Thanks, Mr. Cook, for shining daylight on despicability. I read both the hyperlinked Intercept report and your assessment with rapt attention and increasing disgust...and desperation. Hurrah for academic freedom? -- NOT! Definitely, despicably, deplorably, unequivocally NOT!
"We can only pray we don’t have to wait another three-quarters o…
Thanks, Mr. Cook, for shining daylight on despicability. I read both the hyperlinked Intercept report and your assessment with rapt attention and increasing disgust...and desperation. Hurrah for academic freedom? -- NOT! Definitely, despicably, deplorably, unequivocally NOT!
"We can only pray we don’t have to wait another three-quarters of a century before western elites acknowledge that they have been fully complicit in the Gaza genocide." AMEN!
Viva Palestine!--The fighting-for-freedom Hamas and ALL of Palestine!
Thanks, Mr. Cook, for shining daylight on despicability. I read both the hyperlinked Intercept report and your assessment with rapt attention and increasing disgust...and desperation. Hurrah for academic freedom? -- NOT! Definitely, despicably, deplorably, unequivocally NOT!
"We can only pray we don’t have to wait another three-quarters of a century before western elites acknowledge that they have been fully complicit in the Gaza genocide." AMEN!
Viva Palestine!--The fighting-for-freedom Hamas and ALL of Palestine!