Jonathan keeps trying to point the finger at the people behind this genocide. Of course, we all know that "Israel" is doing the deed, but we also know that it couldn't happen without the people who enable Israel. All such wrongdoers are the perpetrators.
Jonathan has pointed the finger at billionaires, our institutions, the USA, the UK, t…
Jonathan keeps trying to point the finger at the people behind this genocide. Of course, we all know that "Israel" is doing the deed, but we also know that it couldn't happen without the people who enable Israel. All such wrongdoers are the perpetrators.
Jonathan has pointed the finger at billionaires, our institutions, the USA, the UK, the western governments, the media, and more, and there's truth to all that, but he always leaves out Judaism itself, which is the unmentionable entity behind all these factions. By Judaism, I really mean the organized political arm of Judaism, and even more precisely than that, the leaders of the countless Jewish political organizations that are funded to the billions of dollars by the Jewish community and Israel. Here's a list of well over 400 of those organizations:
Does anyone deny that Jews are politically organized? I don't mean Israelis or Zionists. I mean Jews. But in truth, there's little difference, since a powerful ethos within Judaism is Zionism/Israel, and it's deeply shared by over 95% of Judaism. Without Israel, Jews have no rudder to the endless future. The people here are Jews. Zionism and "Israel" are only the principles or philosophies expressed by the Jews. It's erroneous to say that "Zionism" or "Israel" is the entity behind the genocide. People are behind the genocide, and those people are Jews.
And how can anyone look at the above humongous list of political organizations and not conclude that this is a powerful political force? Who can tell me that this list doesn't mean anything? Who can produce a list involving any other minority that does not pale in comparison? Jews are a force - as Jews - that cannot be ignored. Do I mean "all Jews?" Don't be silly. Does Jonathan mean "all billionaires?"
How can we bring a wrongdoer to justice if we don't identify who it is? Why doesn't Jonathan understand that Judaism isn't just a religion or an ethnic group or a culture, but also the most powerfully organized minority the world has ever seen? Or maybe he does, but maybe he's afraid to say it?
Along with the "crime of crimes," we must be honest, brave, and forthright to make the "accusation of accusations." And that is that organized Judaism is the primary culprit behind the Palestinian genocide. Thanks to the propaganda of the Jewish Lobby (above), this is currently the best kept secret in all the West - at least in the official public discourse. But if you listen to the folks on X, Facebook, Instagram, TikTok and other social media, you find that very large numbers of people aren't being fooled by the Jewish Narrative, which is the propaganda behind the cover up. Get this, as they commit genocide, they tell us that the biggest problem in the world is "rising antisemitism." Clever, huh?
I predict that nothing will stop the extermination of Palestinians until the world openly exposes who the true perpetrator is. I also think it would be helpful to stop quibbling over the definition of "genocide" and acknowledge that Palestinians are being exterminated by Jews, just like Jews were being exterminated by Germans.
Jonathan keeps trying to point the finger at the people behind this genocide. Of course, we all know that "Israel" is doing the deed, but we also know that it couldn't happen without the people who enable Israel. All such wrongdoers are the perpetrators.
Jonathan has pointed the finger at billionaires, our institutions, the USA, the UK, the western governments, the media, and more, and there's truth to all that, but he always leaves out Judaism itself, which is the unmentionable entity behind all these factions. By Judaism, I really mean the organized political arm of Judaism, and even more precisely than that, the leaders of the countless Jewish political organizations that are funded to the billions of dollars by the Jewish community and Israel. Here's a list of well over 400 of those organizations:
Does anyone deny that Jews are politically organized? I don't mean Israelis or Zionists. I mean Jews. But in truth, there's little difference, since a powerful ethos within Judaism is Zionism/Israel, and it's deeply shared by over 95% of Judaism. Without Israel, Jews have no rudder to the endless future. The people here are Jews. Zionism and "Israel" are only the principles or philosophies expressed by the Jews. It's erroneous to say that "Zionism" or "Israel" is the entity behind the genocide. People are behind the genocide, and those people are Jews.
And how can anyone look at the above humongous list of political organizations and not conclude that this is a powerful political force? Who can tell me that this list doesn't mean anything? Who can produce a list involving any other minority that does not pale in comparison? Jews are a force - as Jews - that cannot be ignored. Do I mean "all Jews?" Don't be silly. Does Jonathan mean "all billionaires?"
How can we bring a wrongdoer to justice if we don't identify who it is? Why doesn't Jonathan understand that Judaism isn't just a religion or an ethnic group or a culture, but also the most powerfully organized minority the world has ever seen? Or maybe he does, but maybe he's afraid to say it?
Along with the "crime of crimes," we must be honest, brave, and forthright to make the "accusation of accusations." And that is that organized Judaism is the primary culprit behind the Palestinian genocide. Thanks to the propaganda of the Jewish Lobby (above), this is currently the best kept secret in all the West - at least in the official public discourse. But if you listen to the folks on X, Facebook, Instagram, TikTok and other social media, you find that very large numbers of people aren't being fooled by the Jewish Narrative, which is the propaganda behind the cover up. Get this, as they commit genocide, they tell us that the biggest problem in the world is "rising antisemitism." Clever, huh?
I predict that nothing will stop the extermination of Palestinians until the world openly exposes who the true perpetrator is. I also think it would be helpful to stop quibbling over the definition of "genocide" and acknowledge that Palestinians are being exterminated by Jews, just like Jews were being exterminated by Germans.
Political arm of ‘Zionism’ is more appropriate. The UK and the US involvement in Palestine is a result of Zionist lobbying.