Even George's environmental efforts are not beyond pale - so, I challenged him on certain issues (using cattle towards saving the environment from desertification, for instance, via concrete work of certain people who are not to be dismissed out of hand - so, empirically he is wrong and th…
Even George's environmental efforts are not beyond pale - so, I challenged him on certain issues (using cattle towards saving the environment from desertification, for instance, via concrete work of certain people who are not to be dismissed out of hand - so, empirically he is wrong and therefore rather dogmatic in some respects, even on the issues he is most versed in). Alas, he is "a very busy man"...
I also challenged him re. Ukraine - such an obvious point to make, that USofA Neocons' constant pushing of Russia is taking us to the brink of a nuclear war, which will leave no "environment" to protect - but he's as busy as ever...
AFA Jezza is concerned, I was stunned by the tweet where he is basically asking people to save him from having to do the right thing - i.e. stand up, be counted, defend Jezza - by providing him (and the rest of the MSM) with "substantial counterclaims" to Al Jazeera's seriously well founded story...
From what I know of Assange - he is a Libertarian and as such prone to make unholy alliances in his work, often seriously wrong etc. etc. But his role in the society must be defended regardless of what we think and feel about his political philosophy and him personally (as much as anyone can "know him" from afar).
So, George is but Human but not ready to deal with his Humanity. It's as if he started believing in his own "exceptionalism", somewhat akin to "American exceptionalism" that allows them to force everyone to sign all manner of international, binding agreements, while refusing to do the same themselves...
Great work that resonates well with me, Jonathan!
Even George's environmental efforts are not beyond pale - so, I challenged him on certain issues (using cattle towards saving the environment from desertification, for instance, via concrete work of certain people who are not to be dismissed out of hand - so, empirically he is wrong and therefore rather dogmatic in some respects, even on the issues he is most versed in). Alas, he is "a very busy man"...
I also challenged him re. Ukraine - such an obvious point to make, that USofA Neocons' constant pushing of Russia is taking us to the brink of a nuclear war, which will leave no "environment" to protect - but he's as busy as ever...
AFA Jezza is concerned, I was stunned by the tweet where he is basically asking people to save him from having to do the right thing - i.e. stand up, be counted, defend Jezza - by providing him (and the rest of the MSM) with "substantial counterclaims" to Al Jazeera's seriously well founded story...
From what I know of Assange - he is a Libertarian and as such prone to make unholy alliances in his work, often seriously wrong etc. etc. But his role in the society must be defended regardless of what we think and feel about his political philosophy and him personally (as much as anyone can "know him" from afar).
So, George is but Human but not ready to deal with his Humanity. It's as if he started believing in his own "exceptionalism", somewhat akin to "American exceptionalism" that allows them to force everyone to sign all manner of international, binding agreements, while refusing to do the same themselves...