Yes, I have also read all that material. And the lampshades and soap made from human fat was debunked within a few years. I mean the human fat and the skin would be poisoned with cyanide and would kill anyone who touched it.
I knew the figure of 6 million was sourced in the invention of Zionism in 1897 and used thousands of times in the y…
Yes, I have also read all that material. And the lampshades and soap made from human fat was debunked within a few years. I mean the human fat and the skin would be poisoned with cyanide and would kill anyone who touched it.
I knew the figure of 6 million was sourced in the invention of Zionism in 1897 and used thousands of times in the years which followed in newspaper stories, ads for Jews to colonise Palestine etc., but I had also read, not pursued or confirmed, that the figure of 6 million was sourced in some Judaic myth.
And I read somewhere that the figures used included every Jew who died anywhere in Europe of any cause between 1939-1949.
The problem is that censorship of the topic has made it impossible to come up with a correct figure. No doubt the plan. But, even if it were 60,000 or 600,000 it is still too many. But the huge figure of 6 million has powered the Palestine colonial project and Zionist propaganda for too long.
Exactly. What the Nazis did was horrific and criminal. That far too many people died is the embodiment of Tragedy. The other aspect that most shall we call them 'Allied Forces' refuse to look at, is that just as Sykes/Picot turned the Middle East into the mess it is today, the Treaty of Versailles did just one thing: to make the next War inevitable. In other words, had it not been for British and French Colonial Hubris and lunacy, Hitler and the Nazis would never have been possible. As George Steiner once remarked: Were one to guess where persecution of Jews would reach the depth it did, the last country you would have nominated would have been Germany. And, also pertinent is the Balfour Declaration, and Tony Greenstein's new book - something Hannah Arendt alluded to as well - Zionism and The Holocaust.
Yes, agree. Also not taken into account was the impact of the Bolshevik Revolution in Russia, particularly the murder of the Royal Family, on Europe where people were horrified and terrified at what it was and did and knew that Jews were a major part of the movement.
I am not seeking to condone any persecution, violence or atrocities, but simply making the point that nothing happens in a vacuum and when a group sets itself apart, for any reason, worse when it makes it clear it believes the members are superior, it is more likely to become a target when times get tough. That is wrong, but it is a reality of human nature. More so when it can be sourced in unconscious prejudice toward a religions group, as had been the case with Jews, for Christians for thousands of years.
And I also wonder how much Zionist thought and policy played a part in the development of hatred and fear of Jews in Nazi Germany. Zionism was three decades older than Nazism and the two groups certainly interacted.
And of course, the history is written by the victors and the power and influence of Zionists, Jews and Israelis on writing the history of Nazi Germany has been and remains immense. What is strange, given how the Nazis and their Jew-hatred has been painted for nearly a century is that Jews served as soldiers in the German army and some were even officers. I believe there was a Jewish battalion which served in Scandinavia.
So, as with most aspects of this story, there are paradoxes and nonsensical claims.
Bryan Mark Rigg wrote a book: Hitler's Jewish Soldiers.
I read it in the early 2000's. It was around the time Goldhagen wrote a book stating that ALL Germans knew about and were complicit in THE Holocaust. The most poignant aspect of Rigg's book was the accounts of Jewish German soldiers coming home to find their families had been ethnically cleansed. Think about that. My mother's side of my family were Donauschwaben from what was once Hungary-Austria, which became overnight the Serbian section of Yugoslavia. My mother's ancestors came from the Black Forest and Alsace. In October 1944, Tito's people took over Werschetz, my mother's birthplace, and ethnically cleansed the Germans. My mother was a 20-year-old Kindergarten teacher. My grandfather, a vigneron was, along with the other ethnic German men, murdered. My mother spent from October 1944 working 12 hours a day in a coal mine in Donetsk, 7 days a week. Most of her fellow inmates - ethnic German women under 40, died. My mother was released in April 1947. My father, Leipzig born, was conscripted in February 1941, the day he turned 17. He was a fitter and Turner. His first gig was the road to Stalingrad. he got lucky at Kharkov when a bullet grazed his skull. He deserted in Italy in 1944, and ended up in an English POW camp in Port Said. He described how when the German POWs were shown footage of the liberated camps, none of them believed what they saw - they likened it to the British-invented WW1 Belgian baby propaganda. Also, for the record, the German population in 1933 - after Sudetenland and various Prussian regions were ' given away ' was 63 million. The Jewish population was 507,000. And, last but not least, the two European Countries I rank very highly about integrity during this horrific period, are Bulgaria and Denmark. The reason: because they told the nazis to get fucked when they were ordered to hand over their Jews.
Yes, fascinating. And in that way of things I have a Jewish line to my family although my great-grandfather dumped the religion when he married a Scottish Protestant and became a Protestant. His four brothers all married out and his five sisters, with no freedom to do anything else, married in.
I have traced my ancestry in general back more than 300 years and the Jewish mob lived peaceful lives in England and then in Australia when they migrated in the 1840's. The Germans, and the same for my husband, ended up in Australia because they were persecuted - Baptists, Lutherans, Wendish.
I also have a Greek Orthodox Great grandfather and Catholics, Anglicans and some esoteric small religious groups including Quakers. None of the religions endured in my family and I have studied a lot of them but follow none, although I do have a spiritual perspective and value the best in all religions with a leaning to the esoteric like Gnostic and Kabbalah.
My Danish ancestors from Schleswig-Holstein were persecuted by the Germans and we have Prussian (really Poles) and Polish/Russian ancestry along with French and a lot of Scottish.
As to Germans not knowing, they probably didn't. Most of them. Not an excuse anyone can make about the Gaza concentration camp today.
Wow! What a rich and wonderful heritage you bear. We migrated to Australia in 1956 when I was six. My father was a nominal Lutheran, my mother a nominal Catholic. My Dna shows 88% Northen European, 7% Scandinavian, 2% Finnish, 2% Celtic and 1% Middle Eastern. Truly one-dimensional, even boring. I have just published 16 Stories - I have written 87 - and the last in the collection is called Mother Tongue. The book is called; Every Good Boy Deserves fruit. My wife is Polish. There ya go. We live in a suburb of Melbourne.
Yes, I have also read all that material. And the lampshades and soap made from human fat was debunked within a few years. I mean the human fat and the skin would be poisoned with cyanide and would kill anyone who touched it.
I knew the figure of 6 million was sourced in the invention of Zionism in 1897 and used thousands of times in the years which followed in newspaper stories, ads for Jews to colonise Palestine etc., but I had also read, not pursued or confirmed, that the figure of 6 million was sourced in some Judaic myth.
And I read somewhere that the figures used included every Jew who died anywhere in Europe of any cause between 1939-1949.
The problem is that censorship of the topic has made it impossible to come up with a correct figure. No doubt the plan. But, even if it were 60,000 or 600,000 it is still too many. But the huge figure of 6 million has powered the Palestine colonial project and Zionist propaganda for too long.
Exactly. What the Nazis did was horrific and criminal. That far too many people died is the embodiment of Tragedy. The other aspect that most shall we call them 'Allied Forces' refuse to look at, is that just as Sykes/Picot turned the Middle East into the mess it is today, the Treaty of Versailles did just one thing: to make the next War inevitable. In other words, had it not been for British and French Colonial Hubris and lunacy, Hitler and the Nazis would never have been possible. As George Steiner once remarked: Were one to guess where persecution of Jews would reach the depth it did, the last country you would have nominated would have been Germany. And, also pertinent is the Balfour Declaration, and Tony Greenstein's new book - something Hannah Arendt alluded to as well - Zionism and The Holocaust.
Yes, agree. Also not taken into account was the impact of the Bolshevik Revolution in Russia, particularly the murder of the Royal Family, on Europe where people were horrified and terrified at what it was and did and knew that Jews were a major part of the movement.
I am not seeking to condone any persecution, violence or atrocities, but simply making the point that nothing happens in a vacuum and when a group sets itself apart, for any reason, worse when it makes it clear it believes the members are superior, it is more likely to become a target when times get tough. That is wrong, but it is a reality of human nature. More so when it can be sourced in unconscious prejudice toward a religions group, as had been the case with Jews, for Christians for thousands of years.
And I also wonder how much Zionist thought and policy played a part in the development of hatred and fear of Jews in Nazi Germany. Zionism was three decades older than Nazism and the two groups certainly interacted.
And of course, the history is written by the victors and the power and influence of Zionists, Jews and Israelis on writing the history of Nazi Germany has been and remains immense. What is strange, given how the Nazis and their Jew-hatred has been painted for nearly a century is that Jews served as soldiers in the German army and some were even officers. I believe there was a Jewish battalion which served in Scandinavia.
So, as with most aspects of this story, there are paradoxes and nonsensical claims.
Bryan Mark Rigg wrote a book: Hitler's Jewish Soldiers.
I read it in the early 2000's. It was around the time Goldhagen wrote a book stating that ALL Germans knew about and were complicit in THE Holocaust. The most poignant aspect of Rigg's book was the accounts of Jewish German soldiers coming home to find their families had been ethnically cleansed. Think about that. My mother's side of my family were Donauschwaben from what was once Hungary-Austria, which became overnight the Serbian section of Yugoslavia. My mother's ancestors came from the Black Forest and Alsace. In October 1944, Tito's people took over Werschetz, my mother's birthplace, and ethnically cleansed the Germans. My mother was a 20-year-old Kindergarten teacher. My grandfather, a vigneron was, along with the other ethnic German men, murdered. My mother spent from October 1944 working 12 hours a day in a coal mine in Donetsk, 7 days a week. Most of her fellow inmates - ethnic German women under 40, died. My mother was released in April 1947. My father, Leipzig born, was conscripted in February 1941, the day he turned 17. He was a fitter and Turner. His first gig was the road to Stalingrad. he got lucky at Kharkov when a bullet grazed his skull. He deserted in Italy in 1944, and ended up in an English POW camp in Port Said. He described how when the German POWs were shown footage of the liberated camps, none of them believed what they saw - they likened it to the British-invented WW1 Belgian baby propaganda. Also, for the record, the German population in 1933 - after Sudetenland and various Prussian regions were ' given away ' was 63 million. The Jewish population was 507,000. And, last but not least, the two European Countries I rank very highly about integrity during this horrific period, are Bulgaria and Denmark. The reason: because they told the nazis to get fucked when they were ordered to hand over their Jews.
Yes, fascinating. And in that way of things I have a Jewish line to my family although my great-grandfather dumped the religion when he married a Scottish Protestant and became a Protestant. His four brothers all married out and his five sisters, with no freedom to do anything else, married in.
I have traced my ancestry in general back more than 300 years and the Jewish mob lived peaceful lives in England and then in Australia when they migrated in the 1840's. The Germans, and the same for my husband, ended up in Australia because they were persecuted - Baptists, Lutherans, Wendish.
I also have a Greek Orthodox Great grandfather and Catholics, Anglicans and some esoteric small religious groups including Quakers. None of the religions endured in my family and I have studied a lot of them but follow none, although I do have a spiritual perspective and value the best in all religions with a leaning to the esoteric like Gnostic and Kabbalah.
My Danish ancestors from Schleswig-Holstein were persecuted by the Germans and we have Prussian (really Poles) and Polish/Russian ancestry along with French and a lot of Scottish.
As to Germans not knowing, they probably didn't. Most of them. Not an excuse anyone can make about the Gaza concentration camp today.
Wow! What a rich and wonderful heritage you bear. We migrated to Australia in 1956 when I was six. My father was a nominal Lutheran, my mother a nominal Catholic. My Dna shows 88% Northen European, 7% Scandinavian, 2% Finnish, 2% Celtic and 1% Middle Eastern. Truly one-dimensional, even boring. I have just published 16 Stories - I have written 87 - and the last in the collection is called Mother Tongue. The book is called; Every Good Boy Deserves fruit. My wife is Polish. There ya go. We live in a suburb of Melbourne.