Nemes, in his peurile, pro zionist rantings, is surely displaying the same mindset that Adolf displayed that fateful night in the bunker: " But will everyone still like me?"

Maybe Nemes could follow the example?

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These arguments only work on those who see Palestinians as full people. A sorry number of Israel’s staunchest defenders simply do not.

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Thanks for posting. Good to know it is easily accessible still and thanks for the extra information re Herut

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He was one of many corporate sponsors of the Third Reich. DuPont of GM infamy helped slaughter 27 million Russians to make the US Elites so proud, and rich. HO Morgan Chase, Brown Brothers Harriman of The Bush Family infame, IBM, ITT, and many others. Don’t look behind that curtain , it’s all Putin’s fault. He’s Hitler.

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For a moral compass in the morass of fake legal props I can’t recommend Kenneth Patchen and Robinson Jeffers’ poetry from the Second World War enough. Read, An Astonished Eye Looks Out At The World. Read Journal of Albion Moonlight. These helped me through the Vietnam catastrophic crime against humanity and we are back into the act.

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Hilaire Belloc foresaw the backlash coming in 1922, and tried to warn Jews in his seminal book “The Jews”.

He also wrote about the cyclical boom/bust nature of Jewish life in host countries. It certainly looks like they’re on the down slope again.

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Let's not focus too much on the words of Evil and give it air.

Evil lies, Evil corrupts, Evil creates doubt, Evil takes many forms he is one.

Instead let's continue sharing Glazer's words.

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Another great article. Thankfully we have loads of moral high profile actors in the UK who are verbally active in their support of Palestine.

I continue daily to be disappointed by the lack of interest or knowledge of why I am usually the only person with a pro Palestine badge and very obvious scarf

In Swansea this weekend and no

awareness. Maybe I’ll bring my flag next time

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3/4 of Congressional members are Israeli supporters, according to AIPAC's website. But feminist Black and brown House members are fighting back. I write about that on my recent substack article.

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The most charitable explanation is that Nemes, as with other Zionists, has lost his humanity and is in desperate need of psychiatric help. In a sickening irony, If he and others didn't support a particular racist and apartheid state, their public defence of hate and murder would have made them pariahs and unemployable by now.

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Such a shame. I loved, but was horrified, by both movies. Normal Jews, and by that I mean regular folk no matter their religion, are victims of Netanhayu and his followers. The anti-semitism effect will be profound and long-lasting.

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The truth is that people like Nemes want revenge for “what was done to them.” Unless we are to regress 2000 years and have an eye for an eye, revenge is not acceptable. Particularly when it is exacted upon on innocent bystanders, many of them children. Why not take the Germans on? Stockhausen syndrome? No, the iDF plays 1st person shootemup for real, except there is no enemy. Unless you call deaf old men stumbling about their bedrooms, or starving orphans the enemy. This revenge is not even Old Testament. It’s utterly disgusting and cowardly. It’s only “morality “ is that well they could have dropped a nuke an been done with it, but out of sheer humanitarian conscience they decided to do it with snipers and tanks. In a just world, people would come leaping to Palestine’s defence. Instead we have British and American people leaping to assist the genocide.

The world has moved on. It wants to move further. Israel, with its Old Testament brutality. is what is holding it back.

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Bravo. Perfectly stated.

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Nemes should buy a mirror!

"Its director should have stayed silent instead of revealing he has no understanding of history and the forces undoing civilisation, before or after the Holocaust."

Just unreal that anyone can say that and not face any flack from the media. I couldn’t finish reading the article because this guy is out of touch with reality. Of course the Guardian gave him free reign to spout his nonsense.

"Western journalists work as accessories to genocide through ‘news’ selection and omissions."

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Mar 16Edited

How is it that so many people can not see the truth about Israel and its Zionist ideology which doesn’t look much different than the Nazi ideology? Do they really believe that Israel is the victim or are they just going along with it to further their careers so that they don’t get cancelled.

I’m flabbergasted by an ethnic group that went through hell now being the one who is putting another group through that same hell. They continue to spout never again while dehumanizing the group that they are doing again.

This is a damn good question.

"How can humanity allow an openly ongoing continuous mass murder of children, captive children at that, for over four months time, with the criminally insane maniac Netanyahu ordering the mass murder, promising the world he will not stop the killing for the foreseeable future."

How indeed can humanity allow this?

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Zionist ideology doesn't look much different from Nazi ideology because it is the same.

The Israelis have become the Nazis.

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I agree. And just like the world did nothing about Germany and its persecution of Jews and others, it’s doing the same again except for this time the world has a front row seat.

Every person who is okay with what Israel is doing should think about their city being put under the same conditions as Gaza is.

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How can phony Catholic Biden justify this genocide to his "God?"

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Will not watch Son of Saul. I am thankful that these people are showing themselves up. No more hypocrisy.

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