This is a great article, and it comes at a time when many on the right have woken up to all the horrors they supported over the years. One example of this is the conservative commentator James Delingpole, who is currently trying to get John Pilger on his podcast, and even said he owes him an apology. This could be a revolutionary time with a great rebalancing of power, but instead the left have sided with big pharma, the government, and billionaires with sinister agendas. The left currently believes all the crap the establishment have shoved down their throats - that 'fossil fuels' are running out, the Earth is being destroyed by carbon dioxide, we must all take untested gene therapies to prevent the elderly catching colds, that Russia is our enemy, and that anyone with a view on controlling immigration is 'far-right'. Perhaps unsurprisingly, the 'collectivists' are the ones most vulnerable to poisonous groupthink.

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I couldn't agree more and always appreciate your perceptive observations. Perhaps the worst thing about divisive tribalism is that it blocks respect and communication, blinding each side to learning anything from the other. Dennis Kucinich made a terse observation about this in an interview last summer: “Partisanship does violence to cognition.”

The pandemic scare has made me, a 75 year old lifelong leftie, more aware than ever before that no side has a corner on truth. That so many liberals and lefties are now embracing censorship and technocratic totalitarianism leaves me appalled and thankful like never before that libertarians and conservatives are defending our freedoms.

I can't think of a more expeditious way for the left to discredit itself and its causes than to embrace the authoritarian scientific dogma of the official response to the pandemic. It is the exact opposite of true science, which is an ongoing process of improving our understanding of reality through open exchange and evaluation.

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