"There is no red line. And more importantly, there never has been. That conversation took place many years before 7 October 2023, when Hamas broke out of Gaza and killed more than 1,000 Israelis."

So, Mr. Cook.... Are you saying that it was Hamas that flew the ultralights?

Are you saying that it was Hamas that torched scores of cars at the concert venue making escape impossible? So, who fired at the concert goers?

Obviously Hamas could not have ordered the several hour long IDF stand-down.

I don't have the statistics, but the IDF's Hanibal Directive was the direct cause of a lot of Israeli's lives that day.

I am willing to agree that some Israelis helped a few Palestinians get out of Gaza that day to make the false flag attack plausible.

Given all of the above I have a petro-dollar that says the IDF and Mossad killed more Israelis on 10/7 than Hamas did. After all, if you want to make an omelet you have to break some eggs.

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19 hrs ago·edited 19 hrs ago

The idea that Israel represents "Jewish Values" OR that it is a standalone state (separate from the Anglo-American Empire) is a totally false idea. That image of Israel (portrayed in the media) is a thin veneer of marketing given to something much bigger. It is a narrative convenient to us to swallow, a bedtime story for kids, a sticky myth. In reality Israel is nothing more than a tentacle of the Empire.

The empire hides behind the so-called battles of "Israel" - this is a smoke screen because it gives the empire the appearance that it might be in the pursuit of "democracy" while in reality it is in pursuit of Grab-as much-as-you can! By definition, to become the biggest empire the world has ever seen it must be the biggest thieving apparatus the world has ever seen. And that’s what it is. Thieving and destroying, leaving behind broken fragments of nations of families, of people, of ideas, of truth, of meaningful life. Israel is a fraud. It is the empire putting on a costume of Jewish guys running around trying desperately to establish a democracy in the middle east... so that we will somehow believe that stealing and killing and destroying is a noble act. It’s ONE empire with many faces. ALL of them are fraudulent, calculated, scientifically cold, and criminal. The fact that they are really so big lies that’s what make them hard to see.

Poor Israelis don’t even understand their internal story of “Israel”, which they have spun a national identity around, has its core in corruption of the highest order. What a cruel trap to be living in for so long. The empire wants us in the same trap... that all this ever-lasting swirl of violence, war after war, is for the greater good. Well, those mega-corporations, bankers and billionaires don’t fool me. Their billions of dollars are testament to who are they really looking after, and for sure its not us. They really care about us, yeah? If anyone is still buying this in 2024 after all that we have seen, it is probably they secretly enjoy deceiving themselves. Unfortunately, there are much more of them than the ones with open eyes and intelligent heart.

There is no "Israel" but a single empire. The "Israeli" occupation IS (and always was) the empire's occupation. The quicker you realise this deception the quicker you understand reality and how it works. After years of watching this fraud plays out over and over this is the simple truth I see. I have seen it both from within Israel and from the outside and I have no other explanation that make sense.

Edit: Even the phrase "America backs Israel" is a lie. It's a bunch of criminals pretending one of them is 'good' and the other 'not-so-good'. It’s the "Good Cop - Bad Cop Fraud". The same body splitting itself in order to manipulate the listeners and to develop an appeal to one of them and disgust to the other. A clever tactics originates from dark activities.

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"Last week, US State Department spokesperson Matthew Miller said the quiet part out loud: “We’ve never wanted to see a diplomatic resolution with Hamas.”

He said the same about Hesbollah.

Which means the US entire storyline that it was "mediating" a negotiation between them and Israel,.....was a dupe. Just cover to pacify the public while the slaughter accelerated.

And the media still haven't clued in in why both stopped bothering with the US's false "mediation".

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Ardent fans of the "European Zionist Project" in Palestine are rejoicing. After 76 years, the ongoing NAKBA continues to receive full support from it's European sponsors in North America, Europe and Australia. BRICS nations are viewing the slaughter from the gallery with the occasional comment regarding civilian loss of life. BRICS understands that both "European Terrorist" instigated wars (Palestine = 1948/Ukraine = Obama's coup d'etat 2014) delay the inevitable "Taiwan Project". European (G7) coffers (wealth stolen from the colonies) are running low, their "Easy Life" is under threat. Cheap minerals (Russia) and cheap oil (Middle East) are essential to maintain their "1st World" status.

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Western political & corporate lords & masters are willing to throw any number of 'their' people overboard as long as the orthodox economic indicators are going gangbusters.

The FT today reports JP Morgan Chase, BlackRock & Wells Fargo pulling 'a record $95bn of inflows into fixed income exchange traded bonds', whilst Pimco 'said its assets under management had reached $2tn for the first time since the 2022 Russian invasion of Ukraine'.

They forget that 'the people ARE the economy, stupid!' People are not livestock (whatever they like to think)*.

'...The trajectory is clear. Burn the planet. Lock up dissidents. Censorship. Crush those who resist, especially those in the Global South, with industrial weapons and indiscriminate violence. And, if you are part of the privileged class, retreat into gated compounds that provide food, water, medical care, electricity and security that will be denied to the rest of us...'


'... we only need one to five percent of the population actively working for the overthrow of a system, history has shown, to bring down even the most ruthless totalitarian structures...'

'Chris Hedges: Burn the Planet and Lock Up the Dissidents', Scheer Post (scheerpost.com), 7/10/24.

* The BBC's Steve Rosenberg, in his qualifications, applies this truth to Russia's economic reality (but not, strangely, the West's).

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Western nations security services, police, military etc. primarily exist to protect the assets of the wealthy. Those who join these outfits, normally "average Joes", are blissfully unaware of their reason for being.

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The British Army 77th Brigade (which the oh-so-squeaky-clean Rt Hon Tom Tugenhadt MP has been reported as being still actively involved with) knows what it's doing.

The Chief of MI6 & the Director of Central Intelligence presenting a chatshow press conference & warning that 'Mad Bad Vlad' has an obsessive compulsion to conquer Western Europe (when they know that both their services had warned their political masters, back in the '90s, that NATO expanding operations into Ukraine would mean war) knew exactly what they were doing.

The Met police Assistant Commissioner who upped sticks to Bahrain to pocket multi-millions 'advising' an absolute monarch & his Saudi heavy-mob how to 'dissuade' dissenters likely knew exactly what he was doing throughout his career.

But you're right. And Chris Hedges emphasises that it's when the 'we, the people' who are waking up includes large numbers of those who serve in the security apparatus... that's the tipping point.

(Although I think Hedges puts more faith in non-violent action than...but I don't know. Bad things can be in prospect for the currently comfortable, however it plays.)

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Fuck Isreal

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The creation of Gaza Strip in 1948 and the subsequent turning it into a ghetto, sealing it off and then having in mind its liquidation as soon as the opportunity arises, was a long, monstrous plan of conquest. They only waited to have a pretext so the world does not turn against Israel, but instead sees Israel as a victim. That is why they started to slowly provoke an uprising by the Resistance. Assaulting Al Aqsa, having crackdown on Palestinians, jailing hundreds of innocent people without charge or trial, including kids. So then the resistance planned an uprising on October 7, to force Israel to step away from Al Aqsa, open Gaza and let out the unlawfully held Palestinian hostages.

Israelis knew about the planned uprising and put as many Israeli civilians in the way of rebels as possible. They even rescheduled the Nova festival short-notice much closer to the Gaza Ghetto fence.

They got what they wanted. Al Qassam and 5 other resistance groups broke through the fence. Their purpose was to neutralize Israeli military and take Israeli hostages, to arrange a swap.

But for Israel, it was a sign that their plan of ghetto liquidation and conquest can be now implemented.

Anything else Israelis told the public, is a made-up gaslighting, to get people on board and conceal the true purpose of Zionist actions.

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To question the last sentence: do you think that there is ever an end for this new imperial, supremacist, Zionist order?! I don’t think so. If it commences against Iran, then it will open up against another lot shortly after.

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Why do you continue to use the 42,000 figure for slaughtered Gazans? There are plausible figures of five to ten times that figure, for example see The Lancet.

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'IT'S THE ECONOMY, STUPID!' applies to Israel as much as anyone else*.

Scott Ritter explains this in some detail. Although he starts with this:

'...The Hamas raid triggered a number of varied responses, some of which were by design, such as luring the Israeli Defense Forces into Gaza, where they would become trapped in a forever war they could not win, triggering the dual Israeli doctrines governing military response to hostage taking of the "Hannibal Doctrine" and the Israeli practice of collective punishment, the "Dahiya Doctrine".

'Both of these doctrines put the IDF on display to the world as the antithesis of the “world’s most moral military” by exposing the murderous intent ingrained into the DNA of the IDF, a propensity for violence against innocents which defines the Israeli way of war and, by extension, the Israeli nation...'

Scott Ritter, USMC (Ret), former Marine Corps intelligence officer, former military liaison officer with the US National Security Council, former UN weapons inspector in Iraq, former visiting lecturer at West Point. (Now under investigation by the FBI.)

See 'Scott Ritter: The Fall of Israel', Consortium News (consortiumnews.com), 8/10/24.

* This also spplies to the US & its eager attack dog the UK (& all EU/NATO nations). And 'the economy' is not the balance of payments/stock exchange index rate/GDP**. Truth is 'The people ARE the economy, stupid!'

** And by orthodox economic measures, Russia is outperforming all 'advanced' Western nations. (Even the BBC's Steve Rosenberg has recently reported this - with his usual qualifications.)

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Oct 11·edited Oct 12

I look at it more from the perspective of what Jonathan Cook referenced here, a neocon based agenda. "The Project for the New American Century (PNAC) was a neoconservative think tank based in Washington, D.C., that focused on United States foreign policy. It was established as a non-profit educational organization in 1997, and founded by William Kristol and Robert Kagan." PNAC's stated goal was "to promote American global leadership" The organization stated that "American leadership is good both for America and for the world" The US had it's 9/11  and gave them the New Pearl Harbor they were waiting for in order to implement their Middle Eastern wars. All of which were based on lies.  Dick Cheney, Rumsfeld, Jeff Bush, etc, were primary signatories on the Project for a New American Century and pushed this policy. Interesting that Israel used the Oct 7 attack to implement their own wars of destruction, even though they were forewarned by several sources.They are now doing a repeat of our carnage in the Middle East and all of it is no more then the implementation of a neocon plan for regional control. We have to be number one, and have to be the strongest military presence in every area of the world and prevent any other country from gaining that power and should we succeed now, China and Russia will be next which now is a given. I always felt the coup in Ukraine under Obama was the prelude to undermine Russia, but Trump got in the way, but the Russia-gate hoax continued the hate, and the Biden win got them back on track.

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Several news outlets, including Israeli, have reported this 'October Surprise' (strongly implicating Netanyahu & Likud).

This is interesting: 'Israel's Kristallnacht' by Bruce Neuburger, CounterPunch (counterpunch.org), 25/10/23.

It wouldn't have been necessary to know exactly what was coming, just to make sure that something would & be ready to exploit it.

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Thanks, I just got the article from CounterPunch. On unz review I saw a documentary that showed film coverage by Hamas on the day of the assault and one member of the group said, and of course translated, that they thought this was going to be a suicide mission and was surprised no one was there to stop them. Israel had the plans of the assault, but dismissed them, since they claimed it was too difficult for Hamas to carry out. Those that monitored the gate reported suspicious behavior by Hamas, but also were dismissed, and a warning from Egypt, dismissed. No one around to stop them during their assault which provided them enough time to hit 20 towns before they were. Very suspicious.

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P.S.During the Trump years the neocons went over to the democrats, and his Secretary of State is a very big neo-con who has adopted their perspective on world dominance. Nuland another neocon and married to Kagan also a neocon, just recently stepped down from her position in the Biden administration.

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This is heartbreaking reading 💔.

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It’s one thing for the countries that follow America’s rules based order to help cover for Israel, but I’m disgusted with the countries that are opposed to it not doing a damn thing for Palestinians. Holding a worthless vote telling Israel to stop murdering them and then going out for dinner and drinks while more people are murdered!

Israel says that it wants to take parts of Saudi Arabia, Egypt, Jordan and Syria and yet those country's leaders don’t seem to give a damn.

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Cancel the U.N. , or Cancel Israel and War Criminal supporters? Free Palestine and the world from Zionists and supporters.

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I love some jews

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Make Palestine Palestine .

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The US and Israel aided and abetted by a supine world has disappeared morality and justice in a year. Mamon reigns supreme and is seemingly invincible.

Superb article as usual from Mr Cook.

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Jonathan, given that Permian Basin oil in the US is running out, and the fact that extracting oil will likely become economically unviable in the next few decades world over, to what degree do you think these atrocities are a play to exert more control over a dwindling resource? We know huge natural gas deposits are off the coast of Gaza and that Iran has significant oil deposits, if not the biggest. The end of oil is coming. https://geoffreydeihl.substack.com/p/the-end-of-oil

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From the above "Israel has also taken control of the Meged oil and gas field located inside the occupied West Bank".

Also, Lebanon has maritime rights to gas off its southern border with Israel.


I agree that info on disputed ownership of fossil fuels in the area is being suppressed, especially in western media.

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Unmitigated support for European Terrorists living on stolen land in North America is mandatory for their Vassals in Europe and elsewhere. Military occupation within lands populated by many brown and black people has been replaced by ownership of individuals that "rule" them. On the other hand, Western Europe has been occupied by the United States since 1945.The rest of Europe became occupied between 1992 and 2024, the latest willing "slaves" being Finland and Sweden. A "nation" built on murder, slavery and theft, the United States has no intention of abandoning it's hegemonic aims "at any cost". Likewise, the European invaders of Palestine have zero compassion for the indigenous population, they want them out or dead. A successful Global Hegemonic process requires total control of the media, German NAZIs understood this in the 1920s. Joseph Goebbles portrait should replace "Slave Trader Washington" on the U.S. $1 dollar bill.

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'Since 1945' is right. That's what the Marshall Plan was about. And the Gladio Network. (Has that ever been dismantled?)

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