Feb 4Edited

Wow Jonathan. What an incredibly succinct piece on Israel and the genocide in Gaza. *Especially 5:00 - 6:30.* You're the first person I've heard articulate what I see.. that the tragic unresolved trauma of the Jews in WW-II is simply now being (re)played out again in Gaza. This time the Jews are not the victims, but the perpetrators. I'm heartbroken to see Israel's abject cruelty. Are they not blind how this will foment more bitter hatred for Jews for generations to come? How they themselves are promulgating the trauma of WW-II, sowing new roots of virulent Arab anti-semitism.

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Historically once a gang gets too rich, they will enslave the poor.

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Genocide is wrong, the ultimate crime, except when Israel does it.

Why the double standard?

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Israelis have become the very thing Jewish survivors of the Haulocaust feraed the most.the Nazis, braineashing their society that they are the chosen people and all other life is the untermensch. Racism fascism fundalmentalism rolled into one then rolled over west asia

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I know a little boy who looks exactly like the boy in the photo. His father is of Palestinian descent and was born in a Syrian refugee camp, just like his parents, after their parents were once expelled from Palestine by the Israeli mass murderers.

Whenever I see pictures of children slaughtered by Israel in the most gruesome way, I have to think of this little boy who has everything that makes a child, and I wonder when the most corrupt and depraved government in the world will draft his father and later possibly him to wage the holy war of the brain-amputated, Israel-controlled West against Russia.

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The level of hypocrisy of western leaders is off the charts. What is more disturbing is how wilfully blind and ignorant a large section of ordinary people seem to be to what is happening. Seemingly oblivious to their own pathy and ignorance, thoroughly brainwashed by propaganda, people who seem well educated and civil seriously believe Hamas are the terrorists and they hide behind human shields so genociding over 2 million people is okay.

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