A self-declared nation state calling itself in its formation documents "Israel" but bearing little or no resemblance to biblical Israel (the literal descendants of Jacob/Israel from biblical times and origins) a "nation" (which biblically refers not to a country created with geographic, political boundaries and a formal "government" char…
A self-declared nation state calling itself in its formation documents "Israel" but bearing little or no resemblance to biblical Israel (the literal descendants of Jacob/Israel from biblical times and origins) a "nation" (which biblically refers not to a country created with geographic, political boundaries and a formal "government" charter but is instead an ethnic group, a people group, a family, a tribe comprised of those with common ancestry, etc.), that was initially spawned by the British Empire as a convenient and intentional means of exiting/transitioning those who identified themselves as "jews" out of the various countries in which they were living to become the intentional immigrant occupier force to overwhelm and subsequently ethnically cleanse the area in which (apparently unreasonable and uncooperative indigenous) people already residing there for centuries in peace and across multiple religious sects refused to simply give up their homes, land, and familial communities and yield to an apartheid country that had zero tolerance or interest in co-existing in a land to which they were "awarded" through a series of political and internationally orchestrated events following the conquest of the Ottoman Empire -- more "spoils" of the ever present British Empire (that the U.S. is a continuation of) -- a "new home" that as a powerful presence in the middle east would ensure continued domination and control of the various opposing factions and U.S.-friendly forces as well as assist the U.S. in its quest for securing trade routes and strategic locations across the world (Operation Gladio, for example and the use of the CIA to instigate overthrows, coups and destabilization of governments that were uncooperative or refused to install central banks for monetary control of them, etc.) in exchange for unlimited unquestioning support for and whitewashing of the offenses and atrocities being committed to realize "Greater Israel" in concert with ongoing wars on those who were "casualties" of land grabs and resource allocations for powerful western empires in need. After all, the U.S. had it's own genocide experience -- first hand with the indigenous groups in what became the self-declared nation state of the United States (inc.). That children, elderly, women pets, and all infrastructure, in addition to any actual combatants from the Hamas group labeled as sub-humans, animals and terrorists (though funded by Israel's government and radicalized by the U.S. and other powers to enable the Israelis to use them as a proxy in the region against other governments) get in the way of the desired objective is of no consequence from any standpoint because what has been promised and promoted, funded and underwritten will come to pass, and no one will be able to use reason or appeals emotionally or humanely to assuage or to make a difference in the determined outcome. Talk is cheap and the real agenda here is plain and obvious, despite the cries of injustice, genocide and illegal waging of wars on civilians, etc. -- it is no longer of value to pretend -- the cards have been laid on the table and the cost weighed and found sufficient to pay in full. The leader of the free world thinks Gaza to be a good recreational spot and a valuable resource area, certainly not suited to what's left of infrastructure and indigenous inhabitants of the open air prison that was once the place of daily torture and terror by the Israelis on the Palestinian people. Is there anyone or anything so powerful and so persuasive and unstoppable that will intervene and make a tangible difference? Are there any people courageous enough to spend themselves in the quest to save the remnant of those subjected to this horror???? Has humanity simply been so successfully turned in on its own selfish predispositions and desires that it simply doesn't not care, as long as it s "someone else" -- as long as the fact that this experiment is simply a prelude to processes and procedures that will be deployed worldwide shortly to cull the herd and to control the remaining enslaved populations into designated areas for complete surveillance and control and eradication if they prove useless or troublesome? Is fighting back against an enemy who has no scruples or morals or integrity - a human right that we should be supporting? What a grand mess -- and as we all enjoy the comfort and leisure of our well-heeled (by comparison) lives let us not forget how temporal these are and how quickly the tide can change and we find ourselves similarly entrapped and subjected to identical treatment with more and more sophisticated machinations to help accomplish the task while we are dismissed as non-sequitor, worthless resource excesses...
A self-declared nation state calling itself in its formation documents "Israel" but bearing little or no resemblance to biblical Israel (the literal descendants of Jacob/Israel from biblical times and origins) a "nation" (which biblically refers not to a country created with geographic, political boundaries and a formal "government" charter but is instead an ethnic group, a people group, a family, a tribe comprised of those with common ancestry, etc.), that was initially spawned by the British Empire as a convenient and intentional means of exiting/transitioning those who identified themselves as "jews" out of the various countries in which they were living to become the intentional immigrant occupier force to overwhelm and subsequently ethnically cleanse the area in which (apparently unreasonable and uncooperative indigenous) people already residing there for centuries in peace and across multiple religious sects refused to simply give up their homes, land, and familial communities and yield to an apartheid country that had zero tolerance or interest in co-existing in a land to which they were "awarded" through a series of political and internationally orchestrated events following the conquest of the Ottoman Empire -- more "spoils" of the ever present British Empire (that the U.S. is a continuation of) -- a "new home" that as a powerful presence in the middle east would ensure continued domination and control of the various opposing factions and U.S.-friendly forces as well as assist the U.S. in its quest for securing trade routes and strategic locations across the world (Operation Gladio, for example and the use of the CIA to instigate overthrows, coups and destabilization of governments that were uncooperative or refused to install central banks for monetary control of them, etc.) in exchange for unlimited unquestioning support for and whitewashing of the offenses and atrocities being committed to realize "Greater Israel" in concert with ongoing wars on those who were "casualties" of land grabs and resource allocations for powerful western empires in need. After all, the U.S. had it's own genocide experience -- first hand with the indigenous groups in what became the self-declared nation state of the United States (inc.). That children, elderly, women pets, and all infrastructure, in addition to any actual combatants from the Hamas group labeled as sub-humans, animals and terrorists (though funded by Israel's government and radicalized by the U.S. and other powers to enable the Israelis to use them as a proxy in the region against other governments) get in the way of the desired objective is of no consequence from any standpoint because what has been promised and promoted, funded and underwritten will come to pass, and no one will be able to use reason or appeals emotionally or humanely to assuage or to make a difference in the determined outcome. Talk is cheap and the real agenda here is plain and obvious, despite the cries of injustice, genocide and illegal waging of wars on civilians, etc. -- it is no longer of value to pretend -- the cards have been laid on the table and the cost weighed and found sufficient to pay in full. The leader of the free world thinks Gaza to be a good recreational spot and a valuable resource area, certainly not suited to what's left of infrastructure and indigenous inhabitants of the open air prison that was once the place of daily torture and terror by the Israelis on the Palestinian people. Is there anyone or anything so powerful and so persuasive and unstoppable that will intervene and make a tangible difference? Are there any people courageous enough to spend themselves in the quest to save the remnant of those subjected to this horror???? Has humanity simply been so successfully turned in on its own selfish predispositions and desires that it simply doesn't not care, as long as it s "someone else" -- as long as the fact that this experiment is simply a prelude to processes and procedures that will be deployed worldwide shortly to cull the herd and to control the remaining enslaved populations into designated areas for complete surveillance and control and eradication if they prove useless or troublesome? Is fighting back against an enemy who has no scruples or morals or integrity - a human right that we should be supporting? What a grand mess -- and as we all enjoy the comfort and leisure of our well-heeled (by comparison) lives let us not forget how temporal these are and how quickly the tide can change and we find ourselves similarly entrapped and subjected to identical treatment with more and more sophisticated machinations to help accomplish the task while we are dismissed as non-sequitor, worthless resource excesses...