Dear Jonathan Cook, many thanks once more for this article. As that famous historian said, Zionism is in both sides of the Atlantic.

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Yet again Jonathan you lay bare the corrupt and elite-serving practices of the Establishment of which the Charity Commission is a key arbiter and upholder of its orthodoxy. Especially with regard to Israel.

Only calling out the Zionists for the subversive, manipulative, self-serving, cultish bullies that they are might start to take us in a more positive direction. And if that results in our politicians finally having the balls to tell their Zionist American overlords to sod off then so much the better.

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Foreign Agents of ZIONISM are all in control of WESTERN/EUROPEAN GOVERNMENTS.


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Thanks Jonathan for your restless work! Ever so clearly exposing the shameless lying mug of the west's establishment.

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Subversive foreigner agents used to be called spies and terror cells, the israeli lobby provides the best example to show us why

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Thanks for staying on top of the important issues ignored by MSM

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Imagine if you will that the same evil spiritual groups that were in power while Jesus walked the planet still are in power today.Jesus said I know those who say they are Jews, but are not they are from the synagogues of Satan so you have the Satanic Jews and Rome which became the Roman Catholic Church which I have never considered real Christianity if you look back into history and then compare that to today’s events things tend to become clearer and a lot of the questions answer themselves.Try to look at the big picture and not get bogged down in the minutia.All praise to Jesus 🙏

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So what does anyone propose to do about it? This is the only question that matters to the sociopaths who role over us.

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Already said this I think. Time for revolution.

What is happening here is not much different than what is happening with regard to Ukraine.

Pushing and pushing an outrageous war against Russia. How Putin is handling this is admirable. I would have commanded all my network of assassins to take out the leaders who keep pushing.

Happily Van der Layen is having a tough time!

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It's not just the US and UK. All NATO countries now have a "Friends of Israel" organization where politicians of most parties are members. I am disgusted by the Norwegian government. They're completely silent.

I don't quite understand it, but on the evening news yesterday they announced that it was the official date when Norway's recognition of Palestine went into effect. In other words little more than lip service.

Norway spent billions of dollars constructing a museum and a Palestinian culture building during the nineties. Now both buildings and their contents are dust. First they wipe out their culture, then they wipe out the people themselves. The Israeli government is using George Orwell's "1984" as a playbook.

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"...the Israel lobby is there to advance the interests of a foreign state. "

I think its more that I$ra€£ was created by 'Bloody' Ba£four in 1917 to advance the interests of ye o£de Brutish Vampire and Rot$chi£d's Zionist perversion of diaspora Judaism's evolved humanist interpretation of their scriptures as First £ord of the wave-ruling Admiralty, Churchill, was converting the navy from coal to oil, and to secure Suez. France got its share of the Ottoman break-up under the Sykes-Picot cartographers. I$ra€£ is a keystone cop for the further pi££age of Asia now escalating on all fronts.

It is, after all, British Gas that is chasing down Gaza's Leviathan offshore field.

Did not a general openly state Corbyn would not be tolerated in 2015?


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The bullying and intimidation by the Mossad spy Cohen and now this…. what next? All this with the blessing of our government and opposition. Rotten to the core!

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I think there are similar groups all over the world doing the same thing. Thanks for pointing out how this works, Jonathan.

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What excellent, forensic work once again. Thank you, Jonathan.

A continuing, insidious road to One Party Authoritarianism both supporting Israel and clearing out any remaining opposition to solidify the compacted Dung that is the political system - the Augean Stables.

On an optimistic note, the playbooks used by malign actors and groups to infiltrate institutions and structures in States is increasingly exposed thanks to the great work that you and other independent journalists do:

Earlier this morning Brian Berletic in The New Atlas was deconstructing NGOs and other "charitable" organisations" where money from the Western sponsors infiltrates countries in South East Asia to destabilise them and get in government by proxy.

Over in Georgia, their parliament just enacted a law making these NGOs et al declare where there money comes from; ie Western sponsors.

I hope I haven't detracted from your main piece but I sense the walls closing in on Western/Zionist colonialist playbooks and the way they insidiously infiltrate and take over national structures.

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Hi Jonathan

I fully agree with your analysis of lobbyists protected by the Charity Commission. In my substack articles (Ben's Substack Things Must Change) is one on lobbying which aims to correct the current charitable charade and replace it with a regulator which would be limited to accepting only organisations that comply with the guidelines set out in the article.

Not only would it make it easier to control true charities, it would also remove the several false groups currently accepted by the commission.

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