Ah. Now we see. Cook is nothing but a coward. Afraid to upset the mullahs. As though the gates of hell have not been held ajar for decades by Islamic terrorists. Want to continue living in fear in the West, or better to let Israel do what the West is too weak to do? Step aside, there is real work to be done.
Ah. Now we see. Cook is nothing but a coward. Afraid to upset the mullahs. As though the gates of hell have not been held ajar for decades by Islamic terrorists. Want to continue living in fear in the West, or better to let Israel do what the West is too weak to do? Step aside, there is real work to be done.
Islamic terrorists are not a patch on the terrorists created by governments all over the Western world, responsible for more deaths than you can ever imagine. Isreal will fail and the menace will be over.
Ah. Now we see. Cook is nothing but a coward. Afraid to upset the mullahs. As though the gates of hell have not been held ajar for decades by Islamic terrorists. Want to continue living in fear in the West, or better to let Israel do what the West is too weak to do? Step aside, there is real work to be done.
Islamic terrorists are not a patch on the terrorists created by governments all over the Western world, responsible for more deaths than you can ever imagine. Isreal will fail and the menace will be over.
YouтАЩre nothing but a Jew hating troll.