Dear Jonathan Cook, many thanks for this article. It was a very good analysis of the weaponizing of the Holocaust and the antisemitism. For the West it’s better to look 80 years ago then look to the present genocide. Another issue is that the USA and Europe didn’t prevent the Holocaust. They could have bombed the railroads that transported Jews, Gipsies, Polish people and others to the concentration camps. Regarding the genocide of the Palestinians all of them are involved, they provide weapons and bombs to Israel and even soldiers and specialists in technology to make the genocide fast.

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Thank you Jonathan Cook🙏 for this insightfully well written article, sharing it on my linkedin page.

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Thank you. My ancestors are from different origins. Matrilineally, I am a Mizrahi Jew. I was born in Europe, and intend to stay there. So I am a true Jewish woman, who is horrified by the genocide committed by i$realaservantofhell and the united states of genocida. Every single Holocaust survivor who I heard thinks like me. Never again is never again for everyone.

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I get sick reading about this atrocious hypocrisy of the Western leaders and I must say about most of the Western society, as well. They are racist and prentious, all

of them. I again repeat Jonathan, you please chuck up living in the US and start living say, in South Africa, as a gesture of your turning your back on the racist West.

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Thanks again for another brilliant article Jonathan Cook, providing so much information on the West hiding its Gaza genocide, while emoting about the Jewish holocaust. I've forwarded it to several people and even some of our mainstream media - Kay

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Precisely. The unwanted (yet obviously somehow bidden) ghost remains ever-present in the years since the cessation of the kinetic hostilities and atrocities occurred in that region. This IMO is not a result of the absolute repugnance of these things (which should remain indelibly emblazoned on the minds of all who are informed about and learn of them) or even the massive, everywhere-present reminders (monuments, memorials, films, published literature & art, documentary extrapolations, textbook descriptions, etc.) concerning the details and the horrific outcomes resulting from the disclosure of and subsequent revulsion to these historic events & the human casualties/tragedies that were a direct consequence (which in and of themselves SHOULD be sufficient!).

It appears instead to be the result of the many similarly motivated, orchestrated and executed outsized military operations (and accompanying propagandized explanations, excuses & rationalizations) that have subsequently, on multiple similarly lamentable and preventable occasions, occurred…all of them no doubt pre-planned and staged/timed for purposes other than the obvious & most if not all the result of (the same or offspring of those before them) Zionist/Globalist bankers seeking to move their agenda forward (plunder resources, establish strategic points of contention, install the same Ponzi scheme debt-based fiat monetary system) and to perfect their methods and means (as well as scope) of control, and to enhance the use of severe and lethal force applied (unrelenting aggression for the purpose of eradicating the dehumanized “combatants”, “terrorists” and “communists”, etc.) in the guise of protecting other areas from its spread/dissemination.

Apparently, though it became fashionable enough to warrant the entry of many nations into a worldwide engagement of force (and the yielding up of many lives on all sides), one of the deadliest outcomes was the exportation and development of the German empire-in-process’ activities, experiments, and the facilitation of their ongoing refinement of the formidable methods employed, IBM-based record-keeping, tracking/surveillance and the application of knowledge gained (Operation Paper Clip, etc.) so that it could be applied en masse selectively, then even globally in its more contemporary iterations.

The psychopathy that informed and animated the systematic and brutal torture, degradation, dehumanization, extermination and attempted annihilation of those (both historically and contemporarily) whose perceived value (due to ethnicity/culture, arbitrarily determined deviations from the fabricated and subjectively derived minimum standards for warranting existence and acknowledgement and a right to flourish unencumbered) was deemed not to be in concord with the purveyors of violence and subjugation& colonialization (I would add satanically inspired and driven ideology) and whose very presence was an otherwise insurmountable obstacle to the desired objective(s) being pursued/accomplished is a communicable disease and a recurring mental illness for which no permanent cure has been propagated. Instead, it has been reframed, reused and reenacted repeatedly with little or no resistance from spectating, fear-laden citizens who prefer their distractions and fantasies over the reality that as long as it exists, it is a threat to all, and in fact, the repeated “laboratory” experiments conducted in multiple theaters of “war” prove it is being perfected for global rollout in varying (5th generation warfare) forms.

This is even more revolting when “super power” countries have promoted and leveraged the myth that a self-declared country chartered under the name of Israel is in any way related to the ancient biblical descendants of Jacob, who himself was Israel – a “nation” in biblical terms, not a country: not a land with borders, but a people group, an ethnicity, a kinship of common heritage and practices, etc., in contrast to Euro-based white-skinned persons claiming Jewish heritage who are now through their corrupt and Babylonian Talmud-justifying leadership, exterminating brown-skinned indigenous peoples who are at least as likely (and more) to be “semite” peoples whose descendants actually have some literal relationship to the land they have occupied for centuries before the massive immigration and the ensuing Nakba, etc., to displace and to seize property, homes, land, etc. and to establish an apartheid state that regards any other people groups to be unwanted neighbors whose demise and/or dissemination into other countries is an imperative and anger has been kindled for anyone daring to resist conquest and genocide – where coexistence is deemed impossible and untenable. Where the aggrandized plan to not only seize the immediate land & resources and to secure trade routes and regional hegemony, but also that of invading and taking from other surrounding countries claiming spiritual mandate to do so…

This is embarrassing and shameful given the (repeated, unapologetic) diversion and dissemination of a massive investment of funds, arms and support (not to mention industrial strength propaganda and the spreading of outright lies) by Western powers, including conducting of color revolutions, government coups and the encouragement, training & funding of radicalized surrounding people in neighboring countries designated to then be “terrorist regimes” to use as fodder for the conquests and to perpetuate a victim mentality that pervades their culture and rhetoric.

The fact that there still is a discernible ghost, a constant and enduring reminder that the systematic slaughter of ANY person or people group is patently wrong and should never be tolerated tells us all is not yet lost…that we have not been completely stripped of our humanity and conscience or that compassion and peace are not just outdated words (or worse, redefined to be conditional and applied selectively).

What could the western powers truly accomplish if instead of supporting and promoting the furtherance of genocide, all of the resources and brilliance and influence were used to bring about a non-violent solution that recognizes the situation, clear-eyed and without bias, so that the now advanced destruction and annihilation of Palestinian people (as well as those in surrounding countries affected by “greater Israel” aspirations and activities) can be halted and their well-being and restoration actively pursued. In the absence of this, we see the continued expansion of the means of control and the methods of warfare well beyond the kinetic, well beyond the “diplomat” and far into the cybernetic and the use of advanced weapons against a global population who are more and more being seen as unnecessary and expendable. Our inability to stop this madness and to do the penance for the atrocities we have supported and promoted will be the basis for our own destruction and loss of all things.

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What I cannot stand is that at official ceremonies no-one ever mentions that the first victims of the Nazis were the socialists, communists, trade unionists and other members of the political opposition. The remembrance culture has erased these atrocities. Similarly, the genocide of the Roma/Sinti hardly gets a mention.

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Excellent!! You are exactly correct. I just published a new Substack last night (or early morning perhaps) in which I wrote (after citing genocides throughout modern history):

"The Holocaust in Germany, in which Jews were exterminated, has been excluded because the event is heavily weighted in the Western world with remembrances; multiple institutes and universities retain the history in numerous countries; shrines exist throughout Europe (Euronews); and highly protective rhetoric rules the air waves including suggestions from Western leaders that anyone who questions any fact or places any suspicion against The Holocaust should be charged and imprisoned.

Indeed, The Holocaust appears to be the only event acknowledged as so in today’s modern world."

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the utter hypocrisy just makes me wanna spew... and I'm wondering what we can do to stop this ghastly memorial - unless it's willing to be a memorial to ALL holocausts including Gaza - being built next to the House of Commons... ugh

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A self-declared nation state calling itself in its formation documents "Israel" but bearing little or no resemblance to biblical Israel (the literal descendants of Jacob/Israel from biblical times and origins) a "nation" (which biblically refers not to a country created with geographic, political boundaries and a formal "government" charter but is instead an ethnic group, a people group, a family, a tribe comprised of those with common ancestry, etc.), that was initially spawned by the British Empire as a convenient and intentional means of exiting/transitioning those who identified themselves as "jews" out of the various countries in which they were living to become the intentional immigrant occupier force to overwhelm and subsequently ethnically cleanse the area in which (apparently unreasonable and uncooperative indigenous) people already residing there for centuries in peace and across multiple religious sects refused to simply give up their homes, land, and familial communities and yield to an apartheid country that had zero tolerance or interest in co-existing in a land to which they were "awarded" through a series of political and internationally orchestrated events following the conquest of the Ottoman Empire -- more "spoils" of the ever present British Empire (that the U.S. is a continuation of) -- a "new home" that as a powerful presence in the middle east would ensure continued domination and control of the various opposing factions and U.S.-friendly forces as well as assist the U.S. in its quest for securing trade routes and strategic locations across the world (Operation Gladio, for example and the use of the CIA to instigate overthrows, coups and destabilization of governments that were uncooperative or refused to install central banks for monetary control of them, etc.) in exchange for unlimited unquestioning support for and whitewashing of the offenses and atrocities being committed to realize "Greater Israel" in concert with ongoing wars on those who were "casualties" of land grabs and resource allocations for powerful western empires in need. After all, the U.S. had it's own genocide experience -- first hand with the indigenous groups in what became the self-declared nation state of the United States (inc.). That children, elderly, women pets, and all infrastructure, in addition to any actual combatants from the Hamas group labeled as sub-humans, animals and terrorists (though funded by Israel's government and radicalized by the U.S. and other powers to enable the Israelis to use them as a proxy in the region against other governments) get in the way of the desired objective is of no consequence from any standpoint because what has been promised and promoted, funded and underwritten will come to pass, and no one will be able to use reason or appeals emotionally or humanely to assuage or to make a difference in the determined outcome. Talk is cheap and the real agenda here is plain and obvious, despite the cries of injustice, genocide and illegal waging of wars on civilians, etc. -- it is no longer of value to pretend -- the cards have been laid on the table and the cost weighed and found sufficient to pay in full. The leader of the free world thinks Gaza to be a good recreational spot and a valuable resource area, certainly not suited to what's left of infrastructure and indigenous inhabitants of the open air prison that was once the place of daily torture and terror by the Israelis on the Palestinian people. Is there anyone or anything so powerful and so persuasive and unstoppable that will intervene and make a tangible difference? Are there any people courageous enough to spend themselves in the quest to save the remnant of those subjected to this horror???? Has humanity simply been so successfully turned in on its own selfish predispositions and desires that it simply doesn't not care, as long as it s "someone else" -- as long as the fact that this experiment is simply a prelude to processes and procedures that will be deployed worldwide shortly to cull the herd and to control the remaining enslaved populations into designated areas for complete surveillance and control and eradication if they prove useless or troublesome? Is fighting back against an enemy who has no scruples or morals or integrity - a human right that we should be supporting? What a grand mess -- and as we all enjoy the comfort and leisure of our well-heeled (by comparison) lives let us not forget how temporal these are and how quickly the tide can change and we find ourselves similarly entrapped and subjected to identical treatment with more and more sophisticated machinations to help accomplish the task while we are dismissed as non-sequitor, worthless resource excesses...

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Jews are the artist of Propaganda since '900. They built Israel with propaganda lies. They imposed their religion as the most sacred one than all the religions on the earth. The escalation of their propaganda technique it goes in pair with the escalation of violence they achieved in the last 80 years.

But their specialty is False Flags: a pure Mossad specialty developed since again '900. If you look for it you'll find so many.

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Kazimir, thanks for the information about Mossad and False Flags - of which I am assuming 7th October was one. Hitler used False Flags prior to his invasion of Poland in World War 2. The starting point on Google would be GLEIWITZ.

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Sure Margaret, but the the consequences of Mossad ones are so much more important than Nazi. Just think how long the Nazis existed and acted violently, 10 years?

What's 10 years of violence in front of 80 years of violence of Mossad against Palestinians? Palestinians could have resisted 10 years of violence from Israel and Mossad and today live in peace and prosperity hopefully in 2 different States since the rest of 70 years or so.

Nothing is worst than Israel and Mossad on Earth, taken in account the duration, the kills, the innocent victims, the damage they did against Palestinians and.. the rest of the World through Israel proxy wars against Afghanistan, Iraq, Libya, Syria, just to name the latest. And the Coups in Egypt and many States around Israel, with help of CIA or not.

I suggest you to read and search Pegasus software on mainstream Wiki and follow links. Israel is the Evil country by its own choice, by facts, not by my opinion.

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I agree with you wholeheartedly, except for one small detail: you stated that 1 million people were burned in ovens...please, the 'evidence' for this is hearsay. It would be truthful to write that 1 million people died at the hands of the Nazis, many like those who perished in the Coal Mine my mother was sentenced to in Donetsk between October 1944 and April 1947, from disease, malnutrition and exhaustion. Primo Levi, an Auschwitz survivor, mentions a gas chamber once and once only in all the books he wrote about the horrific conditions the Nazis inflicted.

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I always thought it strange that supposedly the gas ovens were destroyed. Why would they not be preserved as evidence?

And why hasn't someone come up with a design for such an oven which could be functional given the fact cyanide remains deadly to anyone who touches a body, or clothing for weeks after. The story was that the Nazis removed gold from the teeth of the dead. How could they do that without dying themselves.

And if the apparatus were not hermetically sealed then the poison gas would infiltrate not just the camp but for miles around. It is hard to see how such a facility could work without threatening the lives of everyone around it.

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Exactly. And, there are the other FRAUDS: Elie Wiesel, Human Soap, Lampshades made from Human Skin, Ann Frank's father writing the latter part of her so-called diaries in biro, and, most of all, that the figure 6 Million was first predicted by a Nostradamus at the first Zionist Conference in Berne in 1897. The figure was repeated 200 times in US newspapers between 1901 and 1942. Not to mention, that when Poland was under Soviet Rule until 1990, the figure above the gate was 4.4 million, and it's now 1.1 Million - way too many human beings, but not all of them were Jewish. Most puzzling is according to the World Almanac and Book of Facts, New York World-Telegram, the Jewish Population of the world in 1933 was 15, 356, 359. In 1947 it was 15,900, 000.

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Yes, I have also read all that material. And the lampshades and soap made from human fat was debunked within a few years. I mean the human fat and the skin would be poisoned with cyanide and would kill anyone who touched it.

I knew the figure of 6 million was sourced in the invention of Zionism in 1897 and used thousands of times in the years which followed in newspaper stories, ads for Jews to colonise Palestine etc., but I had also read, not pursued or confirmed, that the figure of 6 million was sourced in some Judaic myth.

And I read somewhere that the figures used included every Jew who died anywhere in Europe of any cause between 1939-1949.

The problem is that censorship of the topic has made it impossible to come up with a correct figure. No doubt the plan. But, even if it were 60,000 or 600,000 it is still too many. But the huge figure of 6 million has powered the Palestine colonial project and Zionist propaganda for too long.

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Exactly. What the Nazis did was horrific and criminal. That far too many people died is the embodiment of Tragedy. The other aspect that most shall we call them 'Allied Forces' refuse to look at, is that just as Sykes/Picot turned the Middle East into the mess it is today, the Treaty of Versailles did just one thing: to make the next War inevitable. In other words, had it not been for British and French Colonial Hubris and lunacy, Hitler and the Nazis would never have been possible. As George Steiner once remarked: Were one to guess where persecution of Jews would reach the depth it did, the last country you would have nominated would have been Germany. And, also pertinent is the Balfour Declaration, and Tony Greenstein's new book - something Hannah Arendt alluded to as well - Zionism and The Holocaust.

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Yes, agree. Also not taken into account was the impact of the Bolshevik Revolution in Russia, particularly the murder of the Royal Family, on Europe where people were horrified and terrified at what it was and did and knew that Jews were a major part of the movement.

I am not seeking to condone any persecution, violence or atrocities, but simply making the point that nothing happens in a vacuum and when a group sets itself apart, for any reason, worse when it makes it clear it believes the members are superior, it is more likely to become a target when times get tough. That is wrong, but it is a reality of human nature. More so when it can be sourced in unconscious prejudice toward a religions group, as had been the case with Jews, for Christians for thousands of years.

And I also wonder how much Zionist thought and policy played a part in the development of hatred and fear of Jews in Nazi Germany. Zionism was three decades older than Nazism and the two groups certainly interacted.

And of course, the history is written by the victors and the power and influence of Zionists, Jews and Israelis on writing the history of Nazi Germany has been and remains immense. What is strange, given how the Nazis and their Jew-hatred has been painted for nearly a century is that Jews served as soldiers in the German army and some were even officers. I believe there was a Jewish battalion which served in Scandinavia.

So, as with most aspects of this story, there are paradoxes and nonsensical claims.

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Bryan Mark Rigg wrote a book: Hitler's Jewish Soldiers.

I read it in the early 2000's. It was around the time Goldhagen wrote a book stating that ALL Germans knew about and were complicit in THE Holocaust. The most poignant aspect of Rigg's book was the accounts of Jewish German soldiers coming home to find their families had been ethnically cleansed. Think about that. My mother's side of my family were Donauschwaben from what was once Hungary-Austria, which became overnight the Serbian section of Yugoslavia. My mother's ancestors came from the Black Forest and Alsace. In October 1944, Tito's people took over Werschetz, my mother's birthplace, and ethnically cleansed the Germans. My mother was a 20-year-old Kindergarten teacher. My grandfather, a vigneron was, along with the other ethnic German men, murdered. My mother spent from October 1944 working 12 hours a day in a coal mine in Donetsk, 7 days a week. Most of her fellow inmates - ethnic German women under 40, died. My mother was released in April 1947. My father, Leipzig born, was conscripted in February 1941, the day he turned 17. He was a fitter and Turner. His first gig was the road to Stalingrad. he got lucky at Kharkov when a bullet grazed his skull. He deserted in Italy in 1944, and ended up in an English POW camp in Port Said. He described how when the German POWs were shown footage of the liberated camps, none of them believed what they saw - they likened it to the British-invented WW1 Belgian baby propaganda. Also, for the record, the German population in 1933 - after Sudetenland and various Prussian regions were ' given away ' was 63 million. The Jewish population was 507,000. And, last but not least, the two European Countries I rank very highly about integrity during this horrific period, are Bulgaria and Denmark. The reason: because they told the nazis to get fucked when they were ordered to hand over their Jews.

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Agreed. I simply could not watch the hypocritical ceremony as mass murderers (or enablers) including Starmer exuded fake gravitas and ethical horror over the Holocaust.

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Power seemingly rests, always, on a mountain of lies.

Your imagery is powerful. At Auschwitz. The ghosts of babies and of those murdered by governments look on and haunt the “orgy of Western hypocrisy”. May they always be haunted & may history see them clearly & record their crimes.

We must honour the dead, but learn history’s lessons to protect the living - unequivocally. Human lives are more valuable than oil, or wealth, or growth. The killing must stop.

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The horrifying thing is the almost total control of mainstream media by the Zionist/Israeli/Jewish agenda. Most people do not have the time to put into research and this evil bullshit is constantly spewed at them.

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