Americans (and we Canadians, for that matter) collectively want and deserve better than just either the usual establishment callous conservative or neo/fake liberal candidate thus president.
One almost gets the impression that the Republican and Democratic parties are still unaware of the non-corporately-commissioned polls showing that a …
Americans (and we Canadians, for that matter) collectively want and deserve better than just either the usual establishment callous conservative or neo/fake liberal candidate thus president.
One almost gets the impression that the Republican and Democratic parties are still unaware of the non-corporately-commissioned polls showing that a majority of Americans favor the governmental implementation of some public programs, especially universal health care.
One would think the Democrats would finally support thus implement the latter, so why is the DNC refusing to allow it — if only by disallowing the genuinely fiscally progressive Senator Bernie Sanders to run as its presidential nominee, however many Democrat-voters want him? I mean, other than the DNC being afraid of crossing the corporate lobbyists, especially those hired to represent the healthcare industry’s unlimited-profit interests, who make some of the largest donations to the party election coffers.
(Every county in West Virginia voted for Sanders in the 2016 primaries, yet the DNC declared them as wins for Hillary Clinton. The voters there wanted Sanders, but the DNC overruled them. That's not democratic; that’s complacency and arrogance. And the 'Democratic' party needs to change that, otherwise such great election defeats can/will reoccur.)
Sadly as in the podcast above, major parties are in cahoots with the corporate sector and we the ordinary people, just don't count. As Bernie Sanders said in an address to congress in 2010, "the 1% are at war with its own people", and people don't even know it, because they have been aided and abetted by political parties all around the globe. The Neo-Liberal agenda survives on corporate capture, we need only look at the vast sums of money doled to politicians to see how it all works against us. Only when most people wake up, will we get the change necessary to rid ourselves of this corruption.
Americans (and we Canadians, for that matter) collectively want and deserve better than just either the usual establishment callous conservative or neo/fake liberal candidate thus president.
One almost gets the impression that the Republican and Democratic parties are still unaware of the non-corporately-commissioned polls showing that a majority of Americans favor the governmental implementation of some public programs, especially universal health care.
One would think the Democrats would finally support thus implement the latter, so why is the DNC refusing to allow it — if only by disallowing the genuinely fiscally progressive Senator Bernie Sanders to run as its presidential nominee, however many Democrat-voters want him? I mean, other than the DNC being afraid of crossing the corporate lobbyists, especially those hired to represent the healthcare industry’s unlimited-profit interests, who make some of the largest donations to the party election coffers.
(Every county in West Virginia voted for Sanders in the 2016 primaries, yet the DNC declared them as wins for Hillary Clinton. The voters there wanted Sanders, but the DNC overruled them. That's not democratic; that’s complacency and arrogance. And the 'Democratic' party needs to change that, otherwise such great election defeats can/will reoccur.)
Sadly as in the podcast above, major parties are in cahoots with the corporate sector and we the ordinary people, just don't count. As Bernie Sanders said in an address to congress in 2010, "the 1% are at war with its own people", and people don't even know it, because they have been aided and abetted by political parties all around the globe. The Neo-Liberal agenda survives on corporate capture, we need only look at the vast sums of money doled to politicians to see how it all works against us. Only when most people wake up, will we get the change necessary to rid ourselves of this corruption.