From a rationalist perspective, speaking from a perspective of absolute certainty is typically not a good basis for judgement.
Implying there is nothing that can change your belief makes you less, not more, convincing. Personally, based on the prediction markets, the source of the original claim, the fact that the body count appears to have been significantly inflated, the fact the car park was hit and not the hospital, and the fact that almost all shrapnel evidence from the scene (which would clearly indicate if it is an Israeli missile or not) seems to have been wiped away, suggests to me this situation was probably (roughly 95% chance)a Hamas misfire.
That said, if I see more evidence to the contrary, I would be willing to change my mind.
Assuming honest intent, what you offer in this post is not evidence, nor is it even an argument. It's just a series of emotive assertions on what you believe is and is not possible.
Not everything is a conspiracy. I think MSM have been fairly critical of Israel. To state that they are gleefully perpetuating an Israeli narrative I think is a blatant misreading of the facts, bordering on "Jews control the media" level conspiratorial thinking.
A curse on Israel.A disgrace to the human race.Add the USA to that condemnation.At the weekend,I was among 300.000 people that genuinely love Palestine.We love those people and we will never forgive what you are doing to them.You are two godless countries that will rot in hell.
"wake the lion, the tiger's tooth, the most terrifying terror is the madness of man." The intractable nature of the Bedouin and Khazar culture ("by disception - war") meet in Palestine and engulf the world.
Over2000 years ago Polybius, working with Scipio Africanus found the 50 year period between the Second and Third Punic War led to putting an end to Carthage with a Carthaginian Peace. Israel, after a 50 year period from her last war, may have decided on a Carthaginian Peace with the bombing of homes. Small parking lots with perhaps 50 casualties and no damage to homes around the hospital.are not Israeli targets. On the basis of analogy I don't see Israel bombing the area, while finding an errant missal failure is the better choice. Your comment was helpful.
I’m f I was Hammas , trying to divert the spotlight from me , what better to do than sacrifice (again) my own population to make Israel look bad and change the focus on them … classic Hammas strategy… and you fell for it
Thank you, sir. It's an honor to refuse to be gaslit, and you are a significant factor toward that refusal. God/Allahspeed Hamas! Viva Hamas! Viva pitiable Gaza! Viva Palestine!
Deja Vu all over again! After all these years nothing have changed, we are still being ruled by war mongering inhuman creatures, Uncle Sam is getting ready to destroy yet another country!!
Jeremy Bowen is a corporate hack of a reporter who hasn't asked a salient question in decades. He's here to lob BBC softballs for the IDF to swat away and for him to faithfully repeat word for word in his 'reports'. His testimony that there could be something to claims Israel shelled the hospital are a lesson in timidity wrapped in cynicism.
A real reporter would be asking the IDF disinformation squad; where is the evidence of the failed PIJ rocket. When will you publish it and why is it not already in the public domain? They might follow up with; You claim it took five hours for your analysis to determine PIJ responsibility, so why was the blame being reported on BBC not much an hour after the shelling? And where is the prior evidence for Palestinian home made rockets being able to cause such mass death and destruction? You claim 450 failed rockets landed in Gaza over the past week - where is the evidence and why was this not reported by any media? Why does the claimed barrage of 10 rockets not appear on video of the direct hospital shelling? You claim propellant caused mass killing but why is there no evidence on the hospital video showing victims with clear percussive shrapnel wounds? Andy why is this video nowhere to be found on BBC news?
The BBC has yet to publish a single quote from Hamas or any Palestinian source on their claims. Nor has it published any fact finding interviews with weapons experts who can analyse blast patterns, death/injury ratios, missile type,ology or anything that would expose the IDF's lies. This was a high explosive device causing 500 deaths and 300 plus wounded that even to a non-expert is clearly beyond the armament range of any PIJ fighter. You could ask a month of pointed questions but don't expect that from Bowen or the other idiot Lyse Stooget.
And yes, we are being gaslit by IDF and the good ol' boys on the 'other team'.
The representative of the Israeli army, actually confirmed Israeli responsibility with his statements: “We have warned the hospitals of Al—Maamdani, Al-Ahli, Al-Arabi and five other hospitals not to use them as a shelter for Hamas.”
Earlier, the same representative of the Israeli army stated that the Jews gave the civilians 4 hours to evacuate from the northern Gaza Strip along the provided corridor. It was along the humanitarian corridor near Salah al-Din that another airstrike killed about 70 people and wounded 200 others.
More than you will ever know.
Try educating yourself and stop swallowing Zionist propaganda and lies.
LMAO. Have a great day and try not to have an aneurysm. Also, check your ears for wax buildup.
From a rationalist perspective, speaking from a perspective of absolute certainty is typically not a good basis for judgement.
Implying there is nothing that can change your belief makes you less, not more, convincing. Personally, based on the prediction markets, the source of the original claim, the fact that the body count appears to have been significantly inflated, the fact the car park was hit and not the hospital, and the fact that almost all shrapnel evidence from the scene (which would clearly indicate if it is an Israeli missile or not) seems to have been wiped away, suggests to me this situation was probably (roughly 95% chance)a Hamas misfire.
That said, if I see more evidence to the contrary, I would be willing to change my mind.
Assuming honest intent, what you offer in this post is not evidence, nor is it even an argument. It's just a series of emotive assertions on what you believe is and is not possible.
Not everything is a conspiracy. I think MSM have been fairly critical of Israel. To state that they are gleefully perpetuating an Israeli narrative I think is a blatant misreading of the facts, bordering on "Jews control the media" level conspiratorial thinking.
A curse on Israel.A disgrace to the human race.Add the USA to that condemnation.At the weekend,I was among 300.000 people that genuinely love Palestine.We love those people and we will never forgive what you are doing to them.You are two godless countries that will rot in hell.
Has a screaming rocket/missile like this been filmed hitting downrange of one of those many thousand rockets fired into Israel? Lotta camera phones!
"wake the lion, the tiger's tooth, the most terrifying terror is the madness of man." The intractable nature of the Bedouin and Khazar culture ("by disception - war") meet in Palestine and engulf the world.
Over2000 years ago Polybius, working with Scipio Africanus found the 50 year period between the Second and Third Punic War led to putting an end to Carthage with a Carthaginian Peace. Israel, after a 50 year period from her last war, may have decided on a Carthaginian Peace with the bombing of homes. Small parking lots with perhaps 50 casualties and no damage to homes around the hospital.are not Israeli targets. On the basis of analogy I don't see Israel bombing the area, while finding an errant missal failure is the better choice. Your comment was helpful.
With a name like Friedman what else can you say
I’m f I was Hammas , trying to divert the spotlight from me , what better to do than sacrifice (again) my own population to make Israel look bad and change the focus on them … classic Hammas strategy… and you fell for it
Thank you, sir. It's an honor to refuse to be gaslit, and you are a significant factor toward that refusal. God/Allahspeed Hamas! Viva Hamas! Viva pitiable Gaza! Viva Palestine!
Please unsubscribe me.
Deja Vu all over again! After all these years nothing have changed, we are still being ruled by war mongering inhuman creatures, Uncle Sam is getting ready to destroy yet another country!!
It WAS an Islamic Jihad rocket. No "massive explosion". Just the blast from the igniting fuel.
Nowhere on the BBC does it mention the same hospital was shelled two days earlier by the IDF. Why not?
Jeremy Bowen is a corporate hack of a reporter who hasn't asked a salient question in decades. He's here to lob BBC softballs for the IDF to swat away and for him to faithfully repeat word for word in his 'reports'. His testimony that there could be something to claims Israel shelled the hospital are a lesson in timidity wrapped in cynicism.
A real reporter would be asking the IDF disinformation squad; where is the evidence of the failed PIJ rocket. When will you publish it and why is it not already in the public domain? They might follow up with; You claim it took five hours for your analysis to determine PIJ responsibility, so why was the blame being reported on BBC not much an hour after the shelling? And where is the prior evidence for Palestinian home made rockets being able to cause such mass death and destruction? You claim 450 failed rockets landed in Gaza over the past week - where is the evidence and why was this not reported by any media? Why does the claimed barrage of 10 rockets not appear on video of the direct hospital shelling? You claim propellant caused mass killing but why is there no evidence on the hospital video showing victims with clear percussive shrapnel wounds? Andy why is this video nowhere to be found on BBC news?
The BBC has yet to publish a single quote from Hamas or any Palestinian source on their claims. Nor has it published any fact finding interviews with weapons experts who can analyse blast patterns, death/injury ratios, missile type,ology or anything that would expose the IDF's lies. This was a high explosive device causing 500 deaths and 300 plus wounded that even to a non-expert is clearly beyond the armament range of any PIJ fighter. You could ask a month of pointed questions but don't expect that from Bowen or the other idiot Lyse Stooget.
And yes, we are being gaslit by IDF and the good ol' boys on the 'other team'.
The representative of the Israeli army, actually confirmed Israeli responsibility with his statements: “We have warned the hospitals of Al—Maamdani, Al-Ahli, Al-Arabi and five other hospitals not to use them as a shelter for Hamas.”
Earlier, the same representative of the Israeli army stated that the Jews gave the civilians 4 hours to evacuate from the northern Gaza Strip along the provided corridor. It was along the humanitarian corridor near Salah al-Din that another airstrike killed about 70 people and wounded 200 others.
Good work here, Max and Wyatt.