On the Gaza-assault topic, the most journalistically, and perhaps even morally, compromised news-media I've read is Canada’s National Post newspaper. You would really have to read it to believe it, especially since the Oct.7 Hamas attack on Israel. It epitomizes an extreme example of an echo chamber promoting unconditional support for the Israeli state, including its very-long-practiced cruelty towards the Palestinian people.
For example, a single-column story about a five-year-old American-Palestinian boy who was stabbed to death by the landlord of the residence in which he and his mother lived simply for being Palestinian was placed on page 5, while placed up high on the front page was a large photo (which accompanied a much larger story) with three Israeli teenage girls crying after their friends or family were kidnapped by Hamas gunmen.
More progressive outlets like Canada's other national newspaper, The Globe and Mail — progressive in regards to essentially following “woke” ideology — can be more deceptive with its essentially pro-Israel coverage and op/ed writing since 10/7. There seems to have been an attempt at appearing objective on this topic when it actually is not.
Yes indeed, the same is happening pretty much everywhere else.
All mainstream medias work in symbiosis. If you didn’t know how it works, here is how it is.
There is basically only two media sources, associated press and reuters, they put out the mainlines, newspapers take the treads and write their stories using the same language teams and orientation. provided. The echo chamber produced is what we call “the news”.
This is pretty much globally.
All of them are also sponsored by the same companies, and all of them write to protect their sponsors and to go against anyone going after them.
There is no more journalism in mainstream, a bit like go ogle, with its so called “synthetic search” which in contrast to its previously used “organic search” which provided results based on what was most searched and clicked , only shows and promotes those who pay, and gives preference strictly for commercial purposes.
This process begun in 2020, when both alternative and mainstream medias were threatened and forced to comply with the pandemic and “safe and effective narrative”, and force to close down if they didn’t.
Since then, all mainstream medias are basically owned by pigpharma, which is in effect also sponsor of all the main television stations. This is in effect the only way how pigpharma can continue to fight real science and keep a lid on the hundreds of millions if not billions of death and injured which have resulted from their censure of doctors and experts, and by the mass culling operation by them endorsed”.
The wars in Ukraine and in the Middle East, are diversions, so that those responsible for the scam can stay out of jail.
This is why they are continuing to lie and now pretend to be opposed to the horrors , while in reality they are continuing to do shield and do business with its perpetrators.
Real news is now only coming from real people, mainstream is nothing but propaganda.
The guardian is facing laws suits for its complicity in the Genocide which thanks also to its censure, has turned into a full blown holocaust
Here one more fact, The Palestinians which will survive this horror, will become the Palestinian Holocaust survivors.
Here my latest.
Thank your work and thank you for sharing
On the Gaza-assault topic, the most journalistically, and perhaps even morally, compromised news-media I've read is Canada’s National Post newspaper. You would really have to read it to believe it, especially since the Oct.7 Hamas attack on Israel. It epitomizes an extreme example of an echo chamber promoting unconditional support for the Israeli state, including its very-long-practiced cruelty towards the Palestinian people.
For example, a single-column story about a five-year-old American-Palestinian boy who was stabbed to death by the landlord of the residence in which he and his mother lived simply for being Palestinian was placed on page 5, while placed up high on the front page was a large photo (which accompanied a much larger story) with three Israeli teenage girls crying after their friends or family were kidnapped by Hamas gunmen.
More progressive outlets like Canada's other national newspaper, The Globe and Mail — progressive in regards to essentially following “woke” ideology — can be more deceptive with its essentially pro-Israel coverage and op/ed writing since 10/7. There seems to have been an attempt at appearing objective on this topic when it actually is not.
Yes indeed, the same is happening pretty much everywhere else.
All mainstream medias work in symbiosis. If you didn’t know how it works, here is how it is.
There is basically only two media sources, associated press and reuters, they put out the mainlines, newspapers take the treads and write their stories using the same language teams and orientation. provided. The echo chamber produced is what we call “the news”.
This is pretty much globally.
All of them are also sponsored by the same companies, and all of them write to protect their sponsors and to go against anyone going after them.
There is no more journalism in mainstream, a bit like go ogle, with its so called “synthetic search” which in contrast to its previously used “organic search” which provided results based on what was most searched and clicked , only shows and promotes those who pay, and gives preference strictly for commercial purposes.
This process begun in 2020, when both alternative and mainstream medias were threatened and forced to comply with the pandemic and “safe and effective narrative”, and force to close down if they didn’t.
Since then, all mainstream medias are basically owned by pigpharma, which is in effect also sponsor of all the main television stations. This is in effect the only way how pigpharma can continue to fight real science and keep a lid on the hundreds of millions if not billions of death and injured which have resulted from their censure of doctors and experts, and by the mass culling operation by them endorsed”.
The wars in Ukraine and in the Middle East, are diversions, so that those responsible for the scam can stay out of jail.
This is why they are continuing to lie and now pretend to be opposed to the horrors , while in reality they are continuing to do shield and do business with its perpetrators.
Real news is now only coming from real people, mainstream is nothing but propaganda.