To accept what you say Jonathan - which I do - is to question how such enormous and ongoing deception could have been perpetrated on the public of Western countries for so long. This is another story altogether but it is analogous to your story to the degree that truthfulness in the West has been ‘our casualty’ throughout this deception and callous, imperious, self-interest-driven meddling. And this damage to the truthfulness of our political masters has trickled down into our societies and resulted in levels of corruption in that threatens their very fabric.

But maybe this was also part of the ‘master plan’?

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Brilliant 👏👏👏

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Only thirty years!.... (and the rest!)

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There is evidence that HTS leader Ahmad al-Sharaa (formerly al-Jolani), the new appointed president of Syria, has been the CIA’s chosen survivor of a targeted assassination program directed at his rivals in Idlib province for the last decade. That is because he has been a CIA operative ever since he was imprisoned in Iraq during the insurgency 20 years ago. There have been many small targeted mysterious air strikes by the US in Idlib over the years to take out specific rebel leaders.

The targeted assassination of Muhammad Salah al-Za’bir, another senior operative in the al-Qaeda-affiliated Hurras al-Din terrorist group just this week is an example of this CIA selection process. It is not hard to figure this out.

For example, just last August the US also killed Abu-Abd al-Rahman al-Makki, who was described as a “senior leader” of Hurras al-Din. (see link)… https://news.antiwar.com/2024/08/25/us-says-it-killed-senior-member-of-hurras-al-din-in-syria/

Just ask yourself, why wasn't al-Jolani targeted all of these years? Would the US really invest $ billions to bring to power in Syria someone that they were not sure of?

Ahmad al-Sharaa had been groomed and selected all of these years by the CIA, with all of his competition eliminated with these air strikes in Idlib. Al-Qaeda has been totally co-opted by the CIA for many years. Any local leader of competing groups to HTS in Idlib that might have gotten suspicious to this CIA selection process were themselves eliminated, all in the same manner.

So when Jake Sullivan told Hillary Clinton in an email back in 2013, "al-Qaeda is on our side", this is what he was talking about.

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There is evidence that Biden and his Zionists zealots intentionally delayed the Gaza cease fire deal for eight months so that Israel could launch its attack on Hezbollah, weaken it, and allow for a coordinated regime change offensive by al-Qaeda rebels in neighboring Syria after the US election. They wanted time to prepare the ground for regime change in Syria. They had to keep the Gaza war going to accomplish this. There is also solid evidence that the continuation of the war in Gaza for those eight months cost Kamala Harris the election.

What this means is that Biden put his zealotry for Israel, allowing Israel to keep and steal more Palestine land, above his own Democrat party loyalty. This is the ultimate betrayal.

All reports indicate that the Gaza cease fire deal that was announced is, word for word, the same as what was put forth last May, and which Hamas agreed to last June. Israel and Biden intentionally delayed the deal so that it could weaken Hezbollah starting in September, with the exploding pagers, ground invasion, assassinations, and massive aerial bombing. All of it done in coordination with al-Qaeda rebels preparing their offensive from Idlib province in Syria. It was all coordinated between Israel, Turkey and the U.S. That is why the Gaza cease fire deal was delayed by the US for months, with Blinken lying about Hamas delaying the deal. They wanted time to prepare for regime change in Syria.

Here is the evidence. The US supported al-Tanf rebels, located in the Southeast of Syria, at that US controlled border crossing, say that they were instructed to prepare for the 'mother of all battles' days before the al-Qaeda rebels even launched their offensive toward Aleppo from Idlib, and then later down to Damascus. These al-Tanf rebels were so prepared that they actually captured Palmyria far to their North, cutting off the road to Deir Ezor in the East, and the only remaining road to Baghdad, which Iraqi Shia militias might use to rescue the Syrian Army. The al-Tanf rebels advanced all the way to the suburbs of Damascus days before the al-Qaeda rebels even got to Damascus. A U.S. B-52 bomber was flying cover for them high above each day, just in case it was needed. This was not done without a lot of planning.

Thousands more civilians in Gaza died during this delay, and dozens of hospitals and schools were bombed, all so that the US and Israel and Turkey could achieve their long-promised regime change in Syria. A promise made by George Bush neocons to Saudi Arabia back in 2002 in exchange for Saudi ' permission' for the US to remove Saddam in Iraq. This permission from the Saudis' was necessary for that Iraq war to proceed in 2003. Throughout the previous decade, following the Gulf war of 1991, the Saudis' had refused to allow for this removal, fearing a Shia takeover. That is why the US stopped short in 1991 Desert Storm. The Saudis did not agree to it.

But, in 2002, the same list of proposed regime change countries that was shown to General Wesley Clark, as he describes on numerous YouTube channels, was also shown by Dick Cheney to Saudi Prince Bandar out at the Bush ranch in Texas. This same list of countries had also been part of a position paper called “Clean Break”, which was written by the same neocons for Netanyahu six years earlier in 1996. As a result, the Saudis finally agreed to the Iraq war, knowing full well that Iraq would soon be ruled by Shia Muslims, but in exchange, Assad would be removed in Syria.

So, with the regime change in Syria, twenty years delayed by both the insurgency in Iraq as well as the rise of ISIS in 2014, and the intervention by Russia in 2015, the US finally fulfilled its part of the grand bargain made to carry out the Iraq war.

Biden’s neo-liberal Zionists thought that their alliance with the leftover Bush neocons, like Liz Cheney and Lincoln Project Republicans, a rehabilitated George Bush, and Zionists controlled mainstream media, would be enough to allow them to overcome the millions of Democrats in their own party that refused to vote for genocide enablers. They thought that their neo-liberal / Zionists / neocon alliance could achieve all of their goals in Gaza, Lebanon and Syria, and they could still win in November. They miscalculated.

That is why they delayed the cease fire deal in Gaza for eight months. That is why these criminals thought it was necessary for more Palestinians to die.

And that is why Donald Trump is now President !

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"...following Saddam Hussein’s foolhardy decision to invade Kuwait,..."

Was it really foolhardy? Kuwait had been using Canadian slant oil drilling technology to drill into disputed border territory. Kuwait had been uncooperative in resolving the dispute. Kuwait finally agreed to mediation through Hosni Mubarak. In a recorded meeting with Saddam, urgently requested by April Glaspie US Ambassador, she assured him the US had no interest in Arab vs Arab affairs. That meeting was days before the mediation, which was cancelled by Kuwait almost immediately after Glaspie's meeting with Saddam. It wasn't foolhardy, Iraq was being strangled and invaded out of necessity.

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I can't help but think that such a clear summary of a big chunk of my adult life as it was flashed over the TV screens was possible. Listening and thinking that this this thing that we witnessed over the decades and are still witnessing today, that has affected all parts of the middle east/ north Africa, was not a quirk of their own sectarian struggles but attributable to the hideous power of just one axis between the US and Israel and their cohorts that sought to dominate and divide these geographies that contain vast reserves of hydrocarbons, for the enrichment of the west' ability to fight a future war on it's most dangerous adversaries. Partly through an attempt to be able to starve it's adversaries of it's energy requirements that it will need in order to defend themselves against this brutal unforgiving axis, it has unequivocally destroyed the middle east for it's own greed and self interest possiibly as a step for an even greater destruction that perhaps may include even our own. Is this the so called pinnacle of human destiny good grief it feels so much like the children's playground bullies ran amok but with adult means. So bloody dangerous it has an inevitability about it.

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Wow that was chilling... for the record never believed this

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Thank you Jonathon.

I was reminded of a paragraph from a novel I wrote a couple of years back, called "A Wider Perspective." The speaker is a Revisionist Zionist Rabbi from Montreal, who is visiting Washington, DC, in the hope of being hired by as a media strategist by the Israeli Embassy. While nodding to sleep in his DC hotel room, he is visited by a vision of "Eretz Israel three hundred years hence":

"And as his concentration drifted, the thought of Eretz Yisrael three hundred years hence came to him. A time when her frontiers stretched from the Mediterranean to the banks of the Euphrates, from the Golan Heights to the Red Sea, and there were no more questions of the legitimacy of Jewish rights over this land, nor any sincere considerations of Palestinian Arab claims. A time when all that remained of Palestinian culture were a few authentic villagetzm scattered near excavated ruins: a dozen or so huts, a public garden, a play park where youths played soccer and girls attended to their younger siblings, while their parents gathered and prepared food in the traditional manner or worked in the artisanal workhouses at the gated entrance of the villagetzm. A waqf of the Knesset, financed by Israel Tourism and the charity of tourists, in recognition of authentic Palestinian Arab culture, for the enlightenment and entertainment of visitors brought there after touring some local ruin or reservoir… Brought there to grope their way through restored underground tunnels or to visit the souvenir shops where they could bargain down overpriced kufiya and jars of sorted sand grains, prepared by local craftsmen… Brought there to witness the shuffling of feet in the traditional ghost dance, every afternoon during the tourist season, as was done by the Mohawk warriors, during the trips organized for his students to the reserve at Kahnawake."

In solidarity.

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I believe in father christmas

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"You will doubtless also believe that Washington’s long-held plan for “global full-spectrum dominance” is benign, and that Israel and the US don’t have Iran and China in their sights next."

Full spectrum dominance is just the transfer of ye o£de Brutish Vampire's parasitic 'empire upon which the sun never sets' to its WA$P coU$in over the pond.

See also the white man's burden, our civilising mission, bringing KKKristian $a£vation to the heathen, the 'mere Irish' terrorist vs our asSASsin and sainted Para squadies peacekeepers...

Rule # 1 (of the ru£€$ based international disorder) :- First commandeer the mora£ high ground.

Rule # 2 : Demonise all resistance.

Rule # 3 : Hijhack the lexicon, a la Trumpty Dumpty, so that media-volume blows semantic coherence to ob£ivion.


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"...the transfer of ye o£de Brutish Vampire's parasitic 'empire upon which the sun never sets' to its WA$P coU$in over the pond..."

There wasn't a whole lot of actual "British" in the Empire. Parasitic? Yes, to some extent, but in many of those countries, the cost of dragging, what were essentially stone age cultures into the 19th and then 20th century, cost as much or more than the actual "British" Empire took out. There was no "transfer...to its WA$P cousin" because the drunken bum Zionist toadie Churchill started a war he couldn't win at their request, then was forced, by Rosenfeld and his Zionists to cancel the Ottawa Agreements as the cost of the illegal "lend/lease" scam. The Agreements worked for everyone in the Empire. It wasn't a transfer, it was a theft. As an aside, the UK paid its every penny of the scam, the US cancelled the Soviet debt. You know, the Soviet Union that was created by the international banking cartel funded Bolsheviks.

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" Parasitic? Yes, to some extent, but in many of those countries, the cost of dragging, what were essentially stone age cultures into the 19th and then 20th century, cost as much or more than the actual "British" Empire took out."

Ireland was a long way from a 'stone age culture' when the Anglo-Normans brought their primitive, war-cult feudalism to replace our Brehon legal system.

India was possibly the richest civilisation in Asia before the East India Company landed to marry its class pyramiid into the local caste hierarchies. China was systematically looted using Indian opium (creating famines by destroying local agricultural economies en route) to restore the balance of trade deficits.

British imperial pillage did not start in the 19th century...Ireland has had nearly the full millenium of it's Union JacKKKboots reich.

Methinks your English rose-tinted retrospectacles need a polish.

Empire, like charity, begins at home. Dickens documents the 19th century systemic squalor that the planet, via this neofeudal hubris, was being dragged into.

Palestine, yet another creation of this white-collar organised criminality of tribal-sectarian global pi££ag€ idiot$, with their Nato corporate cart€£$ enforcer replacing the UN Charter with its mercurial 'rules-based' disorder is dragging us into.

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As a Breton, I suggest you polish your own retrospectacles. The Spanish and Portuguese were looting African and the New World long before the British. The French and Dutch were in competition for looting and destruction of culture in the Americas, Africa, India and Asia with the British as well. Both the (((Dutch))) East India Company and the (((British))) East India Company had private armies in those conquests. In the case of India, the company sucked out most of the wealth before turning it over to the government. Were the Spanish wrong to stop human sacrifices in the Americas? Were the British wrong to ban sati in India? The French are still messing around in Africa. Ireland? Well, Cornwall, Wales and Scotland, all related to ancient Bretons, were invaded prior to Ireland by the Normans, who were FROM FRANCE. None of the Western European powers have clean hands in Africa, Asia, and the Americas, and the Ottomans don't have clean hands in 2 of those 3. Let's not even start on the Mongols.

I have long supported the movement for Canada to leave the North Atlantic Terrorist Organization and declare neutrality, just as I have landed myself, several times, in hot water for pointing out that the narrative of "Never again" used by the (((shitty little country))) criminal haven that causes most of the world's problems is ridiculous, because you can't have "Never again" as long as there never was. We can't fix today's problems before sorting out the massive lies of the two world wars

caused by the same people.

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"...I suggest you polish your own retrospectacles. The Spanish and Portuguese were looting African and the New World long before the British."

I'm well aware of that, the papacy having split Turtle Island between its clients.

It was the loot intercepted by the Elizabethan £icensed pirates of the Caribbean that was used to set up the British East India operation, itself preceded by the Dutch privateers, from whom the Brits bough New Amsterdam and renamed it New York. The Poruguese led the explorations, thought the Chinese had beaten them to the game, before retreating, having invented the compass en passant. They concieved of it as having four cardinal points, a better idea for navigation than the monocular West uber a££€$ currently winding its own $hroud.

As for "Were the Spanish wrong to stop human sacrifices in the Americas?"

If you believe that was their motivation, or that they succeeded, I've an Eiffel Tower you might want to buy.

I'll leave you to your capitalised lesson on Normandy's origins in eponymous Norse settlement.

Good luck with your pedantic curmudgeonly lecturing career .

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You seem to be willfully ignoring the point that colonizers, irrespective of their origin do their damnedest to loot and kill off those who resist. The Maori wiped out (ate) all but a few of the original inhabitants of New Zealand. The Bantus wiped out African tribes as they expanded. The "native" Americans have oral traditional stories that speak of "hostile red haired giants" when they arrived in territories, so they killed them off. They didn't hesitate killing off each other either. All that was before the "evil white man" arrived. The Incas killed off "the cloud people" and other tribes. The Han Chinese are seen by other Chinese as invaders and colonialists. Ask the Indians what they think of the Moghuls. How far do you want to break it down? Colonialism is colonialism irrespective of who is doing it, and bad things happen in colonialism. By the way, the Portuguese took about 10 million African slaves, by far the most, to the Americas.

"If you believe that was their motivation, or that they succeeded, "

It is irrelevant whether that was their motivation. The question is "Was it wrong?" That they slowed it down, I think, was a good thing. Even the Maori acknowledge that the British stopping cannibalism was a good thing.

As for the "capitalised lesson on Normandy's origins" let's go whole hog: the Normans, Angles, Saxons, Danes, Norwegians, Swedes and Franks were all Germanic tribes. Even Spain had its Goth invasion in some areas. Does that make Germans responsible for European colonialism?

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"You seem to be willfully ignoring the point that colonizers, irrespective of their origin do their damnedest to loot and kill off those who resist. "

Perhaps the wilful ignorance is in the projecting imagination of the accuser?

I could take the time to elaborate...but why waste time.

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Another brilliant, accurate and very helpful article, thank you. The US and it's poodles are disgusting war mongers, who cause destruction and misery wherever they go. Free Palestine, the West Bank and Syria.

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Really informative and neatly distinguishes objective information from the propaganda. More people need to realize these true-version of events.

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More like 80!

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I appreciated your having chronicled in a succinct manner the histories of architected, orchestrated, covertly inspired and executed events and activities to propagandize the world and especially citizens of supposedly "democratic" political structures (ours being a Constitutional Republic in significant decline, long ago sold out to the globalist's designs for a centralized, transnational terror cartel masquerading as a world government) to foist these fabrications, lies and intentional deceptions and to justify every kind of military industrial complex favoring coups, color revolutions, foreign government destabilizations, overthrows and the intentional creation of hostile, extreme factions (religious and otherwise) to serve the purposes of the "ruling class" until their usefulness was exhausted and then to further berate and find excuses for warring against them, etc. We have been fed lies for so long the appetite for the truth is absent. Truth telling becomes radical and unpopular. Defending atrocities is consigned to those who are emotionally unstable and easily "swayed" by political misrepresentations, etc....when in reality the world we have been told we see is indeed very different than the picture and narrative that has been systematically fed to us and reinforced with revisionist history and the bold lies about "free nations" and "rights" and Manifest destiny", etc. While there is no actual anthropomorphic (man-initiated, CO2 as a pollutant) climate change, there IS and has been and continues be for the future, active and multi-faceted climate engineering, weather modification, and the systematic injection of aerosolized toxins including heavy metals (aluminum, strontium, barium, cesium, uranium, and 150+ more), microplastics, and foreign proteins and poisons into our skies, polluting our air, soil, trees & plants, and animal life -- slowly seeding humankind with nano technological components to enable a synthetic biology to replace and supersede our organically designed physicality and connect us to a hive mind, an electromagnetically induced and managed mind and will control -- to reward our naivete and simplistic belief in corrupted "science" with the big lie and to use our gullibility to continue the assault on humankind wholesale, worldwide, simultaneously and with intent and purpose (including the culling of unwanted segments and the enslavement of the remainder into C-40/smart cities where survivors live out their days in virtual reality, completely monitored and directed in every facet of their lives by AI-run algorithms). This is the ultimate 5th generation warfare -- against teach individual mind and heart. The wars and conflicts and activities preceding this time have been the initial experiments (for example, controlling the weather in VietNam, using chemical warfare in the middle east, using computer-aided targeting equipment and models to target unwanted "combatants" -- which always include the usually downplayed "collateral damage" in the form of women, children, elderly and those who are not engaged in any battles of any kind such as we see in Gaza and nations surrounding the nation state calling itself Israel and its aspirations for "Greater Israel, backed by the City of London and Washington DC puppets who gladly do the bidding of the Mossad and the criminals in charge of the governing apparatus in Israel and abroad...Persist! When the warnings cease and the resistance to abject servitude and surrender to the military complex have occurred, the end is nearer than we can imagine and no life will be worth living unless it has been redeemed and transferred into the kingdom of God through Christ Jesus and His provision in love for those who choose Him.

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That's a long paragraph, but it seems to me that you have a grasp of what's going on. An interesting read. Thanks.

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Good stuff Jonathan that lays it all out quite clearly.

My only quibble is that Saddam Hussein's invasion of Kuwait wasn't silly. He was sucker punched by the US who have previously told him that they had no opinion about it when he informed them that this was what he was about to do, (due to Kuwait sideways drilling into Iraqi oil deposits and unpaid monies owing from the Iran-Iraq war). If they had said that there was a problem with the invasion, I doubt it would have taken place. April Glaspie's quotes on this are easy to find and can be argued to give tacit approval for the invasion.

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Thank you: well said.

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