Thank you for pointing out the fact that the American public is hypnotized by the mass media. I have been trying to publicize the strategies and effects of the mass media for decades.
How can a conversation about the organized deception by the mass media enter into the pubic discourse? Are people able to confront the fact that they are being manipulated at deep levels of their subconscious? Are people able to acknowledge that their opinions are not truly their own?
Americans (and we Canadians, for that matter) collectively want and deserve better than just either the usual establishment callous conservative or neo/fake liberal candidate thus president.
One almost gets the impression that the Republican and Democratic parties are still unaware of the non-corporately-commissioned polls showing that a majority of Americans favor the governmental implementation of some public programs, especially universal health care.
One would think the Democrats would finally support thus implement the latter, so why is the DNC refusing to allow it — if only by disallowing the genuinely fiscally progressive Senator Bernie Sanders to run as its presidential nominee, however many Democrat-voters want him? I mean, other than the DNC being afraid of crossing the corporate lobbyists, especially those hired to represent the healthcare industry’s unlimited-profit interests, who make some of the largest donations to the party election coffers.
(Every county in West Virginia voted for Sanders in the 2016 primaries, yet the DNC declared them as wins for Hillary Clinton. The voters there wanted Sanders, but the DNC overruled them. That's not democratic; that’s complacency and arrogance. And the 'Democratic' party needs to change that, otherwise such great election defeats can/will reoccur.)
Sadly as in the podcast above, major parties are in cahoots with the corporate sector and we the ordinary people, just don't count. As Bernie Sanders said in an address to congress in 2010, "the 1% are at war with its own people", and people don't even know it, because they have been aided and abetted by political parties all around the globe. The Neo-Liberal agenda survives on corporate capture, we need only look at the vast sums of money doled to politicians to see how it all works against us. Only when most people wake up, will we get the change necessary to rid ourselves of this corruption.
My mother had Alzheimer's for years and I remember it's first signs, which are not that dramatic, but they were obvious. Biden wasn't playing with a full deck when he ran for office in 2020 and it was obvious to those who didn't harbor Trump hate which blinded them to that reality. It was somewhat amusing to read some cousins on Facebook tout Biden's skills while they took great pleasure in attacking Trump's "stupid" base, whom they also claimed were immoral. As to who ran the place, well, the neocons, since his whole four years in office was a testament to that. Four years of a neocon driven agenda reflected in the war in Ukraine, no matter the death toll, as well as their support for the genocide in Gaza and Israel's broader war in the middle east. Of course this agenda got under way after 9/11 and they got their new Pearl harbor.
No doubt the US is not a Democracy which needs to be exposed so it's a good question that needs to be asked every so often just to keep exposing all the other fake democracies around the world obediently submissively kowtowing to Washington's illogical diktat purely designed to keep the racket going while pursuing the corporate agenda.
The first-past-the-post ballot only masquerades as real democracy.
FPTP does seem to serve corporate lobbyists well, however. I believe it is why such powerful interests generally resist attempts at changing from FPTP to proportional representation electoral systems of governance, the latter which dilutes corporate influence.
Low-representation FPTP-elected governments, in which a relatively small portion of the country's populace is actually electorally represented, are the easiest for lobbyists to manipulate or ‘buy’, unlike with PR-elected governances.
FPTP can and often enough does (at least here in Canada) enable the biggest of businesses to get unaccountably even bigger, defying the very spirit of government rules established to ensure healthy competition by limiting mass consolidation.
While the FPTP ballot may technically qualify as democratic within the democracy spectrum, it is the PR system thus governance that's actually representative, regardless of ideology.
Democracy is an illusion, real political power is presently retained by the financial elite and then there are those closed and private tribunal where corporate officials preside over proceedings with no appeal process.
In order to improve these matters the economic system needs an overhaul and then there's the abysmal lack of accountability when it comes to respecting international laws and treaties.
... Indirectly supported by a complacent, if not compliant, corporate news-media (which is virtually all mainstream news-media), the absurdly unjust inequities/inequalities can/will continue.
“If voting changed anything [in favor of the weak/poor/disenfranchised] they’d have made it illegal.”
Of course it's not a democracy..NEVER has been. It's now an oligarchy headed by a bufoon narcissistic tyrant....haha..."democracy"..."They Rule: The 1% vs. Democracy (Paul Street). The venerated Founding Fs never intended the hoi polloi to have a voice. We common peasants have always been the hostages of the owner, capitalist, largely sociopathic class.
A few social/labor uprisings or revolutions notwithstanding, it seems the superfluously rich and powerful have always had the police and military ready to foremost protect their big-money/-power interests, even over the basic needs of the masses, to the very end.
Even in modern (supposed) democracies, the police and military can, and perhaps would, claim — using euphemistic or political terminology, of course — they have/had to bust heads to maintain law and order as a priority during major demonstrations, especially those against economic injustices.
Indirectly supported by a complacent, if not compliant, corporate news-media, which is virtually all mainstream news-media, the absurdly unjust inequities/inequalities can persist.
Perhaps there were/are lessons learned from those successful social/labor uprisings, with the clarity of hindsight, by more-contemporary big power/money interests in order to avoid any repeat of such great wealth/power losses (a figurative How to Hinder Progressive Revolutions 101, maybe)?
Free Palestine. Make Palestine Palestine Again. The U.S.A. & Israel are DeMockracys. Arrest the Israeli Terrorists and supporters for Crimes Against Humanity, Genocide etc. Supporters of Israel are Terrorists.
Really? Now are you going to point out Trump’s decline? His racism/facism/Nazi ideology. Parkinson’s is NOT mental! It is physical! Conspiracy theory!
Thank you for pointing out the fact that the American public is hypnotized by the mass media. I have been trying to publicize the strategies and effects of the mass media for decades.
How can a conversation about the organized deception by the mass media enter into the pubic discourse? Are people able to confront the fact that they are being manipulated at deep levels of their subconscious? Are people able to acknowledge that their opinions are not truly their own?
Media & Communication Action Project
Americans (and we Canadians, for that matter) collectively want and deserve better than just either the usual establishment callous conservative or neo/fake liberal candidate thus president.
One almost gets the impression that the Republican and Democratic parties are still unaware of the non-corporately-commissioned polls showing that a majority of Americans favor the governmental implementation of some public programs, especially universal health care.
One would think the Democrats would finally support thus implement the latter, so why is the DNC refusing to allow it — if only by disallowing the genuinely fiscally progressive Senator Bernie Sanders to run as its presidential nominee, however many Democrat-voters want him? I mean, other than the DNC being afraid of crossing the corporate lobbyists, especially those hired to represent the healthcare industry’s unlimited-profit interests, who make some of the largest donations to the party election coffers.
(Every county in West Virginia voted for Sanders in the 2016 primaries, yet the DNC declared them as wins for Hillary Clinton. The voters there wanted Sanders, but the DNC overruled them. That's not democratic; that’s complacency and arrogance. And the 'Democratic' party needs to change that, otherwise such great election defeats can/will reoccur.)
Sadly as in the podcast above, major parties are in cahoots with the corporate sector and we the ordinary people, just don't count. As Bernie Sanders said in an address to congress in 2010, "the 1% are at war with its own people", and people don't even know it, because they have been aided and abetted by political parties all around the globe. The Neo-Liberal agenda survives on corporate capture, we need only look at the vast sums of money doled to politicians to see how it all works against us. Only when most people wake up, will we get the change necessary to rid ourselves of this corruption.
My mother had Alzheimer's for years and I remember it's first signs, which are not that dramatic, but they were obvious. Biden wasn't playing with a full deck when he ran for office in 2020 and it was obvious to those who didn't harbor Trump hate which blinded them to that reality. It was somewhat amusing to read some cousins on Facebook tout Biden's skills while they took great pleasure in attacking Trump's "stupid" base, whom they also claimed were immoral. As to who ran the place, well, the neocons, since his whole four years in office was a testament to that. Four years of a neocon driven agenda reflected in the war in Ukraine, no matter the death toll, as well as their support for the genocide in Gaza and Israel's broader war in the middle east. Of course this agenda got under way after 9/11 and they got their new Pearl harbor.
No doubt the US is not a Democracy which needs to be exposed so it's a good question that needs to be asked every so often just to keep exposing all the other fake democracies around the world obediently submissively kowtowing to Washington's illogical diktat purely designed to keep the racket going while pursuing the corporate agenda.
The first-past-the-post ballot only masquerades as real democracy.
FPTP does seem to serve corporate lobbyists well, however. I believe it is why such powerful interests generally resist attempts at changing from FPTP to proportional representation electoral systems of governance, the latter which dilutes corporate influence.
Low-representation FPTP-elected governments, in which a relatively small portion of the country's populace is actually electorally represented, are the easiest for lobbyists to manipulate or ‘buy’, unlike with PR-elected governances.
FPTP can and often enough does (at least here in Canada) enable the biggest of businesses to get unaccountably even bigger, defying the very spirit of government rules established to ensure healthy competition by limiting mass consolidation.
While the FPTP ballot may technically qualify as democratic within the democracy spectrum, it is the PR system thus governance that's actually representative, regardless of ideology.
Democracy is an illusion, real political power is presently retained by the financial elite and then there are those closed and private tribunal where corporate officials preside over proceedings with no appeal process.
In order to improve these matters the economic system needs an overhaul and then there's the abysmal lack of accountability when it comes to respecting international laws and treaties.
... Indirectly supported by a complacent, if not compliant, corporate news-media (which is virtually all mainstream news-media), the absurdly unjust inequities/inequalities can/will continue.
“If voting changed anything [in favor of the weak/poor/disenfranchised] they’d have made it illegal.”
(‘Calamity’ Jane Bodine in ‘Our Brand Is Crisis’)
Corporate media is all part of the racket to pull the wool over the eyes of the masses, Murdoch's especially.
Of course it's not a democracy..NEVER has been. It's now an oligarchy headed by a bufoon narcissistic tyrant....haha..."democracy"..."They Rule: The 1% vs. Democracy (Paul Street). The venerated Founding Fs never intended the hoi polloi to have a voice. We common peasants have always been the hostages of the owner, capitalist, largely sociopathic class.
A few social/labor uprisings or revolutions notwithstanding, it seems the superfluously rich and powerful have always had the police and military ready to foremost protect their big-money/-power interests, even over the basic needs of the masses, to the very end.
Even in modern (supposed) democracies, the police and military can, and perhaps would, claim — using euphemistic or political terminology, of course — they have/had to bust heads to maintain law and order as a priority during major demonstrations, especially those against economic injustices.
Indirectly supported by a complacent, if not compliant, corporate news-media, which is virtually all mainstream news-media, the absurdly unjust inequities/inequalities can persist.
Perhaps there were/are lessons learned from those successful social/labor uprisings, with the clarity of hindsight, by more-contemporary big power/money interests in order to avoid any repeat of such great wealth/power losses (a figurative How to Hinder Progressive Revolutions 101, maybe)?
Why don't you read my post, and perhaps you can see yourself in there.
The topic needs to be be kept alive.
The tree of liberty must be refreshed from time to time with the blood of patriots & tyrants. It is its natural manure. It is its natural manure
Free Palestine. Make Palestine Palestine Again. The U.S.A. & Israel are DeMockracys. Arrest the Israeli Terrorists and supporters for Crimes Against Humanity, Genocide etc. Supporters of Israel are Terrorists.
The D and R's controlled by AIPAC are Traitors & Terrorists.