Amnesty, Human Rights Watch, and Medecins Sans Frontieres are all agreed. But the Gaza genocide is now just another routine news item, buried on the inside pages
If and when the table is turned on Israel, I will be beside myself with vicious joy. They are destroyers of international law, democracy in Western countries (AIPAC and the like throughout the West). Outside of Israel is filled with Sayanin. But most of all they are killers of children. They are killers of children, and I hope everyday for vengeance upon these sub-humans. I have never witnessed such a pathologically ill culture. They are shooting fish in a barrel. Never has such a cowardly race walked the earth. They have filled me with hatred, and I don’t care what any gurus out there have to say in terms of my own mental demise.They have made the world even more psychologically un-healthy for so many people who feel powerless to stop these pathetic, lowly, not animals but sub-humans. They are everything despicable; liars, murderers, insane, so ill they rejoice in their carnage. Come on then you cowards. You’ll be taking on a whole horde one day, not just those poor fish in a barrel. God I despise you. I’m done with collected thoughts.
Thank you very much Jonathan for your heartfelt article of the injustice being carried out on people with no power. As a member of public in the West like many we are feeling hopeless in what we are able to do from here. The regular and continuous badgering of our politicians and theologians is falling on deaf ears. They have no excuse to say ‘we didn’t know’. Your article has used the right vocabulary in calling the perpetrators evil. What is happening is a spiritual warfare. The Palestinians are a threat to the Zionists and evil governments because they are exposing righteousness, truth and seeking justice and peace. No justice and peace is Palestine means no justice and peace in the rest of the world. We will have the Palestinians to thank for their sacrifice, for the powerful individuals of today will be the dust of tomorrow. It is only a matter of time and the cracks are appearing.
Not surprised a out BBC. Editor Raffi Berg, who has to clear all Palestine stories, is jewish. Bit of conflict of interest there, fox guarding the he house.
The conduct of the media is central to this pathology that afflicts the masses that constitute its consumer base. This serves to numb the conscience by fostering a perception of the banality of evil that Hannah Arendt spoke of when reporting on the trial of Eichmann. However, the Israelis have eclipsed the Nazis in this respect for they have made it a cause for celebration. This is but one symptom of the rot that has set in with regard to the social fabric of Israeli society which continues to perish on the commission of these grave violations of the sanctity of life and the destruction of the environment that supports it. When such an erasure of morality is effected, then there is absolute freedom to trawl the darkest recesses of the human psyche in the pursuit of the gratification of a depravity that knows no bounds. As each obscenity fails to satisfy the appetite of these perverts, they search for ever more disgusting means to find expression for their sociopathic predilection. This is the abyss into which Israel and all who cheerlead this festival of atrocity have fallen. For humanity's sake may we live to see an end to such incalculable iniquity.
The need for a multi polar world grows all the time. Israel couldn't commit the horrors it's inflicting upon Gaza and Lebanon and indeed Syria, without the aid and blessing of the US and it's vassals, like the UK and Germany. For too long, the West has ruled, and done so with the force of a jealous brute who has laughed off the pleas of "lesser" nations. The full reform of the UNSC is needed to bring a proper balance to this body. Sadly so much is needed to aid this sickened world and spare it's people.
BTW the genocide in Palestine is NOT the only time Facebook has been complicity in genocide. Facebook has previously been found to do doing this in Myanmar:
Myanmar: Facebook’s systems promoted violence against Rohingya; Meta owes reparations – new report
Facebook owner Meta’s dangerous algorithms and reckless pursuit of profit substantially contributed to the atrocities perpetrated by the Myanmar military against the Rohingya people in 2017, Amnesty International said in a new report published today.
The Social Atrocity: Meta and the right to remedy for the Rohingya, details how Meta knew or should have known that Facebook’s algorithmic systems were supercharging the spread of harmful anti-Rohingya content in Myanmar, but the company still failed to act.
This paper argues that, even acknowledging unique challenges, the outcomes in Myanmar were a predictable result of Facebook’s business model in combination with a striking lack of moderation or enforcement of the company’s own code of conduct. The paper further argues that this outcome is the ultimate consequence of an atmosphere of absolute corporate impunity. With no international legal mechanism capable of holding Facebook accountable, the company operated without regard for the human rights of Myanmar’s citizens. The absence of accountability mechanisms is itself a consequence of corporate power. With no changes in legal frameworks likely to result from this tragedy, this will not be the last time that Facebook will contribute to a situation like the Myanmar genocide.
… Facebook says that it will do better. In radio interviews80 and testimony before Congress, 81 Mark Zuckerberg has pledged to make changes. The corporation has done a post-mortem on its role, and outlined specific steps that it claims will help.
But the source of the harm is deeper than a lack of preparedness and the unique context of Myanmar. Serious questions persist about whether Facebook’s very business model will make a repetition of the Myanmar genocide inevitable.
In April 2021, at the time of this paper’s writing, the Guardian reported on a trove of internal documentation demonstrating the company’s knowledge of politically manipulative behavior by authoritarian leaders
Your not a serious person. My job ain't to school you or anybody on basic historical facts, reason, or morality. You're struggling with these things, I get that. Good luck.
Thank you for reminding us how humans can bear the suffering of others so long as it doesn’t impact us as individuals. We are told this genocide is different as what happened during the genocide in European countries was unknown to the general public. Not so as the Nazis made sure people knew that if they protected Jews, they would share their fate. So non Jews had a vested interest in not resisting genocide. We in the West have no such excuse. None of us will be carted off to the prison that is Gaza and still we refuse to push for BDS in our work and domestic spheres. We in the West must step up. We must do better in 2025.
I cannot add anything new to all these honest, intelligent, aware, and heart-felt comments made by all of you. I can only state that Jonathan’s factual article and all of these comments are medicine for me. I often feel such despair and heartache over the depravity of my country (US) and other western nations, actively supporting this Genocide. It is a bit of comfort to see others standing with me. It gives a sliver of hope , though small , that humanity has not also been slaughtered in this Horrific Genocide.Godspeed to us all….soldiers for Humanity.
Jonathan keeps trying to point the finger at the people behind this genocide. Of course, we all know that "Israel" is doing the deed, but we also know that it couldn't happen without the people who enable Israel. All such wrongdoers are the perpetrators.
Jonathan has pointed the finger at billionaires, our institutions, the USA, the UK, the western governments, the media, and more, and there's truth to all that, but he always leaves out Judaism itself, which is the unmentionable entity behind all these factions. By Judaism, I really mean the organized political arm of Judaism, and even more precisely than that, the leaders of the countless Jewish political organizations that are funded to the billions of dollars by the Jewish community and Israel. Here's a list of well over 400 of those organizations:
Does anyone deny that Jews are politically organized? I don't mean Israelis or Zionists. I mean Jews. But in truth, there's little difference, since a powerful ethos within Judaism is Zionism/Israel, and it's deeply shared by over 95% of Judaism. Without Israel, Jews have no rudder to the endless future. The people here are Jews. Zionism and "Israel" are only the principles or philosophies expressed by the Jews. It's erroneous to say that "Zionism" or "Israel" is the entity behind the genocide. People are behind the genocide, and those people are Jews.
And how can anyone look at the above humongous list of political organizations and not conclude that this is a powerful political force? Who can tell me that this list doesn't mean anything? Who can produce a list involving any other minority that does not pale in comparison? Jews are a force - as Jews - that cannot be ignored. Do I mean "all Jews?" Don't be silly. Does Jonathan mean "all billionaires?"
How can we bring a wrongdoer to justice if we don't identify who it is? Why doesn't Jonathan understand that Judaism isn't just a religion or an ethnic group or a culture, but also the most powerfully organized minority the world has ever seen? Or maybe he does, but maybe he's afraid to say it?
Along with the "crime of crimes," we must be honest, brave, and forthright to make the "accusation of accusations." And that is that organized Judaism is the primary culprit behind the Palestinian genocide. Thanks to the propaganda of the Jewish Lobby (above), this is currently the best kept secret in all the West - at least in the official public discourse. But if you listen to the folks on X, Facebook, Instagram, TikTok and other social media, you find that very large numbers of people aren't being fooled by the Jewish Narrative, which is the propaganda behind the cover up. Get this, as they commit genocide, they tell us that the biggest problem in the world is "rising antisemitism." Clever, huh?
I predict that nothing will stop the extermination of Palestinians until the world openly exposes who the true perpetrator is. I also think it would be helpful to stop quibbling over the definition of "genocide" and acknowledge that Palestinians are being exterminated by Jews, just like Jews were being exterminated by Germans.
I have one big question: How many expert reports calling out a genocide as a genocide will it take until the West shuts down the Israelis for good? We can't allow this nightmare to continue much longer. Where is the United Nations in all this mess? #FreePalestine
I don't think you understand that the people in the driver seat are Jews, and unless/until that fact is address, Palestinians will continue to be exterminated by Jews just like Jews were being exterminated by Germans.
Magan, you and Jonathan are spreading disinformation originated by Jewish leaders as a way to hide from their crimes. The power of Christian Zionism pales inn comparison to that of Jewish Zionism, and the largest of these organizations are dominated by Jews. Also, Zionism is an ethos within Judaism, so to say that Zionists are something different from Jews is disinformation. Concerning so-called Christian Zionism, here are some of the most important facts. I invite you to do your own research and report back, saying that what I print below is accurate and what is not.
The International Fellowship of Christians and Jews (IFCJ) is led by an Orthodox Jew, Rabbi Yechiel Eckstein. He claims that this organization has raised over $600 million since inception and receives over $100 million yearly donations. There’s confusion among many of the Christian donors who think the money goes for Christian evangelism to Jews, but they are mistaken and Eckstein is actually against such evangelism to Jews.
The largest US Christian organization is reputably John Hagee’s Christians United for Israel (CUFI), which claims to have 10 million members, though such claims aren’t too meaningful because a “member” means only that CUFI has your email address. Better number estimates are 30,000-50.000. CUFI also claims to have contributed about $100 million towards Israeli projects over its lifetime. That comes to less than $6 million per year, which is a drop in the bucket compared only to the annual expenditures of AIPAC. CUFI has the same problem that ICFJ (above) has: many Christian donors believe the money goes towards converting Jews in Israel to Christianity, but it doesn’t. Hagee gets Jewish advice from CUFI’s own executive director, David Brog, a Conservative Jew, and Brog brought two other Jews on board: Shari Dollinger as a coordinator and Ari Morgenstern as communications director. Brog is said to run CUFI as a political lobbying campaign for Jews, yet emphasizes the message that evangelical Christians support Israel. Many wealthy Jews have donated tens of thousands of dollars to CUFI, and Brog assures them they are “safe” because CUFI will never proselytize. Thus, even the largest Christian-right Zionist organization is largely run by Jews and fulfills Jewish political objectives.
There’s no doubt that the major, overwhelming monetary and political support for Jewish political interests comes from the Jewish communities in Israel and the Diaspora.
But apart from that, think about it. Do you think that Jews would let their most important, beloved state of Israel lie in the fate of Goyim? Don't you have even a modicum of awareness of how powerful Jews are in the Goyim world? Do you really believe they would leave the fate of Israel up to bungling Goyim?
Don't you agree that we cannot bring a perpetrator to justice if we don't identify who it is? How can there be a trial of the criminals if the criminals are not identified? Do you agree that invisibility breeds unaccountability? The best kept secret in the US is the fact that all of Judaism is responsible for the Conquest of Palestine. In the same way Germany was brought down and then held accountable for its Nazism, Judaism must also be brought down then held accountable, by making restitution for its crimes on humanity.
Yes, Judaism is a hodge podge of a religion, an ethnic/cultural group, and a minority, but most importantly for it and the rest of the world is the fact that it's an enormously powerful political interest group. And like most other of such groups, damages our democracy because it successfully imposes the political will of a small minority of the nation. Judaism is anti-American.
If and when the table is turned on Israel, I will be beside myself with vicious joy. They are destroyers of international law, democracy in Western countries (AIPAC and the like throughout the West). Outside of Israel is filled with Sayanin. But most of all they are killers of children. They are killers of children, and I hope everyday for vengeance upon these sub-humans. I have never witnessed such a pathologically ill culture. They are shooting fish in a barrel. Never has such a cowardly race walked the earth. They have filled me with hatred, and I don’t care what any gurus out there have to say in terms of my own mental demise.They have made the world even more psychologically un-healthy for so many people who feel powerless to stop these pathetic, lowly, not animals but sub-humans. They are everything despicable; liars, murderers, insane, so ill they rejoice in their carnage. Come on then you cowards. You’ll be taking on a whole horde one day, not just those poor fish in a barrel. God I despise you. I’m done with collected thoughts.
Thank you very much Jonathan for your heartfelt article of the injustice being carried out on people with no power. As a member of public in the West like many we are feeling hopeless in what we are able to do from here. The regular and continuous badgering of our politicians and theologians is falling on deaf ears. They have no excuse to say ‘we didn’t know’. Your article has used the right vocabulary in calling the perpetrators evil. What is happening is a spiritual warfare. The Palestinians are a threat to the Zionists and evil governments because they are exposing righteousness, truth and seeking justice and peace. No justice and peace is Palestine means no justice and peace in the rest of the world. We will have the Palestinians to thank for their sacrifice, for the powerful individuals of today will be the dust of tomorrow. It is only a matter of time and the cracks are appearing.
Not surprised a out BBC. Editor Raffi Berg, who has to clear all Palestine stories, is jewish. Bit of conflict of interest there, fox guarding the he house.
The conduct of the media is central to this pathology that afflicts the masses that constitute its consumer base. This serves to numb the conscience by fostering a perception of the banality of evil that Hannah Arendt spoke of when reporting on the trial of Eichmann. However, the Israelis have eclipsed the Nazis in this respect for they have made it a cause for celebration. This is but one symptom of the rot that has set in with regard to the social fabric of Israeli society which continues to perish on the commission of these grave violations of the sanctity of life and the destruction of the environment that supports it. When such an erasure of morality is effected, then there is absolute freedom to trawl the darkest recesses of the human psyche in the pursuit of the gratification of a depravity that knows no bounds. As each obscenity fails to satisfy the appetite of these perverts, they search for ever more disgusting means to find expression for their sociopathic predilection. This is the abyss into which Israel and all who cheerlead this festival of atrocity have fallen. For humanity's sake may we live to see an end to such incalculable iniquity.
The need for a multi polar world grows all the time. Israel couldn't commit the horrors it's inflicting upon Gaza and Lebanon and indeed Syria, without the aid and blessing of the US and it's vassals, like the UK and Germany. For too long, the West has ruled, and done so with the force of a jealous brute who has laughed off the pleas of "lesser" nations. The full reform of the UNSC is needed to bring a proper balance to this body. Sadly so much is needed to aid this sickened world and spare it's people.
Do we need another “expert” to tell us that black is black and white is white. ….. and that Genocide is Genocide.
BTW the genocide in Palestine is NOT the only time Facebook has been complicity in genocide. Facebook has previously been found to do doing this in Myanmar:
Facebook admits it was used to 'incite offline violence' in Myanmar
6 November 2018
Myanmar: Facebook’s systems promoted violence against Rohingya; Meta owes reparations – new report
Facebook owner Meta’s dangerous algorithms and reckless pursuit of profit substantially contributed to the atrocities perpetrated by the Myanmar military against the Rohingya people in 2017, Amnesty International said in a new report published today.
The Social Atrocity: Meta and the right to remedy for the Rohingya, details how Meta knew or should have known that Facebook’s algorithmic systems were supercharging the spread of harmful anti-Rohingya content in Myanmar, but the company still failed to act.
August 25, 2023
Myanmar: Time for Meta to pay reparations to Rohingya for role in ethnic cleansing
This paper argues that, even acknowledging unique challenges, the outcomes in Myanmar were a predictable result of Facebook’s business model in combination with a striking lack of moderation or enforcement of the company’s own code of conduct. The paper further argues that this outcome is the ultimate consequence of an atmosphere of absolute corporate impunity. With no international legal mechanism capable of holding Facebook accountable, the company operated without regard for the human rights of Myanmar’s citizens. The absence of accountability mechanisms is itself a consequence of corporate power. With no changes in legal frameworks likely to result from this tragedy, this will not be the last time that Facebook will contribute to a situation like the Myanmar genocide.
… Facebook says that it will do better. In radio interviews80 and testimony before Congress, 81 Mark Zuckerberg has pledged to make changes. The corporation has done a post-mortem on its role, and outlined specific steps that it claims will help.
But the source of the harm is deeper than a lack of preparedness and the unique context of Myanmar. Serious questions persist about whether Facebook’s very business model will make a repetition of the Myanmar genocide inevitable.
In April 2021, at the time of this paper’s writing, the Guardian reported on a trove of internal documentation demonstrating the company’s knowledge of politically manipulative behavior by authoritarian leaders
How many western governments have been infiltrated by the zio lobbies?
Prosecute the war criminals for Christ's sake.
You wrote: “…the Palestinians – long the victims of an illegal occupation…”
Where’s your data?
That's like asking where is the "data" that when it rains, the streets get wet.
Asking for the data—the proof—of an illegal occupation. Or, for that matter, that there is actually (historically) such a people group—“Palestinian.”
So, data please.
Your not a serious person. My job ain't to school you or anybody on basic historical facts, reason, or morality. You're struggling with these things, I get that. Good luck.
Got it. You’ve got nothing.
Thank you for reminding us how humans can bear the suffering of others so long as it doesn’t impact us as individuals. We are told this genocide is different as what happened during the genocide in European countries was unknown to the general public. Not so as the Nazis made sure people knew that if they protected Jews, they would share their fate. So non Jews had a vested interest in not resisting genocide. We in the West have no such excuse. None of us will be carted off to the prison that is Gaza and still we refuse to push for BDS in our work and domestic spheres. We in the West must step up. We must do better in 2025.
Jonathan...your article prompted me to write a short stack with a video I made based upon your article here. You might enjoy it.
I cannot add anything new to all these honest, intelligent, aware, and heart-felt comments made by all of you. I can only state that Jonathan’s factual article and all of these comments are medicine for me. I often feel such despair and heartache over the depravity of my country (US) and other western nations, actively supporting this Genocide. It is a bit of comfort to see others standing with me. It gives a sliver of hope , though small , that humanity has not also been slaughtered in this Horrific Genocide.Godspeed to us all….soldiers for Humanity.
Jonathan keeps trying to point the finger at the people behind this genocide. Of course, we all know that "Israel" is doing the deed, but we also know that it couldn't happen without the people who enable Israel. All such wrongdoers are the perpetrators.
Jonathan has pointed the finger at billionaires, our institutions, the USA, the UK, the western governments, the media, and more, and there's truth to all that, but he always leaves out Judaism itself, which is the unmentionable entity behind all these factions. By Judaism, I really mean the organized political arm of Judaism, and even more precisely than that, the leaders of the countless Jewish political organizations that are funded to the billions of dollars by the Jewish community and Israel. Here's a list of well over 400 of those organizations:
Does anyone deny that Jews are politically organized? I don't mean Israelis or Zionists. I mean Jews. But in truth, there's little difference, since a powerful ethos within Judaism is Zionism/Israel, and it's deeply shared by over 95% of Judaism. Without Israel, Jews have no rudder to the endless future. The people here are Jews. Zionism and "Israel" are only the principles or philosophies expressed by the Jews. It's erroneous to say that "Zionism" or "Israel" is the entity behind the genocide. People are behind the genocide, and those people are Jews.
And how can anyone look at the above humongous list of political organizations and not conclude that this is a powerful political force? Who can tell me that this list doesn't mean anything? Who can produce a list involving any other minority that does not pale in comparison? Jews are a force - as Jews - that cannot be ignored. Do I mean "all Jews?" Don't be silly. Does Jonathan mean "all billionaires?"
How can we bring a wrongdoer to justice if we don't identify who it is? Why doesn't Jonathan understand that Judaism isn't just a religion or an ethnic group or a culture, but also the most powerfully organized minority the world has ever seen? Or maybe he does, but maybe he's afraid to say it?
Along with the "crime of crimes," we must be honest, brave, and forthright to make the "accusation of accusations." And that is that organized Judaism is the primary culprit behind the Palestinian genocide. Thanks to the propaganda of the Jewish Lobby (above), this is currently the best kept secret in all the West - at least in the official public discourse. But if you listen to the folks on X, Facebook, Instagram, TikTok and other social media, you find that very large numbers of people aren't being fooled by the Jewish Narrative, which is the propaganda behind the cover up. Get this, as they commit genocide, they tell us that the biggest problem in the world is "rising antisemitism." Clever, huh?
I predict that nothing will stop the extermination of Palestinians until the world openly exposes who the true perpetrator is. I also think it would be helpful to stop quibbling over the definition of "genocide" and acknowledge that Palestinians are being exterminated by Jews, just like Jews were being exterminated by Germans.
Political arm of ‘Zionism’ is more appropriate. The UK and the US involvement in Palestine is a result of Zionist lobbying.
Brilliant, thank you! Please read my second open letter to Sir Keir Starmer on my Substack!!
I have one big question: How many expert reports calling out a genocide as a genocide will it take until the West shuts down the Israelis for good? We can't allow this nightmare to continue much longer. Where is the United Nations in all this mess? #FreePalestine
I don't think you understand that the people in the driver seat are Jews, and unless/until that fact is address, Palestinians will continue to be exterminated by Jews just like Jews were being exterminated by Germans.
Care is needed to refer as Zionists, as it encompasses Christian Zionism which plays a serious part in undermining scriptural truths.
Magan, you and Jonathan are spreading disinformation originated by Jewish leaders as a way to hide from their crimes. The power of Christian Zionism pales inn comparison to that of Jewish Zionism, and the largest of these organizations are dominated by Jews. Also, Zionism is an ethos within Judaism, so to say that Zionists are something different from Jews is disinformation. Concerning so-called Christian Zionism, here are some of the most important facts. I invite you to do your own research and report back, saying that what I print below is accurate and what is not.
The International Fellowship of Christians and Jews (IFCJ) is led by an Orthodox Jew, Rabbi Yechiel Eckstein. He claims that this organization has raised over $600 million since inception and receives over $100 million yearly donations. There’s confusion among many of the Christian donors who think the money goes for Christian evangelism to Jews, but they are mistaken and Eckstein is actually against such evangelism to Jews.
The largest US Christian organization is reputably John Hagee’s Christians United for Israel (CUFI), which claims to have 10 million members, though such claims aren’t too meaningful because a “member” means only that CUFI has your email address. Better number estimates are 30,000-50.000. CUFI also claims to have contributed about $100 million towards Israeli projects over its lifetime. That comes to less than $6 million per year, which is a drop in the bucket compared only to the annual expenditures of AIPAC. CUFI has the same problem that ICFJ (above) has: many Christian donors believe the money goes towards converting Jews in Israel to Christianity, but it doesn’t. Hagee gets Jewish advice from CUFI’s own executive director, David Brog, a Conservative Jew, and Brog brought two other Jews on board: Shari Dollinger as a coordinator and Ari Morgenstern as communications director. Brog is said to run CUFI as a political lobbying campaign for Jews, yet emphasizes the message that evangelical Christians support Israel. Many wealthy Jews have donated tens of thousands of dollars to CUFI, and Brog assures them they are “safe” because CUFI will never proselytize. Thus, even the largest Christian-right Zionist organization is largely run by Jews and fulfills Jewish political objectives.
There’s no doubt that the major, overwhelming monetary and political support for Jewish political interests comes from the Jewish communities in Israel and the Diaspora.
But apart from that, think about it. Do you think that Jews would let their most important, beloved state of Israel lie in the fate of Goyim? Don't you have even a modicum of awareness of how powerful Jews are in the Goyim world? Do you really believe they would leave the fate of Israel up to bungling Goyim?
Don't you agree that we cannot bring a perpetrator to justice if we don't identify who it is? How can there be a trial of the criminals if the criminals are not identified? Do you agree that invisibility breeds unaccountability? The best kept secret in the US is the fact that all of Judaism is responsible for the Conquest of Palestine. In the same way Germany was brought down and then held accountable for its Nazism, Judaism must also be brought down then held accountable, by making restitution for its crimes on humanity.
Yes, Judaism is a hodge podge of a religion, an ethnic/cultural group, and a minority, but most importantly for it and the rest of the world is the fact that it's an enormously powerful political interest group. And like most other of such groups, damages our democracy because it successfully imposes the political will of a small minority of the nation. Judaism is anti-American.