Democracy is an illusion, real political power is presently retained by the financial elite and then there are those closed and private tribunal where corporate officials preside over proceedings with no appeal process.
In order to improve these matters the economic system needs an overhaul and then there's the abysmal lack of accountabil…
Democracy is an illusion, real political power is presently retained by the financial elite and then there are those closed and private tribunal where corporate officials preside over proceedings with no appeal process.
In order to improve these matters the economic system needs an overhaul and then there's the abysmal lack of accountability when it comes to respecting international laws and treaties.
... Indirectly supported by a complacent, if not compliant, corporate news-media (which is virtually all mainstream news-media), the absurdly unjust inequities/inequalities can/will continue.
“If voting changed anything [in favor of the weak/poor/disenfranchised] they’d have made it illegal.”
Democracy is an illusion, real political power is presently retained by the financial elite and then there are those closed and private tribunal where corporate officials preside over proceedings with no appeal process.
In order to improve these matters the economic system needs an overhaul and then there's the abysmal lack of accountability when it comes to respecting international laws and treaties.
... Indirectly supported by a complacent, if not compliant, corporate news-media (which is virtually all mainstream news-media), the absurdly unjust inequities/inequalities can/will continue.
“If voting changed anything [in favor of the weak/poor/disenfranchised] they’d have made it illegal.”
(‘Calamity’ Jane Bodine in ‘Our Brand Is Crisis’)
Corporate media is all part of the racket to pull the wool over the eyes of the masses, Murdoch's especially.