You're Right,I'm Left oh sorry that's an Elvis song. I now SEE the error of my ways. I'm totally WRONG and DELUSIONAL in my thinking. So what's your ideal policy for supplying a population of about 70 million with enough non- meat food to sustain it from a reduced area of cultivated land as more farmland is removed from actual agricultural use be that arable or pasture.
You're Right,I'm Left oh sorry that's an Elvis song. I now SEE the error of my ways. I'm totally WRONG and DELUSIONAL in my thinking. So what's your ideal policy for supplying a population of about 70 million with enough non- meat food to sustain it from a reduced area of cultivated land as more farmland is removed from actual agricultural use be that arable or pasture.
what’s actual agriculture? ‘Non-meat’ produce ie eating fruits and veg directly from the soil - what humans are evolved to eat- take up about 1/6th of the land than passing grains or pasture through the energy inefficient bodies eating for 6-18 months.
You're Right,I'm Left oh sorry that's an Elvis song. I now SEE the error of my ways. I'm totally WRONG and DELUSIONAL in my thinking. So what's your ideal policy for supplying a population of about 70 million with enough non- meat food to sustain it from a reduced area of cultivated land as more farmland is removed from actual agricultural use be that arable or pasture.
what’s actual agriculture? ‘Non-meat’ produce ie eating fruits and veg directly from the soil - what humans are evolved to eat- take up about 1/6th of the land than passing grains or pasture through the energy inefficient bodies eating for 6-18 months.