How do we challenge this movement towards Fascism? The only platform allowed is Social Media, as worse is yet to come. Be prepared.

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As a party to the ICC, leaders in the UK should be more worried than Biden, Blinken and Trump about complicity in Israel's live-streamed genocide.

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It's one thing to state what is happening but another entirely to tell it with such bleak overtones - who's beat, not us. Stand up to the dictators. We're not backing down when people are being maimed, tortured and slaughtered!

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Keir Starmer is married to a Jew and accompanies both his children to their Saturday School - he is hardly dispassionate. Not a good person to opine on Israeli genocide - far better the marvellous Jews For Justice For Palestinians who also marched for Ceasefire on Saturday.

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Thank you Jonathan. You are a hero.

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Every License Payer with Common Decency Common Sense and Common Social Conscience should with immediate effect stop paying this State Government owned Corporation it is not a Public Service Broadcaster and it is certainly not an Impartial and honest Reporter of the News every Newsreader on every News Channel are sitting behind their desks LYING TO YOU MORNING NOON AND NIGHT OR 24/7 in Newspeak if you prefer. Its not only BBC it’s all News Channels ITV SKY CH4 CH5 CNN the newsreaders and foreign correspondents of all these channels and many more worldwide And never forget the role The Right Wing Propagandists of the British Billionaire Owned Media played in creating a fake news media network a Tissue OF LIES So the Israelis could continue on their Lebensraum Conquest and carry out Their Own 21st Century Holocaust upon The Gaza/ Palestinian Peoples.When the rest of Humanity Finally awakes from the Brainwashed Stupor they are in THE WORDS of these COWARDS who put their JOBS and over inflated Wages before telling the Worlds Population the TRUTH OF GAZA/PALESTINE will be “We Were Only Following Orders” .Now where have I heard this statement before oh yes I remember The SS Armed Forces, The Bestial Nazi Camp Guards, The Jewish Capos and the whole we didn’t know Population of Nazi Germany 1933- 1945. The majority of News Channels and their Cowardly Newsreaders are complicit with the Holocaust of the 21st Century committed by an EVIL REGIME the Equal of Hitlers Maniacs Netanyahu his Knesset and the Israeli equivalent of the Nazi SS the Child Women and Men Murderers of the IDF. The Human Beings on this Planet all of us no matter Colour or Religion Call Home must stop these Monsters as our Heroic Ancestors did in the 20th Century why do we allow Insidious LIARS and Rich Billionaires who wouldn’t know about Poverty if it hit them in the face to take Complete Control Over Our Lives and Destiny there is no difference between Hitler Stalin Netanyahu Starmer Biden Trump Pol Pot and all previous Leaders down to the Heath and Nixon Years. The UK is Now Officially A Police State a Dystopian Nation Led by Dysfunctional Governments all of you People who Voted against Jeremy Corbyn in favour of Johnson and Starmer how does it feel NOW! and to All the SCOTS Who VOTED TO REMAIN WITHIN THE UK how Do You EVEN SLEEP AT NIGHT.

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Nice to read your thoughts. They remind me of Chris Hedges feelings that we must build the unions. If they become strong again we can take back control.

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Starmer is a disgraceful person. He played a big part in Julian Assange's persecution and now we see he is behind the harassment and arrest of people who are protesting a genocide (yes, protesting a GENOCIDE). Equally, he behind the arrests of independent journalists such Richard Medhurst, Asa Winstanley and Sarah Wilkinson for their reporting truthfully on the Israeli genocide in Gaza and Lebanon. I am ashamed of my country. Take care Jonathan. You are doing good work.

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Disgraceful. There is so much mobile phone film showing the lies on BBC. How can this be allowed? Democracy has been long questionable in UK but this kills all UK rights. Now the public should surely be able to understand why UK wants to unattach itself from ECHR!

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That bill the Tories pushed through giving police extraordinary powers to deem a protest illegal was another nail in the coffin if not the final one.

Saw that some kids were arrested for sitting outside BBC HQ with blank placards, last week as a criticism of the totally impartial establishment's complicity concerning Palestine.

Then there is the massive problem of lobbyists and oligarchs buying off politicians.

But hey, look the disabled and unemployed are getting too many benefits

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They always go for the soft targets. Denigrate. Deny. Distract.

And to think they used to point the finger at Russia.

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