Sad to see whats become of “The Manchester Guardian” in the last 40 years, my formerly beloved newspaper a ghost
of its former self. Send George to Fukushima to tell us how many tons of radioactive water are getting dumped into the Pacific, put him in a wetsuit with a geiger counter and push him overboard, maybe there’s nothing to worry about...
Sad to see whats become of “The Manchester Guardian” in the last 40 years, my formerly beloved newspaper a ghost
of its former self. Send George to Fukushima to tell us how many tons of radioactive water are getting dumped into the Pacific, put him in a wetsuit with a geiger counter and push him overboard, maybe there’s nothing to worry about...
Sad to see whats become of “The Manchester Guardian” in the last 40 years, my formerly beloved newspaper a ghost
of its former self. Send George to Fukushima to tell us how many tons of radioactive water are getting dumped into the Pacific, put him in a wetsuit with a geiger counter and push him overboard, maybe there’s nothing to worry about...