Has anyone else thought that Trump, whilst vulgar (and a poisonous malignancy), is also disposable? (Just as much as Zelenksky.)

The man is a loose cannon and he runs stupidly off-script (particularly online). And he's using up time.

If something unfortunate were to happen to... Well, the operator JD Vance is right there to slot into place to enable an effective three-term Musk presidency (avoiding the need to change the US Constitution, while it still has some meaning).

Vance is a former Silicon Valley associate of Musk's – and, more importantly, a protege of Peter Thiel (the 'Sauron' to Musk's 'Saruman').

Once the tech-mafia have fully completed their data theft, it's game over. You will be a master or (the vast majority) livestock.

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America has no desire to build a pro-Russia security structure i Europe. They destroyed NS2 to stop Russia from working with Europe - and that plan was hatched in the early 2000s.

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FYI, JCook: I used an extended quote from this excellent article (and cited it) as the lead for an article of mine on the Ukraine carve up.


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It wasn't a set up; a set up previously designed by Vance and Trump to attack Zelenksky. YOu can see this if you watch the full 45 minute meeting - which is remarkably polite. A flare up comes in the last seven minutes, and it's Zelensky who wont let it go. Interestingly - not mentioned by the media - he threatens America. There may be an ocean between us but it makes no difference... or words to that effect. Then he is interupted.

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Jonathan, that was a staged media show by Trump/Zelensko and Vance: 2 actors and a Nazi politician. That was followed by another one by Nazi British and EU idiot Puppets expressing solidarity, to the staged media show in Washington, for the poor fake looser Zelensko.

Since years everything is carefully planned, the Nazi US has the strongest and biggest Propaganda and Lies Machine than anybody else in the World as admitted by Putin during Tucker interview last year.

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Well said

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Accurate analysis in my opinion. Trump is the US without a mask.

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The is no "proxy war against Russia". There never has been. The war referred to is a war against Ukraine, conducted mostly on Ukrainian land and destroying mostly Ukrainian assets. For 600 years, Moscow has been exerting control over as much territory as possible, by any means deemed necessary. This war is just another example of that.

As for Russia being concerned about the possibility of a nuclear armed NATO member on its doorstep, the concern is bogus as NATO has never given any indication that it wants to bomb the shit out of Russia. My sympathy is with Ukraine who has a genuinely hostile neighbour who has shamefully even sacrificed many thousands of its own people in order to conquer territory it has no rights to.

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IMHO all that's happening here is that the anti-life billionaire's mafia empire is shifting its focus from making russia the "evil monstrous scary boogeyman enemy" that americans are supposed to be afraid of (and therefore clinging to them, the capitalist billionaire mafiosos - for protection) into making china, iran and muslims the number 1 "evil monstrous scary boogeyman enemy" with which to scare americans into submission and loyalty to the ruling billionaire mafiosos (becasue these greedy thieving billionaire criminals are presented to us - by their paid influrncers and narrative managers - as our "protectors" from that evil scary boogeyman enemy over there who is coming to get you).

The way the ruling elite maintain their power and control over us is by teaching us to fear and HATE!! Fear and hatred of "that evil scary monstrous enemy over there who is coming to get ya" is the BREAD AND BUTTER of the capitalist billionaire ruling class. This is what they thrive on! And this is how they stay in power over us.

Tribalist DIVISION, FEAR & HATRED (of an "evil monstrous scary enemy") is how oppressive ruling elites maintain control over "their own" people, who would otherwise be far more likely to remove the ultra-rich abusive elites from power.

Predatory ruling elites absolutely need to ensure that "their people" fear a boogyman EVIL SCARY ENEMY and look to their own "patriotic leaders" as protectors against that enemy.

That is why they use ANY MEANS NECESSARY to ensure that the tribalist-nationalist-religious division, fear, hatred and violence never ends. While paying lip service as if they want to end conflicts, when IN REALITY the end of national-religious division, hatred and conflict is the thing our billionaire rulers fear the most.

Peace, unity and cooperation between ordinary (non ruling class) people is an EXISTENTIAL THREAT to the billionaire ruling class and they make absolutely sure that it can never happen, make sure to incite as much religious-nationalist division, fear and hatred as possible.

Their elevated position of power over society depends on keeping us in a state of tribalist division, fear, unsafety, hatred and eternal conflict and war!!

They teach us to fear and hate "the enemy" through their narrative managers in their propaganda media (both their corporate mainstream media, or their mainstream "alternative media", which in most cases isn't alternative or independent at all) and through their numeous paid influencers on social media.

For many examples and full details on exactly how the elite oppresors across the planet do that, please see here https://www.pdrboston.org/oppressors-need-bogeyman-enemies (besides the profoundly important main essay, be sure to also follow the links leading out from the essay, for further learning and insight).

That's all that's happening here. Anti-life gangster trump and his billionaire mafiosos figured that its much easier to make their hypnotized dumb and deceived MAGA sheep fear & hate china and iran (and arabs in general) then it is to make them hate russians (which are relatively christian, and so are not supposed to be the ones that the empire murders. Only non-christian and non-whites are acceptable for conservatives as targets and as the ones to be murdered by their beloved billionaire gangsters).

There is nothing even remotely resembling "peace" when it comes to the global dealings of capitalist gangsters (like republicans and democrats) to enrich themselves and secure their domination over the people. They are simply shifting who will be the number 1 boogeyman enemy with which to scare americans (and especially their dumb MAGA worshippers) into submission.

Becasue billionaire oppresors everywhere must ALWAYS have boogeyman enemies with which to scare "their people" into submission, people who wpuld otherwise be much more likely to remove tne ultra-rich from power over us, but do not do so because of there is ALWAYS an evil scary enemy out there that our patriotic billionaires are supposedly protecting us from, and therefore it is always "not the time now" to remove the rich from power iver us, becasue that scary boogeyman enemy (the billionaores' greatest assrt in controlling us) is always there wanting to supposedly hurt us, and supposedly the only thing standing between that evil scary boogeyman enemy and hurting us is our benevolent patriotic billionaire leaders who really really love us and really really want to protect us from that evil scart enemy over there and it is, therefore they convince us that it is never time to remove the billionaore abusers from power, but rather what we need to do, according to the billionaires paid propagamdists is to patriotically unite behind our great leader and rally around the scared flag in order to fight that evil monstrous scary enemy of the nation who wants to hurt us for no reason whatsploever but simy because they are evil (thank god we have our patriotic billionaire to protect is from that evil enemy).

That's all that's happening here. Anti-life mafios trump and his scumbag billionaire mafia (and their paid narrative managers) are simply shifting their dumb and deceived MAGA worshippers into a new number 1 boogeyman enemy to be afraid of and hate - china and iran (and muslims in general).

Again, here is EXACTLY how they play this trick on us (this is a MUST READ essay in my opinion, for anyone who eishes to understand what is actually going on here) https://www.pdrboston.org/oppressors-need-bogeyman-enemies)

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Another brilliant article, thank you Jonathan. I am a simple person and enjoyed seeing Trump tell Z to negotiate with Russia or risk WW3. Peace with Russia is one of the most important things happening now and whoever achieves this is doing good in my book. What I don't understand is the obsession by Europe (Starmer and Von Der Leyen) to continue the war. Do they want want millions more to die, nuclear war and the end of the world?

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" That is what tends to happen when you cosy up to the mafia."

About the only good trait Donnie the Orange Man Bad has is that he doesn't hide the fact that he's a gangster. And a reality TV show actor. You'd think a comedian who used to play the piano with his male member would know by now that this is the third act where you get thrown out of the Oval Office for a ratings boost.

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Spot on!!

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Excellent summary of both the Gaza and Ukraine situations. Kudos to Mr. Cook!

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"The evidence for Ukraine having rare earths at all is derived from reports that are at least 50 years old that were conducted by Russia. There really is no significant evidence that Ukraine has them"


‘No credible evidence’ that Ukraine has rare earth minerals, says Northeastern expert


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Whether Ukraine has them or doesn't have them, Trump's team thinks Ukraine has them and is working on the assumption that Ukraine has them.

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The Ukrainian rare earth reserves appear to have the same status as

'the Russian threat to Europe" and (a favourite in Australia) "the China threat" - useful for motivational marketing, politicians to populations, but nebulous in reality. They also share, unsurprisingly, a similar treatment by established media: endless repetition of the phrases along with almost zero interest in critical examination of what each entails. Numerous websites list 'rare earth reserves by country', Ukraine doesn't appear on any of these. While China is listed as having the largest reserves there is ample potential supply from India, Brazil, Australia among others. Processing is more significant than ore supply, currently mostly in China, with Australian company Lynas reputedly the major non-Chinese producer. https://www.statista.com/statistics/277268/rare-earth-reserves-by-country/ Much info at USGS https://www.usgs.gov/centers/national-minerals-information-center/rare-earths-statistics-and-information Lynas basics: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lynas

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So according to you Trump is casting himself as a peacemaker, but one must not forget, that "during his presidency he was central in escalating tensions between the US and Russia and Russia's invasion in 2022." Wow, Obama implements a coup setting this in motion, and through four years of Trump's presidency the democratic party in complicity with the media, the 'liberal' media as well, pushed the lie of Russia-gate, and whose main purpose was to delegitimize Trump's presidency, while a democratic controlled house even impeached him, and you don't make the connection that his choices to implement his withdrawal from the 1987 treaty and sending, "Javelin anti-tank weapons to Ukraine, a move 'avoided by his predecessor, Barack Obama, for fear it would be seen as provocative." didn't play a significant role in his decisions, and that he operated solely with his own perspective on things? Not to mention the blow-back he got when he paid Putin a cordial visit. Yes, let's make Trump central in escalating the tensions between the US and Russia, and forget he was referenced as Putin's puppet, and underplay the democrat's role, Obama's role, as being central to what happened in Ukraine. Biden once installed with his neocon cronies, Blinken and Nuland and the overall backing of the neocons, could carry out the agenda planed before Trump's 2016 win. As Biden said, Putin has got to go, and he and his administration caused hundreds of thousands of deaths and no doubt more to come with their neocon driven plan to bring Putin down before Trump ever got into office.

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Here you are again defending the indefensible.

He promised to drain the swamp and yet he appointed swamp monsters like Bolton and Abrams. Defend that.

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What a pathetic little argument you offer to challenge my perspective on the Trump administration now and then. Did you forget he fired Bolton who continues to take offense, and is on all the news channels attacking him and his recent decision to get along with Russia? Stay with your unyielding and one sided perspective because I don't give a damn.

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Stay on your knees. How much damage did those two do before they were fired?

Yay for him ending the Ukraine war. But he said he’s doing it so he can focus on China.

And let’s not forget his ethnic cleansing scheme in Gaza. Or do you approve of that too? Or giving Netanyahu permission to start the Gaza slaughter again?

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Here you can watch Bernie Sanders rant about the billionaires in the Trump's administration and making the claim his loyalty and theirs will be to the very rich. He then goes on to speak about the plight of the rest of America and what we must do to change that, so I guess the old coot forgot we just had 4 years of Biden, a democrat, who no doubt put up some 2 to 3 hundred billion to have Ukraine destroyed and some 6 hundred thousand Ukrainian's dead to bring down Russia, our main goal. Not to mention the money it took to supply Israel with weapons that have no doubt killed some 100 thousands Palestinians, since the death toll there is greatly under estimated. So I guess if Harris won she would be thinking of how that money could have been better spent on average Americans. I guess he also forgot how not liberal Obama was, quite conservative really, but he did make himself and his family very, very, very rich.

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Just finished watching him speak. You know what they say when you assume you make as ass out of you. I didn't even vote for him, because of his position in Gaza, and never supported the Israeli position in Gaza or the West Bank. Not ever!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! As for your unwillingness to give him credit for ending the endless deaths of hundreds of thousands of Ukrainians and prevent a possible third world war means you don't think. As for China what else is knew?

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Oh Bernie had a sneer on his face and he was moving his mouth in a sneer and looked like he was trying to get out Fuck you. Charming.

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What more does Ukraine get from a quick peace deal and signing away its mineral rights to the US that it couldn’t get from simply surrendering, holding elections (as Putin won’t talk to Z) and keeping its mineral rights?

Apart from the decades of meddling and provoking, what does any of it have do with the US?

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The point is to get the US stuck in.

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