slanted to make sure they hate HAMAS.

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I highly suggest reading this summary and watching the video's. Just a few things - contrary to a lot of the reports Israel did not stand down for seven hours - however they were allegedly caught by surprise and completely overpowered. Israel implemented the "Hannibal Directive" less than ONE HOUR after the break-out commenced. The concert was also not relocated 24 hours prior to it's start but rather the location was never disclosed to the concert goers until just before the event. It had nothing to do with the breach but rather typical of secret concerts - you might say. According to this investigation a vast majority were also strung out on drugs which they had begun ingesting at dawn. Superlative reporting.


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The trouble of Israeli settlers in Palestine started in 1882 not in 1967... Israel is not national home of Jews because Jews are not a nation, but it is simply Jewish terrorist organization, so I don't really understand your position starting with 1967 borders... That's complete nonsense...

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I have been referring to Jewish as a religion.

But, I believe that your descriptor is better suited.

From now on I’ll go with The Terrorist Organization known as Jew.

If someone doesn’t want to be identified as a terrorist, then refuse affiliation with the terror group.

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Jews are not a nation and not religion... It's an opportunistic selfish way of life... You just say one thing and do the other, confuse the people, and never admit they are right until the "right" is on your site... It's a cynical ideology and you can (must) read about it in "Jewish History, Jewish Religion", by Israel Shahak. I also would very strongly suggest this : https://gilad.online/writings/2015/11/9/the-expert-witness-part-1

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I know that Israel is not a country.

It’s a crime.

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This article is apposite because I've been noticing time and again how sanitized the press is. I can barely bring myself to read any of it but occasionally I do; the BBC, The Independent, the Guardian and so on and all of these outlets repeat over and over the Hamas attack and the 1200 people dead or injured. Never a single word about the number of murdered Palestinians which surely must be way way above 40,000 now. Israel made apparently an "audacious" attack (the exploding pagers) into Lebanon, not a terrorist one or one that is a crime Against Humanity but a bold and daring one which is what audacious means. The Independent paper which I thought was less awful than the others has put in a small piece by The Spectator which is saying that now that the top Hamas leaders are dead Israel should take the opportunity to get in there and finish the job off so to speak. Basically here in the UK as in the US we are seeing our whole edifice taken over, infiltrated, insidiously and now brazenly by the Israeli lobby. Labour was worse than the Tories. I'm just reading Ilan Pappe's latest book on the lobbying of both sides of the Atlantic. Right from the getgo Labour Party were fully behind the Isreal project. Words fail me.

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A more accurate appraisal of the number of murdered Palestinians is around 200,000, a figure never to be seen in any war-happy corporate media. If Israel continues on its psychotic trajectory unchecked by any of the world's powers, the figure will soon be a million+. That's how Israel wants it and Netanyahu's crime ring has been planning for this for decades. They can't do it without US backing, financial and propaganda, which the ruling political class is only too eager to provide. This is really a US war to ethnic cleanse the entire middle east of all Arab, mainly Palestinian but other Arabs as well, influence and power. The US and the West are using Israel to achieve this hegemonic outcome--securing vast tracts of real estate for Western-Israeli interests.

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This article is apposite because I've been noticing time and again how sanitized the press is. I can barely bring myself to read any of it but occasionally I d; the BBC, The Independent, the Guardian and so on and all of these outlets repeat over and over the Hamas attack and the 1200 people dead or injured. Never a single word about the number of murdered Palestinians which surely must be way way above 40,000 anyway now. Israel made apparently an "audacious" attack (the pages) into Lebanon, not a terrorist one or one that is a crime Against Humanity but a bold and daring one which is what audacious means. The Independent paper which I thought was less awful than the others has put in a small piece by The Spectator which is of course saying that now that various leaders are dead to the Israel should take the opportunity to get in there and finish the job off so to speak. Basically here in the UK as in the US we are seeing our whole edifice taken over, infiltrated, insidiously and now brazenly by the Israeli lobby. Labour was worse than the Tories. I'm just reading Ilan Pappe's latest book on the lobbying of both sides of the Atlantic. Right from the getgo Labour Party were fully behind the Isreal project. Words fail me.

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Just a matter of Interest I have just read from Thomas Fazi that the West is increasingly taking over Moldova wanting it to join the EU. Apparently all of the senior members of Parliament including the Prime Minister are actually Romanian and they are all backed by the West. This bodes extremely ill for that small country, the majority of who's population do not want to be dancing with the West

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You are so right about our media pundits being propagandists. They exist for one thing only--to continue dumping the hasbara/propaganda our government wants us to believe for as long as possible.

The only solution is to turn off the TV/Radio and find a good indie journalist's podcast to listen to instead.

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Spot on! I would add that the majority of the Terrorist State of Israel's people are in the Terrorist military force of the IDF whether in the reserves or active from age 18 to 45! The Freedom Fighters knew this and that fact that all of these settler post are manned with armed personnel! They were strictly after military personnel and some of the actual citizens who were either released or present said they had been PROTECTED BY HAMAS because the Terrorist IDF tried to kill them!

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Michael Hudson and Richard Wolfe dropped some horrible news about the genocide and the chances that it can be stopped.

The part about how the UN has no power to rein in Israel is at the end of the long video. If you’re short on time watch the ending. But the whole video is worth watching.


Americans can stop our warmongering if enough people got out to protest. Go to the White House with 5 million people and close DC down. Maybe a general strike too might work. But we’re not even trying.

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Sam I understand that all Jews are not awful however as a whole they certainly have far more influence then we do - and yet they do nothing. Again, just to clarify, as an entity. Therefore I now personally boycott everything and everyone who is Jewish. NOT because I'm an antisemitic but rather to force them into solidarity to stand up and do something more than just talk. The highest holy days just came and went - think how different this might be if they all boycotted something so small as simply attending synagogue? Therefore they are all just as responsible.

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Around 2002 with the Iraq war looming, I wrote letters to many politicians complaining about the Christian Zionist political agenda which "prophesied" that Jesus would return after Armageddon in the Middle East. This brainwashing has created a "critical mass" of unthinking support for US wars for decades. US Time magazine 1.7.2002 in article "The bible and the apocalypse" wrote "59% believe the prophecies in the Book of Revelation will come true". Netanyahu's govt is top heavy with extremists using religious texts as an excuse for genocide and the theft of land for Greater Israel. Hand in hand with US extremists. This is the dark side of religious power and it's misuse. Big changes needed to stop the war industry.

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Yeah, we all know how that went.

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Oct 19·edited Oct 19

It isn't a double standard--merely one: we good, they bad. (Antecedents of the pronouns may be shifted as needed.)

As for media propaganda, that's its historical role. In the US, there's the fine example of the Hearst newspapers with "Remember the Maine!" Repeated with the Gulf of Tonkin incident...ad nauseam.

Truth doesn't matter when the object is to push the population into supporting a war. After all, it isn't the elites that have to pay for it. Nor are they the ones doing the fighting and dying.

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"Give me the headline, and I'll give you the war."

- The USS Maine

- The Lucitania and the babys on bayonets

- Pearl Harbor ( The White House was well aware of the attack days in advance

- The gulf of Tonkin event that never happened

- The students in Grenada that were never in any danger

- The non existing incubator babies

- Israel did 9/11, all the proof in the world

- The non existing WMDs in Iraq

- 7/7 in London

- 7/22 in Oslo

............., and so on, and so forth.

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Oct 20·edited Oct 20

"Nor are they the ones doing the fighting and dying."

I am reminded that those great colonisers of their day, the Romans, noted the ancient Celts in such places as Gaul to have a peculiar practice where they would try to avoid warfare and engaging in battle with each other by simply having the leaders duel to the death to settle disputes instead, thereby saving everyone else from bloodshed.

Well, the Romans were naughty and only liked to respect the result when it went in their favour, as when their commanders died, they just replaced them and went on with whatever they planned before; if the Celtic leader died, they respected the result and the Romans got a free victory. Can't rely on word of honour if the enemy doesn't have any.

When I first read of that, I was imagining back then as a teenager what that'd look like in our time—George Bush versus Saddam Hussein? Today, I guess Joe Biden and Netanyahu duelling Hamas and Hezbollah leaders in hand-to-hand combat? Free victory for the Arabs every time. What we do instead sounds far more barbaric—the ancient Celts were yet another "barbarous" people of history who were made out by the "civilised" to be senseless baby killers who dressed funny (and didn't know how to put on a toga worth a damn). Some things never change!

Point being, these damn elites are the ones who should be paying for it. If you want a war, be willing to go fight and die in it yourself, or don't have it!

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The planners who insist their abstract theoretical assumptions are Truth have no problem with the the forever wars it takes to maintain their illusions of empire. Their "Truth" shifts on demand. I personally knew a CIA agent who ran arms (including infamous ones) to Saddam when Iraq was fighting Iran. Probably no surprise the guy was also a right wing evangelical. The only person I've ever met who chilled me to the bone; he would have scared Satan.

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Chilling but completely believable. We probably are approaching the end times where good verses evil big time, like all of those horrible horror movies put together where there's the final battle. If we hope for justice in this world of Samsara it will not be found.

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I forced myself many years ago to read far right evangelical end times books. Hal Lindsey's Late great planet earth (US bestseller!) and others, incl John Hagee who leads US Christians United for Israel. Reading their descriptions of God dishing out wrath on non-believers literally made my hair stand on end. Your CIA/arms dealer/RW evangelical. Yep. The menu on Hagee's Christians United for Israel site has War Room as its first choice.

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the IDF killed a large percent to those who died on Oct 7. The Hannibal Directive.


The "country" of Israel, which has no borders, is a scourge on mankind. Actually, their lies about how this country or that says they have no right to exist...Gosh...Israel has not earned a right to exist, have they?

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