... Indirectly supported by a complacent, if not compliant, corporate news-media (which is virtually all mainstream news-media), the absurdly unjust inequities/inequalities can/will continue.
“If voting changed anything [in favor of the weak/poor/disenfranchised] they’d have made it illegal.”
... Indirectly supported by a complacent, if not compliant, corporate news-media (which is virtually all mainstream news-media), the absurdly unjust inequities/inequalities can/will continue.
“If voting changed anything [in favor of the weak/poor/disenfranchised] they’d have made it illegal.”
... Indirectly supported by a complacent, if not compliant, corporate news-media (which is virtually all mainstream news-media), the absurdly unjust inequities/inequalities can/will continue.
“If voting changed anything [in favor of the weak/poor/disenfranchised] they’d have made it illegal.”
(‘Calamity’ Jane Bodine in ‘Our Brand Is Crisis’)
Corporate media is all part of the racket to pull the wool over the eyes of the masses, Murdoch's especially.