What I cannot stand is that at official ceremonies no-one ever mentions that the first victims of the Nazis were the socialists, communists, trade unionists and other members of the political opposition. The remembrance culture has erased these atrocities. Similarly, the genocide of the Roma/Sinti hardly gets a mention.
What I cannot stand is that at official ceremonies no-one ever mentions that the first victims of the Nazis were the socialists, communists, trade unionists and other members of the political opposition. The remembrance culture has erased these atrocities. Similarly, the genocide of the Roma/Sinti hardly gets a mention.
What I cannot stand is that at official ceremonies no-one ever mentions that the first victims of the Nazis were the socialists, communists, trade unionists and other members of the political opposition. The remembrance culture has erased these atrocities. Similarly, the genocide of the Roma/Sinti hardly gets a mention.