I'm only just discovering your work Jonathan but you are bang on, every word. You wrote this just four days before the new killing fields were once again revealed to be in a country far far away from these monsters and their families. I hadn't realised Bliar was still working! How naive of me! We must make the changes needed happen. I believe 38 degrees gets its name from the point at which an avalanche occurs. The tipping point. When will we get there.

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Spot on!

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Justice" in the West is an oxymoron. And it is definitely not blind. So we will never see Bush Blair Cheney or any of the other criminals including Hillary and Obama in prison. They will never be judged – except maybe 100 years from now.

Our best our are our least,

each not a beast

but something worse

for animals behave as they should

and these just as they would

a curse.

These men lie

for those at the top

need not answer why

the children cry and die

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Of course you’re right, Jonathan. Sadly, though, we all know that Blair, Bush and Cheney will never face justice. Immediately after the horrors of the Iraq War, there was a sizeable chunk of people in the UK who wanted Tory Blur to be sent to The Hague to face the ICC. And, of course, that never happened, nor will it ever happen because of the same system that you eloquently describe: more’s the pity.

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Prick Cheney is a traitor and partially responsible for 9/11/2001. Prick Cheney is also a pedophile as MKUltra victim Kathy O'Brien pointed out. https://philberg.substack.com/p/where-did-the-towers-go

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Brilliant summary of a terrible time once again Jonathan Cook. I hope that you are not despairing.. Many of us appreciate your work. But you are opposed by corrupt liars in power who are intent on enriching themselves and care nothing for truth or the millions they have killed. Things are getting even worse. It is good to hear a voice of sanity and truth in these darkest of times.

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As you know well, Bliar is much maligned and loathed here in the UK because he should be in prison for war crimes. The controlled legacy media always roll him out to promote aspects of the Orwellian agenda which he has often promoted in the past, like digital ID. In some ways this has helped more people to wake-up and realise what is going on which is a good thing.

In addition to Cheney's involvement in the Iraq war crimes, I always think of his partnership in Genie Energy along with Jacob Rothschild and James Woosley, prospecting for oil in Syria's illegally occupied Golan Heights which Netanyahu was "lusting over" and Trump supported. http://www.williamengdahl.com/englishNEO30Mar2017.php

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I thought that Trump's comment that the Iraq War was a mistake, given at the 2016 South Carolina Republican Primary debate of all places, galvanized Liz Cheney's hatred for him. That debate sunk Jeb Bush (remember Jebmentum?) and put the crosshairs on Trump's back.

That said, this is no defense of Trump. He used drones excessively and killed many innocents.

But yes, G. W. Bush, Richard Cheney, and Tony Blair belong in prison, period.

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On point Mr Cook, you would have to add the Clinton's and Obama to the conversation, Clinton being the architect of the assassination of Gaddafi and destruction of Libya, one of the most modern, well functioning and highest standards of living countries in Africa, reduced now to a failed state, controlled by various gangs and warlords with all number of weapons floating around. Lets hope Biden and sons corrupt dealings in Ukraine are fully exposed as most of us know what really happened.

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Spot on. Trump is both a symptom and the emblem of the USA establishment's descent into the swamp. The whitewashing of Cheney, Bush and Blair was the preamble.

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It makes me sick: our forever wars. We close the books (post carnage) in Afghanistan than deviously have Ukrainians and Russians get slaughtered while our military capitolistic complex slither to their bank accounts. We are barbarians to be complicit in this avoidable war.

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I’m curious - what was ‘avoidable’ about this war? Were we supposed just to let Russia reclaim the bits of the USSR it regretted losing?

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ALL wars create more wars, create more hate, create more innocent lives lost ... avoidable ... yes!!!!!

how long do we ride this hamsters wheel of insanity?!

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I realise an answer has been well provided in "Moscow wanted negotiations but, in their absence, was prepared to go to war to remove the threats to which it objected. Washington knew this when it rejected talks with Moscow. The American refusal to talk was an unambiguous decision to accept the risk of war rather than explore any compromise or accommodation with Russia." An interview with a suitable spokesperson for one of our purportedly law enforcing national groups has stated the war in Ukraine is a cost effective way to see what Russia has. It seems that we 'the good guys' may have caused the war, the murder of Ukrainians and Russians, as a cost effective way to get 'our' largest enemy to reveal what he has. These are quite literally games to these monsters. Something must change to ensure these nation led groups of overpaid psychopaths are shutdown and never revived. I have every dystopian film I've ever watched flashing through my mind. These films are portrayed as far fetched, and extreme, other world like; but in actuality they today exist, just without the colourful elaborate hair and costumes and monochrome structures. Share and keep sharing Jonathan's insightful and informative writing. Information is power they say and true it must be given the amount of misinformation the BBC alone produces - now I know why the presenters are paid so much, its blood money, say what we tell you to say and you'll be set for life.

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Thank you. How depressing. Who put Boris up to going to Ukraine then? Given his apparent lack of decisiveness and general disdain for work, it’s unlikely to have been his initiative.

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Though I would add the Clintons and Obama to the mix.

And let us not forget the Orwellian surveillance apparatus unleashed by the monsters.

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Agreed. The list is exhaustive.

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Republicans Against Trump makes a great acronym - RATs

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War crimes: prioritizing villainy and placing it in perspective, an excellent article reminding us of things the Deep State would prefer we forget.

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