The blood lust is insatiable. So many people here in the US that I have had conversations with say to level Gaza and when I say they are killing children they outright state "I don't care"! The refusal to have a sane voice to be heard is apparently out of the question. This is truly disgusting and has to now be the worst thing to happen in the past 2 centuries. These warmongers are heading us over the cliff and into WW3 and getting cheered on by the clueless idiots whose very children will be slaughtered for the PROFIT of Mass Murdering Sociopaths.
Hi Jonathan..I'm a Brit living in Nazareth for 25 years....still daughter works in an Israeli store in Canion One in Nof Hagalil and because she put a post on Instagram about 4 young brothers killed in Gaza she has been fired. I am shocked that now we are not even allowed to express a simple opinion about the other side. The Gazans are in prison but we Israeli Arabs are also in prison.For the first time in all the years that I have lived here I feel really afraid for our future. Other friends of my kids have been actually taken by police and questioned over instagram posts and opinions...
You did the right thing by leaving. I'm beginning to think I made a huge mistake and should have got my kids out of here a long time ago. Thank you for your heroic journalism Jonathan ..don't stop getting the truth out.....Melissa Qubti (not Isabel!!!)
In my view the Hamas leaders who ordered the recent savage attacks on Israel are war criminals;.They knew, they were going to provoke attacks on a very densely populated Gaza strip leading to countless deaths and injuries of their own people. They have no means of defending these civilians. I don't absolve Netanyhu's present and past governments from blame, as they abandoned any efforts to create 2 states - one Palestinian and one Jewish.
Linkedin's reply to my appeal to them deleting my repost of Jonathan's article reported downstream
We reviewed your post again
Here’s what happened
After reviewing your post again, we found it doesn’t comply with our policy on graphic content.
We understand that this might not be the response you wanted, but we work to apply our policies in a fair and consistent way for all of our members.
Policy reminder
Repeatedly creating content that doesn’t comply with our Professional Community Policies could lead to your LinkedIn account being restricted.
Thank you for being part of the LinkedIn community.
Unfortunately, this notice has a 'do not reply' email address, and searching for a way to contact Linkedin apart from that doesn't exist or I would have replied with this I wrote before noticing the do not reply.
Is it Jonathan Cook's article, 'The blood of Gaza is on the West’s hands as much as Israel’s or my introduction to the article that violates your graphic content policy? or both?
If it's my introduction, would you publish only the article without my intro?
If you understand the non-stop News reporting the 2 US aircraft carrier fleets moving into the War environs, and US Secretary of State Blinken's whirlwind tour to Israel and the other Nations in the Middle East IS to prevent the ARMAGEDDON of my intro without mentioning it since everyone knows the implications in the Word
In case whoever made this decision at Linkedin don't know, Jonathan Cook the Journalist, lived in and reported from Biblical Nazareth for many years before moving back to England just last year,
I would venture he knows much more about this conflict than Western propagandists with so many SINS of Historical OMISSION,
Both heartbreaking and frustrating. A serious one or two state solution has to be agreed upon. With a different team of players. No US and EU. Instead I vote for China and Russia
A good recent history, thank you. But it all goes back so much further. Abused by "Christian" Europe for centuries, the Jews found themselves encouraged to move onto Arab land at the end of WW1 - a convenient way to get rid of them. But the persecution of the Jews went on, culminating in the Holocaust. And again, those who survived were encouraged to get out of Europe to "empty" Arab land. So, like some abused children, some Jews have grown up to become abusers.
It will interesting to see how Israel approaches the ground invasion. Hamas and other militias are well prepared and waiting in expectation. Many in the IDF do not have the stomach for urban guerilla warfare and close contact fighting so expect a bloodbath on both sides.
At what point do Hezbollah and other Arab states become involved ?
Totally agree, except that the UK encouraged Zionist colonisation of Paestine immediately after implementating the Balfour Declaration, as a way of ensuring trade routes to India , Britain's Jewel in the Crown. From that point on the Jewish immigrants were privileged by the UK over the indigenous population, until the point that Zionist terrorist groups then started attacking the British mandate even before WWII.
The US and the UK have seen the Israeli colonists as their strategic foothold in the region and will do everything they can to ignore the plight of the Palestinians, using the fig leaf of the two-state solution as their illusory road to a solution.
With installation of an even more fascist government under Netanyahu, murders of innocent Palestinians had increased to an average of 25 a month over the last 10 months and land theft had vastly escalated. No wonder that Hamas chose to break out of their prison to draw the world's attention to their plight. Presumably the Western propaganda is not dissimalar to that employed by German fascists when Jews attempted to break out of the Warsaw ghetto and very sadly the result may be the same for the prisoners.
John Helmer has an article with a quote from Roosevelt who told the Jews in his administration that Israel was always meant to have all of Palestine and no Arabs would be allowed to live there. That was during the Balfour Declaration. It’s just taken Israel 75 years to accomplish it. Didn’t Bibi recently admit that this was the ‘Final Solution.'?
The world leaders know that they are okaying ethnic cleansing and that they will pay a price for it, but they really don’t care. The Biden WH is stating that no one in government should utter the words, ‘ceasefire' and other words to stop the genocide. Absolutely disgusting that my government has signed on to Israel’s crimes against humanity. I do not consent!
In Western popular discourse the term terrorism has long been associated with the Middle East, but particularly with the activities of Palestinian Arab groups, which have dominated the news for the past forty years. But sixty years ago, it was the actions of Jewish terrorists in Palestine that grabbed headlines around the world. Although this campaign is not as well-known today, it raises an important question: is the modern Middle East conflict, in which terrorism plays a prominent role, itself a product of a terrorist campaign?
In this chapter I argue that Jewish terrorism in the 1940s was both tactically and strategically significant. At the tactical level, Jewish terrorists were able to frustrate British security forces and erode their ability to control Palestine. That played a significant role at the strategic level in persuading Britain to withdraw from Palestine, which, in turn, created the conditions that facilitated the founding of Israel, and the consequent creation of an Arab-Palestinian diaspora. The Arab-Israeli conflict, which arose from this situation, has shaped and dominated Middle East politics and diplomacy for much of the last six decades. Thus, Jewish terrorism left the region with a dual legacy of tactical effectiveness and strategic influence. This article will explore and assess both of these legacies.
While the insurgents relied on "tried and true" terrorist tactics, such as bombings, assassinations, and sabotage, they offset British military advantages with tactical innovations of their own. The road network and the British Army"s vast pool of motor transport gave them freedom of movement throughout the country. The insurgents reduced British mobility with Improvised Explosive Devices (IED"s) disguised as mile-stone markers that blew vehicles off the road and killed or injured their occupants. The insurgents regarded these as their most cost-effective weapon. They also placed bombs in abandoned vehicles. British police stations were heavily fortified, protected by high thick walls, so in at least one attack the insurgents blew up a station with a massive truck bomb (vehicle-borne IED).
When the British passed death sentences on convicted terrorists, British military personnel and civilians were abducted and held for ransom. Two Intelligence Corps sergeants were executed by the Irgun after a mock trial. Their booby-trapped bodies were hung in an orange grove. Facing the death penalty, two imprisoned Irgun members sacrificed themselves in a "martyrdom operation": they blew themselves up in prison with a smuggled grenade. Others were freed in an attack on Acre prison.13 In short, they skilfully neutralized Britain"s ability to exert control of the security situation.
You cannot have a peace with aggressive, arrogant, racist, brutal people. No matter what they're called. I have experienced such people. When you have an entire state of that nature , rich and pseudo religious, like Israel, it will be necessary finally to stop them- hard! Just listen to their statements! Horrendous Nazi language from a whole bunch of them. THEY DONT WANT TO HAVE PEACE! They could long have it. But they're greedy and want to steal all of the Palestinian lands, no matter what it takes to make the Palestinians disappear!! They speak that way! - The German Nazis had to be stopped, the hard way, there was no other way.
The blood lust is insatiable. So many people here in the US that I have had conversations with say to level Gaza and when I say they are killing children they outright state "I don't care"! The refusal to have a sane voice to be heard is apparently out of the question. This is truly disgusting and has to now be the worst thing to happen in the past 2 centuries. These warmongers are heading us over the cliff and into WW3 and getting cheered on by the clueless idiots whose very children will be slaughtered for the PROFIT of Mass Murdering Sociopaths.
Hi Jonathan..I'm a Brit living in Nazareth for 25 years....still daughter works in an Israeli store in Canion One in Nof Hagalil and because she put a post on Instagram about 4 young brothers killed in Gaza she has been fired. I am shocked that now we are not even allowed to express a simple opinion about the other side. The Gazans are in prison but we Israeli Arabs are also in prison.For the first time in all the years that I have lived here I feel really afraid for our future. Other friends of my kids have been actually taken by police and questioned over instagram posts and opinions...
You did the right thing by leaving. I'm beginning to think I made a huge mistake and should have got my kids out of here a long time ago. Thank you for your heroic journalism Jonathan ..don't stop getting the truth out.....Melissa Qubti (not Isabel!!!)
In my view the Hamas leaders who ordered the recent savage attacks on Israel are war criminals;.They knew, they were going to provoke attacks on a very densely populated Gaza strip leading to countless deaths and injuries of their own people. They have no means of defending these civilians. I don't absolve Netanyhu's present and past governments from blame, as they abandoned any efforts to create 2 states - one Palestinian and one Jewish.
Linkedin's reply to my appeal to them deleting my repost of Jonathan's article reported downstream
We reviewed your post again
Here’s what happened
After reviewing your post again, we found it doesn’t comply with our policy on graphic content.
We understand that this might not be the response you wanted, but we work to apply our policies in a fair and consistent way for all of our members.
Policy reminder
Repeatedly creating content that doesn’t comply with our Professional Community Policies could lead to your LinkedIn account being restricted.
Thank you for being part of the LinkedIn community.
Unfortunately, this notice has a 'do not reply' email address, and searching for a way to contact Linkedin apart from that doesn't exist or I would have replied with this I wrote before noticing the do not reply.
Is it Jonathan Cook's article, 'The blood of Gaza is on the West’s hands as much as Israel’s or my introduction to the article that violates your graphic content policy? or both?
If it's my introduction, would you publish only the article without my intro?
If you understand the non-stop News reporting the 2 US aircraft carrier fleets moving into the War environs, and US Secretary of State Blinken's whirlwind tour to Israel and the other Nations in the Middle East IS to prevent the ARMAGEDDON of my intro without mentioning it since everyone knows the implications in the Word
In case whoever made this decision at Linkedin don't know, Jonathan Cook the Journalist, lived in and reported from Biblical Nazareth for many years before moving back to England just last year,
I would venture he knows much more about this conflict than Western propagandists with so many SINS of Historical OMISSION,
Ray Joseph Cormier
Western media does not recognise Palestinians, or acknowledge that Palestinian have rights.
Word perfect! My heart/mindfelt admiration to Jonathan Cook for his courageous analyses!
Viva Hamas and all the vilified/victimized Palestinians!
Both heartbreaking and frustrating. A serious one or two state solution has to be agreed upon. With a different team of players. No US and EU. Instead I vote for China and Russia
A good recent history, thank you. But it all goes back so much further. Abused by "Christian" Europe for centuries, the Jews found themselves encouraged to move onto Arab land at the end of WW1 - a convenient way to get rid of them. But the persecution of the Jews went on, culminating in the Holocaust. And again, those who survived were encouraged to get out of Europe to "empty" Arab land. So, like some abused children, some Jews have grown up to become abusers.
Yep, sounds like genuine (in)humanity needing its apocalypse, biblically speaking.
The power of the vote is the assurance democracy thrives.
It will interesting to see how Israel approaches the ground invasion. Hamas and other militias are well prepared and waiting in expectation. Many in the IDF do not have the stomach for urban guerilla warfare and close contact fighting so expect a bloodbath on both sides.
At what point do Hezbollah and other Arab states become involved ?
Totally agree, except that the UK encouraged Zionist colonisation of Paestine immediately after implementating the Balfour Declaration, as a way of ensuring trade routes to India , Britain's Jewel in the Crown. From that point on the Jewish immigrants were privileged by the UK over the indigenous population, until the point that Zionist terrorist groups then started attacking the British mandate even before WWII.
The US and the UK have seen the Israeli colonists as their strategic foothold in the region and will do everything they can to ignore the plight of the Palestinians, using the fig leaf of the two-state solution as their illusory road to a solution.
With installation of an even more fascist government under Netanyahu, murders of innocent Palestinians had increased to an average of 25 a month over the last 10 months and land theft had vastly escalated. No wonder that Hamas chose to break out of their prison to draw the world's attention to their plight. Presumably the Western propaganda is not dissimalar to that employed by German fascists when Jews attempted to break out of the Warsaw ghetto and very sadly the result may be the same for the prisoners.
Thank you for an amazing article Johnathan
Its not a service to the Palestinian people it’s a service to humanity.
John Helmer has an article with a quote from Roosevelt who told the Jews in his administration that Israel was always meant to have all of Palestine and no Arabs would be allowed to live there. That was during the Balfour Declaration. It’s just taken Israel 75 years to accomplish it. Didn’t Bibi recently admit that this was the ‘Final Solution.'?
The world leaders know that they are okaying ethnic cleansing and that they will pay a price for it, but they really don’t care. The Biden WH is stating that no one in government should utter the words, ‘ceasefire' and other words to stop the genocide. Absolutely disgusting that my government has signed on to Israel’s crimes against humanity. I do not consent!
Oh, it is in the DNA, the culture, the very lifeblood of Zionism and Racism and Terrorism:
In Western popular discourse the term terrorism has long been associated with the Middle East, but particularly with the activities of Palestinian Arab groups, which have dominated the news for the past forty years. But sixty years ago, it was the actions of Jewish terrorists in Palestine that grabbed headlines around the world. Although this campaign is not as well-known today, it raises an important question: is the modern Middle East conflict, in which terrorism plays a prominent role, itself a product of a terrorist campaign?
In this chapter I argue that Jewish terrorism in the 1940s was both tactically and strategically significant. At the tactical level, Jewish terrorists were able to frustrate British security forces and erode their ability to control Palestine. That played a significant role at the strategic level in persuading Britain to withdraw from Palestine, which, in turn, created the conditions that facilitated the founding of Israel, and the consequent creation of an Arab-Palestinian diaspora. The Arab-Israeli conflict, which arose from this situation, has shaped and dominated Middle East politics and diplomacy for much of the last six decades. Thus, Jewish terrorism left the region with a dual legacy of tactical effectiveness and strategic influence. This article will explore and assess both of these legacies.
While the insurgents relied on "tried and true" terrorist tactics, such as bombings, assassinations, and sabotage, they offset British military advantages with tactical innovations of their own. The road network and the British Army"s vast pool of motor transport gave them freedom of movement throughout the country. The insurgents reduced British mobility with Improvised Explosive Devices (IED"s) disguised as mile-stone markers that blew vehicles off the road and killed or injured their occupants. The insurgents regarded these as their most cost-effective weapon. They also placed bombs in abandoned vehicles. British police stations were heavily fortified, protected by high thick walls, so in at least one attack the insurgents blew up a station with a massive truck bomb (vehicle-borne IED).
When the British passed death sentences on convicted terrorists, British military personnel and civilians were abducted and held for ransom. Two Intelligence Corps sergeants were executed by the Irgun after a mock trial. Their booby-trapped bodies were hung in an orange grove. Facing the death penalty, two imprisoned Irgun members sacrificed themselves in a "martyrdom operation": they blew themselves up in prison with a smuggled grenade. Others were freed in an attack on Acre prison.13 In short, they skilfully neutralized Britain"s ability to exert control of the security situation.
You cannot have a peace with aggressive, arrogant, racist, brutal people. No matter what they're called. I have experienced such people. When you have an entire state of that nature , rich and pseudo religious, like Israel, it will be necessary finally to stop them- hard! Just listen to their statements! Horrendous Nazi language from a whole bunch of them. THEY DONT WANT TO HAVE PEACE! They could long have it. But they're greedy and want to steal all of the Palestinian lands, no matter what it takes to make the Palestinians disappear!! They speak that way! - The German Nazis had to be stopped, the hard way, there was no other way.