Conflating these 2 wars is in bad form. IMHO.

They both are horrific and the nations of the world should need to bring both to an end.

Don't compare and contrast them (sick)


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Thank you again, Jonathan! It is well that you put "freedom-loving" in the qualifying quote marks, since indeed it is so very often that these "freedom-loving" folks of the "West" equate "freedom" with "abstinence from responsibility". But if I may suggest a slightly corrected version of that paragraph, it is not "as if... the West has an entirely inconsistent agenda when it comes to the plights of Ukraine and Palestine", it is "...exactly the case that the West has an entirely inconsistent agenda..." - and not just in this area specifically discussed in your article today, but in so many other things as well. We are well into a critical stretch of time where nothing less than tearing the mask of hypocrisy away from the duplicitous dealings of the arrogant will do, and you continue to show the way. Hopefully the "West" generally can cure itself of its hubris, and actually start to see the world through the eyes of the many "others" it so easily disdains.

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He’s brilliant

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Once again, thank you for shining a bright light on the truth. You are appreciated by so many. Keep up the great work! 👏

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The average western Normie is swimming in propaganda. But they’re too busy, tired, stressed, stupefied and uninterested to do anything about it. A Normies’ day starts with getting the kids off to school over breakfast television - possibly THE most unintelligible condescending dribble known to man. They work all day at some bullshit job which has no connection to purpose or life satisfaction, yet they must pretend they love it all the same. Home to a low nutrient meal over the evening “news” which is just lie after lie after lie. Then maybe some mind numbing escapist drama, drink too much wine, go to bed - wake up, repeat.

There’s no hope to be woken from this trance unless the material conditions can change for the better. So for now it’s all - yeah we rock, off to work, buy shit, hate them Russians, man work is a drag, Israel is like a western country, Palestinians are dirty and poor, yay Ukraine! Awww a surfing dog, Netflix, more wine please, ooooh air fryer!

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Excellent article, Jonathan. It is becoming more apparent that the very phenomenon of apartheid is an ubiquitous evil, whether it had been in South Africa, or existing today as illustrated in the parallels you have drawn with both Israel and Ukraine both of which can be seen as proxies of the British Empire on which the 'sun never sets'. Furthermore this apartheid is being amplified in respect of the Atlanticist "Blob" of USA UK and NATO (known as the Anglosphere) which is drawing down a new Iron Curtain between the West and Russia. As for the prospects of an all out nuclear exchange, I have been informed by a good friend of mine, by the name of Ray McGovern, that whilst neither the USA nor Russia will countenance such a conflict, the danger remains that "the most disgusting filth on the planet" (as so aptly described by "carbon copy') would think nothing of setting up a 'false flag' event, such as the detonation of a low yield nuclear weapon in Ukraine, and then blame it on Russia, as they have already done with regard to the sabotage of the Nordstream gas pipelines and the Kerch bridge in Crimea. These perverted psychopaths of the "Forever War Complex" claim it is "Putin's war of choice" when the truth is that they have been baiting and provoking Russia ever since Secretary James Baker made that promise to Gorbachev that "NATO would not expand one inch eastward". And 1991 was a significant year for another reason, that being because it was at this time that, having seen the dismantling of the Soviet Union, the USA goaded Ukraine into seeking the status of an independent state, all for the purpose of creating a further colony of the Anglosphere from which operations could be initiated for the overthrow of the Kremlin. And yet our craven media continue to push the narrative that it all started earlier in February this year. Day after day the BBC broadcasts episodes of all this lying and dissemblance around these issues, sponsoring crisis actors to appear on screen giving their 'sob stories' of how they have suffered under a villainous tyrant worse than Hitler. Yet the irony of all this is that in 2014 the US State Department officials Victoria Nuland and Geoffrey Pyatt, along with John McCain, actively engaged with "Banderite" Nazis in the ethnic cleansing of the Donbass, shelling and bombing the civilians of Luhansk and Donetsk Oblasts for eight years, until Putin could stand by no longer witnessing ethnic Russians being slaughtered in their thousands, one of the worst atrocities being the Odessa Massacre of 2nd May when ethnic Russians and Ukrainians were burnt alive in the Union of States Building. And the Ukrainian military with their Nazi battalions embedded, continued to bomb their own civilian population and blame it all on Russia. For those reading this who may accuse me of employing hyperbole here, you have to go no further than the video evidence, available on Rumble, which provides unredacted and uncensored footage recorded by the likes of Patrick Lancaster, Eva Bartlett and Vanessa Beeley, all of whom have been targeted for assassination by mercenaries funded by the Lily White West. All of this is whitewashed from the corporate controlled media and the web pages of their lavishly funded NATO infested think tanks such as the Atlantic Council, Brookings Institution and the Rand Corporation. With a public broadcasting environment that has replaced real journalists with nothing more than "liars for hire" we have arrived at a situation where we alone are upholding the 'fourth estate' and providing some oversight on the crimes of empire. And in this respect it is vital that Julian Assange be kept beyond the extra-territorial reach of the criminals of the USA whose crimes had been exposed by Wikileaks, for any of us that dares speak out against all this evil-doing will be next on their list of targets for silencing, disappearing, persecution, prosecution, incarceration and execution. It is an existential issue regarding not only our freedom of speech, but also our right to association and solidarity in dismantling this infrastructure of evil, maintained by a cabal of sociopaths who are terminally afflicted with the pathology of power that reduces a human being to no more than a depraved and psychotic fascist. And you need look no further than the present government to see that, ever since this Neo-liberal movement was spearheaded by Thatcher in the 1980s, and perpetuated by Blair in the 1990s, we have been slowly creeping towards a proto-fascist state, the intention of which is to turn this country into one vast detention camp where a docile, ignorant and apathetic population is kept dosed to the eyeballs on the slime mould of TV trivia, sports events, game shows, and the like, whilst being propagandised by a mass acquiescence psychosis rendering the individual incapable of any rational or critical thought. If the populace fails to rise up against this totalitarianism, it will have no-one but itself to hold accountable - given that there is anyone left alive on this planet to do so. Therefore we must keep up these conversations and spread this truth as widely as possible in the interest of awakening others to the very real dangers we find ourselves in right now. But have no doubt, that our numbers are our strength and if we can gain critical mass, we can overthrow this rotting system and replace it with a government by the consent of the people, rather than a government controlled monopolist corporations run by depraved and corrupt Chief Executives along with their greedy and craven shareholders. Let the fight continue for this is the real enemy that has to be defeated.

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Brilliant, deductive narrative that is all true. Getting the addled Americans, and a fair number of Brits to honestly acknowledge how at home they’ve become with fantastically fabricated images of themselves, well it is a project of sisyphusian dimensions.

The boomers need to be frequently reminded of how their former truths have been circling the drain. A president in 1974 was forced to resign for covering up his involvement in a 2-bit burglary, and a president in 2003 who led the country to war on fabricated evidence received a pass from the media AND the incoming president who was selling a platform of “hope and change.”

Similarly, The Pentagon Papers which exposed the system-wide corruption that characterized the American invasion of Vietnam, and its prosecution of the war, was Pulitzer Prize material printed with apparent pride by the NY Times. Daniel Ellsberg was charged and briefly imprisoned, and ultimately forgiven by Americans, and lionized in the national media. The current disregard and animus directed at Julian Assange strongly suggests that the temper that can abide whistleblowers being verbally abused and treated like dangerous criminals is the same temper that can cavalierly suppress the truth for self-serving reasons. This is a temper that has millions in its grip.

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As always Johnathan, the truth! It makes me sick this double standard as if these people have some imaginary high ground to uphold. As far as I can tell anything is above a pile of bullshit! The most disgusting filth on the planet and very few see them for what they are, Whores to be bought for any reason that serves the high moral standards of filth!

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