Good stuff Jonathan that lays it all out quite clearly.

My only quibble is that Saddam Hussein's invasion of Kuwait wasn't silly. He was sucker punched by the US who have previously told him that they had no opinion about it when he informed them that this was what he was about to do, (due to Kuwait sideways drilling into Iraqi oil deposits and unpaid monies owing from the Iran-Iraq war). If they had said that there was a problem with the invasion, I doubt it would have taken place. April Glaspie's quotes on this are easy to find and can be argued to give tacit approval for the invasion.

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Fully on board with the majority of your article, apart from two points which I'm surprised you still maintain are factual.

1. you mention "Climate change" was a factor in Syria's, "There’s no doubt that Assad’s rule – combined with drought and crop failures brought on by climate change. Do you really believe climate change is a thing? A debate for another day.

2. 9/11, There is overwhelming evidence this was a joint CIA, Mossad, American zionist operation.

see a brilliant video from Matthew Tower, has all the receipts.


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There’s no doubt that Newsom’s rule – combined with drought and crop failures brought on by climate change. - led to growing unrest.

One can despise wokeness and fascism whilst believing pollution is evil.

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Those that believe that burning jet fuel can demolish tall buildings will likely believe anything else spun by the media.

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How come, Jonathon, you repeat the lies about 9/11? Saudis? Osama? Really? So the Saudis set up Building 7 for controlled demolition, as they did with the Twin Towers, it was the Saudis who told Larry Silverstein not to have his 91st-floor breakfast that day, it was the Saudis who asked Larry to reinsure the site so he could make 30 Billion...Oh yeah, and the US REALLY finally got rid of Osama Bin - wasn't it under the rule of Obama Sin-laden? - and out of respect for Muslim 'Culture' dropped his body from a plane into the sea? Come on, Johnathan, you don't really believe in Disneyland????

Apart from that, I really appreciate your work. Thank you.

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Whilst the "intelligence" services of USA and UK continue to corrupt and dominate global mainstream media there is no way, other than independent sources, that these truths can be broadcast to the World at large. In fact the majority of Western citizens have been psyop'd such that they don't want to know the truth because it will change everything and people have been trained to avoid and dislike change. Other than into a deep abyss of despair, I don't know where we go from here.

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As the bombs rain down next week upon those Palestinians returning to their demolished Gaza homeland (as your picture shows), Western media will throw up its arms claiming that those hoards of refugees (believing there to be a cease fire) are in fact terrorists, according to Israel's AI surveillance. The Western audience will cry “Oh No” and tune in for more reports later.

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One story missing from the 20 years in Afghanistan is how much looting went on during that time.

I saw an article on how oil executives said that they can’t start withdrawing the oil until the area was made safe. That was during Bush.

There was a discovery of enormous mineral wealth in the country soon after we invaded.

We were there to fight the Taliban but we were bribing them to let our convoys through. No wonder no one wanted us to leave.

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Do you believe it when so many people (obviously wicked antisemites!!) say that the Western media are largely controlled by Jews??? In the New York Times , le Figaro, the Murdoch press and many others it is impossible to find articles which really give balanced news. (Anti)social (!) media are the source of "news" for many busy people especially those young and impressionable.

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Some say Israel is a puppet of USA's foreign policy. I say that USA, particularly Congress, is a puppet of the Zionists project; bearing in mind that many Zionists are neither Israelis nor Jews and many Jewish Israelis are anti-Zionists.

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The deceptive melding of the definition of zionism from what it means to be Jewish and the generations now of Sunday school brainwashing in some sects of Christianity and Jewish teachings has created a society disconnected from reality, a brutal nightmare fantasy our congress has also been bribed into believing. One of the largest most devastatingly designed hoax of history. On par with the crusades, slavery, and the Native American holocausts.

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The New York Times, as a notable example, may have actually helped create the immoral and unethical Iraq War — a ‘war’ that was much more like a turkey shoot, considering the massive military might attacking the relatively weak country — through then-VP Dick Cheney’s anonymous and knowingly-false claims that Iraq had weapons of mass destruction.

After the severe damage was done, the Times claimed honest-ignorance innocence on the grounds that it was its blogger’s overzealousness that was really at fault. The same Times that otherwise insists upon securing the non-publishable yet accurate identity of its writers’ anonymous information sources.

Quite memorable was popular Times columnist Thomas L. Friedman’s appearance on Charlie Rose’s show (May 29, 2003), where he ranted about the war’s justification and supposed success:

“… And what we needed to do was to go over to that part of the world and burst that bubble. We needed to go over there basically, uhm, and, uh, uhm, take out a very big stick, right in the heart of that world and burst that bubble. And there was only one way to do it because part of that bubble said ‘we’ve got you’ this bubble is actually going to level the balance of power between us and you because we don’t care about life, we’re ready to sacrifice and all you care about is your stock options and your hummers.

"… And what they needed to see was American boys and girls going house to house from Basra to Baghdad, uhm, and basically saying which part of this sentence don’t you understand. You don’t think we care about our open society, you think this bubble fantasy we’re going to just let it go, well suck on this. Ok. That, Charlie, was what this war was about. We could have hit Saudi Arabia. It was part of that bubble. We could have hit Pakistan. We hit Iraq, because we could. And that’s the real truth.”

Potential translation: 'Just to be on the safe side, let’s error in favor of militarily assaulting, invading and devastating Iraq [and maybe looting their untapped fossil fuel resources].'

What astonishes me is how such pro-War news-media professionals can afterwards sleep at night or look their little children/grandchildren in the face everyday. But, from another perspective, the Times may have jumped on the atrocity-prone Iraq-invasion bandwagon due to their close proximity to the massive 9/11 blow the city took only a few years prior. And there was plenty of that particularly bitter bandwagon going around in Western circles back then.

Some people may feel that a self-compromised or corrupt mainstream news-media is better than no mainstream news-media; I do not. And there are reporters/journalists and editors who still speciously reply to accusations of subjective journalism with ‘I’m just the messenger’, or that they are but a reflection of the community in which they circulate. They are not.

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The lowest is the pro-war war reporter.

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I believe at least one person understood to be an ISIS commander of some eleven years, was arrested in Libya (by whom I do not know) who turned out to actually have been a Mossad spy. Eleven years as an ISIS commander that’s dedication…. I tend also to also believe that Islamic extremism is foremostly a creation of Israel and the US. We have been conned by evil murderous tyrants—ours.

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And who benefitted most from all these wars of terror perpetrated by the US and its

evil NATO minions? The state of terrorist Israel. I believe there is strong evidence that even

Israel spearheaded 9/11, bringing about "The new Pearl Harbour" the bloodthirsty neocons had been salivating after for so many years. What a massive waste of trillions of tax slave dollars,

and millions of murdered, maimed, and displaced ME people! And the evil planning and carnage continue. "Sow the wind, reap the whirlwind."

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If anyone in their right mind believes the BS spewed forth from MSM .are either Brainwashed order followers or Paid Puppets.

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All Orchestrated by the US .they need constant Wars to keep the Military Industrial Complex and their Money Grubbing Suppliers and Investors Happy. The deaths and Mutilation of Women and Children are not a blip on their Radar . It’s not only the Zionist involved there’s a lot of Money Grubbing Gentile Christians ??) involved as well. But the Jews have always been the whipping boys.

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There’s no doubt that Assad’s rule – combined with drought and crop failures brought on by climate change – led to growing unrest in parts of Syria by 2011


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9/11 the dancing israelis,buiding 3 or 7? Collapsed without being struck ,the apparent attack on the pentagon is a joke. Inside job 100% lets not forget Pearl Harbour and the bay of Tonkin?

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