You pathetic, spineless supporter of Islamist terrorism.

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My question is”how is lsrael able to pinpoint the location if these leaders and direct a missile towards them?” Are they tagged in some way? Are their spies or Zionist agents who tell them where to strike. You’d think Hezbullough would keep him out of harms way, underground or something like that. They have lost several leaders this way. Is it lax security? Do they know how to shield them? Just asking.

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Anything is possible when you're willing to flatten an entire neighbourhood and destroy six buildings with 2,000 tons of explosives. That they did so to get him suggests they had little more than a vague idea of where exactly Nasrallah was.


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The desperate actions by the Israeli state continue to mount. They truly wish to provoke a wider war. Insanity!

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Thank You Jonathan

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4 hrs ago·edited 4 hrs ago

We are already paying a price for the colonial countries refusing to break ties with Israeli apartheid. The very fact that the author now has to put a terrorism disclaiming in his own writing is not merely tragic: it's clear sign that democracy in the west is dead. And it died with this genocide.

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If only Neville Chamberlain was here to negotiate a solution!

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One of the three historical figures you're aware of, I take it, along with Winston Churchill and Adolf Hitler? You must have come up with that little quip all by yourself!

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Your insight is dazzling. You really must wow them at the workshop!

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Chamberlain never negotiated a solution. He made a deal with Hitler, to allow him to push eastward, rather than westward. Hitler broke the deal and took France and the Low Countries. It wasn’t appeasement. It was a deal with the. ‘Deep State’, who were sympathetic to Hitler, as were the Americans. Sorry!

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It was appeasement, which was the basis of my snarky reply to Jonathan’s post. The rest of your reply indicates that you need to lay off the Hot Pockets and get some fresh air.

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Nasrallah was a moderate? If that’s true, Netanyahu must be a dove 😂. The region is dominated by strongmen who will use whatever level of force is available to oppose their enemies.

Let’s be honest - it has been an existentialist fight to the death in the region for decades, even when the Israelis aren’t directly involved. Some of the most horrific violence has involved Bashar al-Assad and Hafiz al-Assad’s attacks against their own citizens. Anybody who is suddenly expressing shock and outrage at violent force being used in the Middle East among parties that have sworn to annihilate each other either hasn’t been paying attention, or has another motive. It’s ridiculous to warn of a coming whirlwind in the midst of a chronic cyclone.

The most stunning oversight in this analysis is ignoring the real threat. Hezbollah is going to morph into a scarier ISIS analog? If so, I would encourage other Lebanese to either actively work to prevent that or find a way to emigrate now, because a nuclear armed Israel isn’t likely to say “okay you win” if the threat from the north worsens. That outcome is what should be keeping people up at night.

The only sane future involves demilitarization and steps like the Abraham Accords, so Lebanon can begin to return to prosperity. Of course that would require Sunnis and Shiites to cooperate in the region (not to mention Druze, Maronites, Christians, etc.), which might be even more unlikely than regional strongmen suddenly deciding to show restraint when faced with violent enemies. It’s a bad, bad neighborhood and has been throughout recorded history. From Ramesses II, Darius III, Nebuchadnezzar II, Cyrus the Great, and countless others on through modern times, the unrelenting use of violence in the region has been the rule rather than the exception. You’re shocked now?

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Blah blah blah blah blah. It took you one sentence to demonstrate to anyone informed on anything that you know nothing and that nothing you write is worth reading, so why did you bother to write the rest of that?

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{Some of the most horrific violence has involved Bashar al-Assad and Hafiz al-Assad’s attacks against their own citizens.}

Paul I say this with all due respect but that too is one of the many lies and propaganda. I have friends that lived in Aleppo at the time and they confirmed every single thing that Assad said to Charlie Rose, who interviewed him twice - I highly highly highly suggest watching the two most current interviews:


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citing charlie rose as reference- you truly are so ignorant and misinformed. a lamb suckling on the zionist war-machine titty.

wait - this was meant for Paul. My apologies 🙏

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There's also the "return to prosperity" line. The system is set up precisely so no one can recover from the damage inflicted.

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Next, of course, come the nukes, Which is Zionist supremacy and western full-spectrum dominance carried to their logical conclusion.

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At least this mind got a chuckle from the

dis-claiming lettering. After the carnage of the past year, mr. smiling face is hard to locate within the minefield of emotions. But, on spying the warning, a small voice went off inside the reels of audio memory tape at 10x warp speed, garbling waivers that have been baffling these ears at the close of those radio commercials! Must the printed essays now fall prey to the falsified filthy lucre land mines of legal commercial exchange. Business must be lagging and profit margins are shrinking. Oh no what’s gonna happen to my damaged status quo.✌🏼❤️🙏🕉

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Nentanyahu, in calling Nasrallah a terrorist, has yet again proven his terrorism.

Israëli terrorism, with America supplying them, is going to destroy Lebanon one bomb at a time (and then Iran?) unless stopped. Kinda like counting 1,2,3,4,… eventually it reaches any number you like.

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The “West” have forgotten that it’s total population is less than 10% of the planet, so when the “West” is gone, we will STILL live happily ever after without the “West”.

Israel has absolutely shown the World that the “West” is EVIL at its heart.

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The native Americans once outnumbered the European colonisers in North America. Genocide, slavery and and relocation to "reservations" is what the Euro-colonial empire has in mind for the rest of the planet.

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China’s DF51 can completely annihilate the OBSOLETE “Western Empire” in less than 30 minutes.

The “West” is now the primitive savages that can be eradicated at the will of the non-westerners.

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This is not the movies . No ons has total superiority. These kinds of of weapons would result in mutually assured destruction aka MAD.

A bloody stalemate is probably the most likely outcome.

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Yep, not the movies for sure. China has actually developed & deployed many of the weapons in US movies.

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Netenyahu may think he’s being clever, distracting from Gaza but the outcome will be horrendous for the whole world. Iran should never be underestimated and Hezbollah beat Israel last time. Israel is going to start to receive a dose of its own medicine. The USA’s failure to control’ it will be a huge turning point

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You've not understood - this is not a "distraction" from Gaza. This is all part of one massive "final solution".

The actual distraction is Blinken, Sullivan and the White House press stooges who go out there every day to diligently repeat their act of blaming the victims, pretending to be negotiating solutions.........and then fast-tracking more weapons and ammo to the executors of the genocide.

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Nazty Netanyahu's 'Final Solution' ? "Eliminate all Palestinians from Palestine!"

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And all Lebanese from Lebanon, and all Jordanians from Jordan, and…

Worse than Hitler.

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Lebanon birth rate 2.1 Israel 3.0. This is not going to work out well for Lebanon IMHO if they go up against Israel. Israel could wipe them out especially given the Israeli complete lack of moral compass.

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I bet you would have said the same thing about the Rebels in Star Wars after they blew up the Death Star.

Sorry, I’m not going to let you spoil this moment.


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Sorry to inform you, but in Star Wars, George Lucas has said as such that the scrappy Rebels represent the Vietcong while the Empire represents the American one; those were the two groups he had in mind. Why are you defenders of evil empires always absolutely convinced you're the good guys and not Darth Vader's stormtroopers?

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The rebels were not armed by the Empire. A stupid, stupid analogy.

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Its amazing that it is necessary to add the afterward stating that nothing in the article constitutes support for terrorism. I understand why it has to be added because of the way "the west" decides who is a terrorist and is able to shut down any criticism but seems to me that Israel fills all the definitions of terrorism but because it is "our terrorist" that's ok.

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You can go to jail for whatever they decide is too embarrassing - right on the money. The UK are all in on this, the list is illustrious and growing. Just this kind of courage and eloquence is being targeted.

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