Two prestigious law reviews censor Palestinian scholar for proposing a legal framework that ties the Gaza genocide to the ethnic cleansing of Palestine in 1948
"University complicity in the Gaza genocide – brought out of the shadows by the campus protests – highlights how academic institutions are tightly integrated into the political and commercial ventures of western establishments."
Why, Scull and Bones is all the proof you need to see that.
The strangely fanatical aspect of this is that they bothered to try to block the article at all. Even the most prestigious law journals have a tiny readership. And there are any number of clever legal scholars donors could have 'invited' to bury the article in counterargument so that at worst the corporate media would have run with "he said/she said" reporting. Fanaticism is a powerful drug.
I started doing the research on the creation of Israel at the onset of the latest genocide in Gaza and seven months in, I'm still discovering more Zionist massacres! Sadly, Tantura is one among myriads.
Under a post on this genocide a month or two ago someone legt a comment stating "Israel doesn't do genocide."
My reply was simple: "I beg to differ. Why then do the Jew-ish people celebrate at least five genocides every year, whereof the best known one is Passover. All Egyptian males were killed in one night" (by an angel, of course). LOL You just can't make this stuff up.
You can bet your last petro-dollar they'll create a new holliday when the last Palestinian in Gaza and the West Bank dies.
Man when I search Substack for this news using ‘Nakba’ and ‘toward nakba’ and ‘toward nakba as a legal concept’ you’re the only one I can see covering this story. But then maybe the search function a little off cause I wrote about it too. The quality of the censored article was absolutely fantastic. Glad you have this detailed wtf happened story here. Everyone read the article!!!!
Thanks, Mr. Cook, for shining daylight on despicability. I read both the hyperlinked Intercept report and your assessment with rapt attention and increasing disgust...and desperation. Hurrah for academic freedom? -- NOT! Definitely, despicably, deplorably, unequivocally NOT!
"We can only pray we don’t have to wait another three-quarters of a century before western elites acknowledge that they have been fully complicit in the Gaza genocide." AMEN!
Viva Palestine!--The fighting-for-freedom Hamas and ALL of Palestine!
"We can only pray we don’t have to wait another three-quarters of a century before western elites consider acknowledging their complicity in the genocide of Gaza."
That won't do a thing, unfortunately. Admitting wrongdoing way after the damage is done is face-saving and nothing more.
I don’t need them to acknowledge anything! I/we can see their hand-in-hand support and passionate backing for the day time genocide. We are all officially in deep trouble. Zionist/fascist trouble.
I've been studying related issues for the past 20-odd years. It's my impression that this anti-Palestinian trend in the Mainstream is very recent -- basically post-Oct. 7. For years, if not decades, before that, the Mainstream -- which includes not only news media, but also academe, politics, arts & entertainment, etc. -- tended to be pro-Islam & pro-Palestinian. Writers like Andrew Bostom, Robert Spencer, Ibn Warraq, Hugh Fitzgerald, David Horowitz have documented and analyzed this for years -- and they are either ignored by the Mainstream, or they are demonized as "Islamophobes" and "racists". Ibn Warraq and Hugh Fitzgerald especially have concentrated on analyzing how academe has been doing this. Fitzgerald called Middle East studies throughout Western universities (abbreviated as MESA) as "MESA Nostra" (a pun on the Mafia's "Cosa Nostra"), documented a systemic pattern of handicapping any significant criticism of Islam.
According to French philosopher Jacques Ellul, this tendency goes back to the 1980s and 90s. Ellul was a European academic and knew that world.
Speaking of academe, he complained as long ago as the early 1980s about already then a climate of inhibition. In his preface to the 1985 edition of Bat Ye'or's book (The Dhimmi: Jews and Christians Under Islam), Ellul wrote:
"In France, criticisms of Islam or Arab nations is no longer tolerated."
And in his preface he goes on to articulate many other interesting habits of this Western intolerance to open rational criticism of Islam, such as:
"Thus one 'demonstrates' that it is false that Arabs were cruel invaders, that they rampaged with terror and massacres against peoples who would not submit... that [it is false that] Islam was intolerant, on the contrary, it was Tolerance itself. [That] it is false that women are held in an inferior state and that she was excluded from the city. [That] it is false that jihad was a material war; etc. etc...."
Years later, in 1991, Ellul wrote in the foreword to Bay Ye'or's book (The Decline of Eastern Christianity under Islam: From Jihad to Dhimmitude):
"In the general current of favorable predispositions to Islam... there has been a reluctance to allude to the jihad. In Western eyes, it would be a sort of dark stain on the greatness and purity of Islam."
And he goes on to say about Bat Ye'or's book:
"This book neatly highlights what one is concealing -- I would say carefully concealing -- so widespread is the agreement on this silence that it can only be the result of a tacit agreement based on implicit presuppositions."
We must all stay together on this and be certain these Zionist Nazis are brought to justice and never allow a single year to pass let alone another 76! Every day all need to mention and demand those in our governments are brought to the Hague for trial and execution! There are 535 Zionist Nazi politicians from the US along with a great number of these same Zionist in the other governments like in the UK who are all committing GENOCIDE along with the Terrorist State of Israel! We as a people need to demand all of these War Criminals are brought to justice. Here in the US these politicians have committed TREASON as they take money from a foreign government who declared war on the US and they profit that very government from their actions. We The People of the World have a common enemy and whether or not we know it they are at war against us! Treat these Criminals as they should be treated AS THE ENEMY THEY ARE!
Is there anywhere that one can read his report? Thank you
And governments.
"University complicity in the Gaza genocide – brought out of the shadows by the campus protests – highlights how academic institutions are tightly integrated into the political and commercial ventures of western establishments."
Why, Scull and Bones is all the proof you need to see that.
The strangely fanatical aspect of this is that they bothered to try to block the article at all. Even the most prestigious law journals have a tiny readership. And there are any number of clever legal scholars donors could have 'invited' to bury the article in counterargument so that at worst the corporate media would have run with "he said/she said" reporting. Fanaticism is a powerful drug.
The higher education system needs to be in the hands of the State and not politicised by private companies.
I can't believe the amount of censorship, especially when it comes to Palestine, these days. Thanks for letting us know about this, Jonathan.
I started doing the research on the creation of Israel at the onset of the latest genocide in Gaza and seven months in, I'm still discovering more Zionist massacres! Sadly, Tantura is one among myriads.
Under a post on this genocide a month or two ago someone legt a comment stating "Israel doesn't do genocide."
My reply was simple: "I beg to differ. Why then do the Jew-ish people celebrate at least five genocides every year, whereof the best known one is Passover. All Egyptian males were killed in one night" (by an angel, of course). LOL You just can't make this stuff up.
You can bet your last petro-dollar they'll create a new holliday when the last Palestinian in Gaza and the West Bank dies.
Man when I search Substack for this news using ‘Nakba’ and ‘toward nakba’ and ‘toward nakba as a legal concept’ you’re the only one I can see covering this story. But then maybe the search function a little off cause I wrote about it too. The quality of the censored article was absolutely fantastic. Glad you have this detailed wtf happened story here. Everyone read the article!!!!
if Edward Said had been alive and active today, he would have certainly been fired by Columbia University
Thanks, Mr. Cook, for shining daylight on despicability. I read both the hyperlinked Intercept report and your assessment with rapt attention and increasing disgust...and desperation. Hurrah for academic freedom? -- NOT! Definitely, despicably, deplorably, unequivocally NOT!
"We can only pray we don’t have to wait another three-quarters of a century before western elites acknowledge that they have been fully complicit in the Gaza genocide." AMEN!
Viva Palestine!--The fighting-for-freedom Hamas and ALL of Palestine!
"We can only pray we don’t have to wait another three-quarters of a century before western elites consider acknowledging their complicity in the genocide of Gaza."
That won't do a thing, unfortunately. Admitting wrongdoing way after the damage is done is face-saving and nothing more.
I don’t need them to acknowledge anything! I/we can see their hand-in-hand support and passionate backing for the day time genocide. We are all officially in deep trouble. Zionist/fascist trouble.
I've been studying related issues for the past 20-odd years. It's my impression that this anti-Palestinian trend in the Mainstream is very recent -- basically post-Oct. 7. For years, if not decades, before that, the Mainstream -- which includes not only news media, but also academe, politics, arts & entertainment, etc. -- tended to be pro-Islam & pro-Palestinian. Writers like Andrew Bostom, Robert Spencer, Ibn Warraq, Hugh Fitzgerald, David Horowitz have documented and analyzed this for years -- and they are either ignored by the Mainstream, or they are demonized as "Islamophobes" and "racists". Ibn Warraq and Hugh Fitzgerald especially have concentrated on analyzing how academe has been doing this. Fitzgerald called Middle East studies throughout Western universities (abbreviated as MESA) as "MESA Nostra" (a pun on the Mafia's "Cosa Nostra"), documented a systemic pattern of handicapping any significant criticism of Islam.
According to French philosopher Jacques Ellul, this tendency goes back to the 1980s and 90s. Ellul was a European academic and knew that world.
Speaking of academe, he complained as long ago as the early 1980s about already then a climate of inhibition. In his preface to the 1985 edition of Bat Ye'or's book (The Dhimmi: Jews and Christians Under Islam), Ellul wrote:
"In France, criticisms of Islam or Arab nations is no longer tolerated."
And in his preface he goes on to articulate many other interesting habits of this Western intolerance to open rational criticism of Islam, such as:
"Thus one 'demonstrates' that it is false that Arabs were cruel invaders, that they rampaged with terror and massacres against peoples who would not submit... that [it is false that] Islam was intolerant, on the contrary, it was Tolerance itself. [That] it is false that women are held in an inferior state and that she was excluded from the city. [That] it is false that jihad was a material war; etc. etc...."
Years later, in 1991, Ellul wrote in the foreword to Bay Ye'or's book (The Decline of Eastern Christianity under Islam: From Jihad to Dhimmitude):
"In the general current of favorable predispositions to Islam... there has been a reluctance to allude to the jihad. In Western eyes, it would be a sort of dark stain on the greatness and purity of Islam."
And he goes on to say about Bat Ye'or's book:
"This book neatly highlights what one is concealing -- I would say carefully concealing -- so widespread is the agreement on this silence that it can only be the result of a tacit agreement based on implicit presuppositions."
We must all stay together on this and be certain these Zionist Nazis are brought to justice and never allow a single year to pass let alone another 76! Every day all need to mention and demand those in our governments are brought to the Hague for trial and execution! There are 535 Zionist Nazi politicians from the US along with a great number of these same Zionist in the other governments like in the UK who are all committing GENOCIDE along with the Terrorist State of Israel! We as a people need to demand all of these War Criminals are brought to justice. Here in the US these politicians have committed TREASON as they take money from a foreign government who declared war on the US and they profit that very government from their actions. We The People of the World have a common enemy and whether or not we know it they are at war against us! Treat these Criminals as they should be treated AS THE ENEMY THEY ARE!
I think we, as Humanity, need to think seriously about how to address the problem of MONEY.
Would love to have NAMES