I’ll draw that red line once in charge. If Israel crosses it, I’ll lay the smack down on ‘em!

(I.e: red line meaning an Arms embargo and sanctions, smack down for military strikes against IDF bases)

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This article presents a comprehensive summary of many important points.

As a tectonic superpower play, the US government’s stance regarding its historical client state Israel’s regional, genocidal violence also constitutes an attempt to rejuvenate and legitimate the brutal and factually discredited premises of the earlier “War on Terror”, under the rubric of “Defending Israel”, an objective itself held at further arms length from real scrutiny in the name of “Israel has a right to defend itself”.

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More could be made of the similarities between the October 7th attack and 9/11. The forms are the same: an attack (encouraged or not, who can say?) and then a vicious response that lead to "full spectrum dominance". Its too damn convenient, IMO.

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I see the convergence of three important forces with overlapping interests, but also deep contradictions. They are Power, Profits, and Prophets. One has long-term objectives, another has a more short-term bottom line, and one has Armageddon as its aim. These are ultimately incompatible objectives. Right now they are each using the others. How can the public exacerbate those contradictions, so they act separately, and work against each other?

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We can all support the brave doctors who have gone to Gaza: https://palestinian-ama.networkforgood.com/projects/206145-gaza-medical-supplies-oct-2023


Surgeons to Gaza


Let us make our donations to honor Aaron Bushnell, in memory of Hind Rajab, Dr Jumann Afra, the mother of newborn twins killed by Israel using US bombs, or Sha’ban al-Dalou, 19 yo patient burned alive by Israeli air strikes. Now, sorrowfully, we must also add Aysenur Ezgi Egyi and Matt Nelson’s name to our honor roll.

What then must we do?

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Here some more on the subject “updated”


Thx for sharing

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"Israel wants to finish the job Washington started after 9/11" in the interest of ISrahell and is now waiting for the US to get involved in the Greater ISrahell region to fight WWIII in the interest of God's chosen psychopaths to kill all Western Whites.

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How can you even believe the US is independent of Israel? Israeli zionists sit in the white house, in all key government offices affecting foreign policy and even some domestic policy, throughout the treasury department and more. The US isn't just complicit, its government is Israeli. Read some history!

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I guess you mean the group called the neoconservatives – the people the second half of the article is all about.

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news flash; the neoconservatives are all fervent Judaic Supremacists, cryptoJews and/ or compromised confederates of the Zionist cabal

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The US has been taken over by a Zionist cabal. The US stands for Genocide apartheid and racism and is no longer a sovereign country!

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I learned in my 60s who my biological father is (RIP since 2022) plus shattering facts on myself.

No doubt Jonathan knows "the protocols of zion", but I suggest he and others read that early 19thC treatise, for ... "clues" (?) ... on what drives modern Israel's psychosis.

But, obv., there's more to today's genocidal plans, both "of this world/simulation/matrix" and of these murderous heartless means for zionist jews to escape this realm and get up to an higher dimension.

It, even from my own under-informed place, is complex.

And "it" delves deep "into the mystical" stuff of occultism, and of what, for adept minds, is, or IMO maybe, possible, in terms of conjuring not-necessarily-actual, real, personages the zionists ... hope ... to use to "ride on the spiritual back of" to an higher, "more heavenly" (but I have doubts as to the credibility of those methods and thus of those "religious" beliefs).

Such a personage, being zion's fabricated messiah.

All that "fluffy stuff" aside, meritorious or not, as many movies, myths, tales, fables and records attest to about "this world", being but a simulation, of an higher reality, modern Israel's Soullessness reflects the possible fact that we, and so such as the Palestinians being "martyred", are also mere simulations, trapped "down here"?

So the myriad dying may be being released?

Yes, I see how, true or not, the Ashkenazi mafia propagandists would plagiarize such ideas to justify their crimes.

True or not, the whole range of madnesses most all nations allow to exist, and have, to get biblical - "since the fall from Eden" (me, Athiest) - as much as the war crimes of modern Israel since long before "1948", madnesses as upheld in provably illegal, that-is unethical, laws, may make even the horrors committed since Oct7 2023, something of a global "wake-up-call" for all humanity, especially all (alleged) governments, to rectify their own legal systems, structures and therefore, cultures?

My theory, as above, is not an assertion, but is more a suggestion for all nations, perhaps mostly all nations' hegemonies who resist calling-out zionist Israel's war-crimes and thus, psychoses?

Apologies for the above...?



Unedited, 13:05AEDT, 241015.

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Don’t you mean the war London started with the Balfour Declaration, or even earlier? This tension didn’t start with Iraq, 9/11 or even Afghanistan. It’s pretty convenient for you to continually exclude the UK government as it plays milquetoast humanitarian, and blandly calls for restraint, as the US shoulders most of the blame for this, especially with Klarenberg’s new article outlining MI6 and its contemporary involvement in aiding Israel.

Washington isn’t run by the people for the people anymore. Neither, it seems, is the UK, if ever. However, it doesn’t seem like it’s just generic evil by corporations continuing to drive the wedge of Israel into the middle east.

Didn’t the British foment war between the Ottomans and the Arab population far before 9/11? Didn’t they have a hand in pushing for continued war against Russia via the Ukraine proxy? Johnson wasn’t just doing Washington’s bidding, nor is Zelensky fighting for democracy.

It’s absurd to think the people of Europe and the US should further impoverish themselves so neonazi brigades in Ukraine can be free of Putin. That war is about obtaining the minerals in the Donbass and consolidation of Ukrainian farmland for the same multicorporate oligarchy driving all these wars and the austerity regular citizens must labor under to fund them as it amasses ownership of everything and all of us.

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I live in the US and don't disagree with what you say. I'm familiar with our past history, and that of Europe, and the role the British Empire played. However, the topic of the day is what's going on in Gaza, and what are Israel's plans for the Middle East, for Lebanon and Iran, for the whole of the Middle East, and what role will the US play. I fear it may all end in WWIII. It's a given that what is going on now doesn't exist in a historical vacuum, but right now I want to stay in the present and I think most people do since what we choose to do now may wind up killing us all.

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jews did 9/11. google dancing jews 9/11.

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"For Israel and the US, there are no red lines. "

The only "red lines" for the US and their operators, Israel, are the red lines left by dripping blood on the homes of those they've murdered in Gaza, West Bank, Lebanon...

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