Mombiot’s an asset

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What about Bill Gates buying up farmland in order to control the whole farming industry and have total global control of the food supply? Actually he has bought up just 0.02% of US farmland and is breeding horses and growing potatoes on it. Gates is being used by the multinational cartels and animal ag industry for PR.

Animal ag spokespeople like White Oak Pastures (who tell lies about carbon neutrality) and animal ag industry front groups like Western A. Price (who tell lies about nutrition) use Gates’ false flag to gain traction and make out that they are salt-of-the-earth types, essential custodians of the land and the only ones with the right farming knowledge for future sustainability. Total rot.

Gates is a patsy. He is not a threat to giant the GMO/pesticide industry nor to pharma’s biggest client- the massive animal ag industry (95% of which uses factory farming, ‘grass fed’ is only available to the wealthy). Nor is he telling farmers how to do their jobs or controlling their incomes, unlike the major cartels and supermarkets, that do.

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Even without Gates buying up land- there is already global control of the food supply https://jowaller.substack.com/p/startling-omission-of-the-word-animal?utm_source=publication-search

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My problem with Brand is his recent alignment with the Christian right patriarchy, praying on stage with Jordan Peterson.

It's interesting that in the 'rant about Bill Gates' Brand admires the politeness of the Southern Farmer, which Brand claims bucks our prejudices and the farmer's appearing to talk with authority about farming- rightly opposing factory farming but wrongly supporting his own farm- White Oak Pastures- for its 'grass-fed' cows: it was recently falsely claimed that White Oak were carbon neutral https://jowaller.substack.com/p/yet-another-unsuccessful-attempt?utm_source=publication-search Even if grass-fed was carbon neutral there's not enough land, even with total deforestation of the world, for everyone to eat this way- only the elites of the West.

In opposing Gates, Big Pharma, the capture of the WHO, factory farming, GMOs and the WEF's supposed plan for unworkable global control of farming- industry, and Brand, has managed to align many people with 'grass fed' animal agriculture, big pharma product IVM, allegedly 'independent' farmers, the lie that saturated fat is back and climate crisis scepticism (even though he himself is vegan and on board with climate change).

There ALREADY is global control of farming (and media control of nutrition)- and it's by White Oak Pastures and other such fronts for the 5 giant US animal ag/petrochemical/GMO seed/pharma cartels that have sown up the farming and food business.

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Brilliant crtique

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Israel is the only state with a substantial military capacity that has not signed the Biological Weapons Convention. In 1998, the mainstream Sunday Times of London reported: “Israel is working on a biological weapon that would harm Arabs but not Jews, according to Israeli military and western intelligence sources.” Apartheid South Africa — which is known to have worked with Israel to develop nuclear weapons — is believed to have attempted and failed to develop ethnic bioweapons. But there has been scant followup on this subject to date. (Also see my piece “Israel Wanted Disease and Genocide in Gaza, So Why Is It Agreeing to the Polio Vaccine Being Given?”)

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George Monbiot,and his father was a Lord Monbiot,so much for man of the people,part owns a factory that makes 'plant based ' green Gloop that he advocates we should all consume in future. We can drink it,it's liquid,for breakfast,lunch + tea and thus no animals will have to be farmed and then slaughtered and the land can be allowed to rewild and be abandoned to wolves and bears. No more cows,sheep,chickens,goats + other creatures and what the green Gloop will be made from,one shudders to think. I saw a BBC TV half hour documentary about congestion from cars and ended with Monbiot staring into the camera and saying in a chilling way,"we need to CONTROL people. He is a Wolf in Sheeps Clothing,a Devil in Disguise.

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I've been vegan for 10 years and eat many different delicious things, I think you're being disingenous. The land would indeed be far better off being rewilded and reforested.

Opposition to hated and evil figures like Blair, Bono, King Charles, Gates, Monibot, JSO, Thunberg and environmentalists in general has been very cleverly used and people have actually ended up supporting Big animal ag (and its sister industry Big pharma) and big fossil fuels.

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Well if Sir Starmer signs the proposed trade deal with the USA we won't have to import expensive foodstuffs from Europe where far too many onerous regulations add to production and marketing costs. We can get much cheaper food from USA where the farmers benefit from economy of scale then we can indeed free up most of our currently cultivated land to its near original state,flower meadows and wild woods. In fact if we.can rewild on a large enough scale we can reintroduce wolves - and bears. With enough wild land to roam in that won't affect us in the cities. So best of both worlds.

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Yes, those pesky regulations about eutrophication, biodiversity, pesticides and animal welfare.

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Displaying no enthusiasm for the bears and wolves then,or are beavers more your thing. Buck up.

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So the US kills millions of wild horses and the bees so we get beavers for a few years before the US has to keep all its food for itself cos of agricultural failures and we start to shot people at our borders as we try to grow our own food.

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You're Right,I'm Left oh sorry that's an Elvis song. I now SEE the error of my ways. I'm totally WRONG and DELUSIONAL in my thinking. So what's your ideal policy for supplying a population of about 70 million with enough non- meat food to sustain it from a reduced area of cultivated land as more farmland is removed from actual agricultural use be that arable or pasture.

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Brand started going of the same lines and narratives as Tucker Carlson about six months ago. He was in with the whole right wing movement that placed Trump in power. Brand is not an anarchist. He is climbing the ladder of success in the USA.

It is correct to label Brand a propagandist. From panthiesm to finding the Christian God in a matter of weeks after signing a big deal with rumble.

Brand has sold his soul. He is now part of the problem and not the answer.

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Brand was saying he loved Jesus for ages before he chose to board the lifeboat because that is what Jesus is for,he saves. Christ don't people know about redemption any more.

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Brand spoke about god. Not Jesus. He often said the Christian god should be respected like all other beliefs but he did not follow any particular synthetic idea of god that we find in organised religion.

Soon as he as told to he changed to Jesus.

The guy has made his career by doing what he was told.

Organised opposition.

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He did use to say I love Jesus. But he meant same as he loved Buddha or Krishna or any other incarnation of the Divine. It's wise and sensible to ally yourself to a faction,party or group that will provide you with protection and influence and wealth. Why would you not. Unless you're the sort of person who doesn't have the sense to come in out of the rain,as my Dad used to say.

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OK, so he is a sell out like all the rest.

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There is no group worse on this planet than self serving liberals like Monbiot, did I say “self” serving? I mean Empire serving, while pretending to be progressive. From Blair to Starmer, from the Guardian to the BBC newsroom (I live in the UK, fill in your own in each western country) these Empire brown nosers say what they are told and take the shilling. Oh, you despise Harris, therefore you are a Trumpite is the intellectual level of a trilobite, but stand by…

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" Brand is on the left because he consistently and publicly supports the key issues that concern the left, as I explained here."

I'm amazed that someone with the critical faculties of Jonathan Cook can be so supportive of an intellectually bereft, c list celeb as Brand.

Brand is a pedlar of wu on right wing social media channels and hobnobs with fascists.

Brand will do just fine continuing his grift,

And if he did indeed commit heinous sex crimes and is found guilty, it's not the establishment trying to shut him down.

The press are doing what the press do. It has sweet Fanny Adams to do with Brand being on the left.

Come on Christopher, stick to sticking up for people who really need help against the establishment, not facile faux leftists like Brand.

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Hey,wanna investigate me. I did heinous sex crimes. My whole city knows ALL ABOUT ME. If you need ALL the lurid dirty details contact ALAN SILLMAN of Speedwell Bristol. After all you can't do lurid sex crimes on your own can you? Thats S-I-L-L-M-A-N. Try 192. Compared to me Stormy Daniels is a Nun. Come on,get exposing them.

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I suspect that Monbiot is under the supervision of the very forces he purports to oppose. Namely, thesecurity services.

We know that they seek to suborn and recruit "leftish" journalists as they will carry credibility.

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Sad to see whats become of “The Manchester Guardian” in the last 40 years, my formerly beloved newspaper a ghost

of its former self. Send George to Fukushima to tell us how many tons of radioactive water are getting dumped into the Pacific, put him in a wetsuit with a geiger counter and push him overboard, maybe there’s nothing to worry about...

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As a lad I loved “The Manchester Guardian” it was probably one of the most accountable newspapers of the 60’s and 70’s and then, it started getting sloppy, maybe most of the good reporters are gone, those that exist write on Substack. Anyone who calls Hersh, Pilger and Greenwald out, needs to study history and check themselves. Monbiot lost me a long time ago, supporting nuclear power, speaking of which, how many tons of radioactive waste are getting dumped into the Pacific on any given day? Lets send George to find out...

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Wow, thank you for this. I've been feeling very confused about the whole George vs Russell discussion in recent days; as I've long admired aspects of both men. I don't agree with either of them about everything however.

Anyway, George Monbiot's article left me almost feeling guilty for still tuning in to listen to Russell Brand from time to time.

This article has freed me from that guilt...

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Brilliant. Thank-you for putting this all together. It is specific to Monbiot, but can be applied to so much of the current discourse.

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