Israel has no intention of finishing the job that Washington started. That could be dangerous.

Israel intends to behavr more and more outrageously until it provokes a response, then run screaming to its American thug and demand that the United States finish the job.

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It's pointless responding to headlines. I don't usually even write them. They are at best an effort by the headline writer to entice you into reading the article. By definition, they flatten and simplify complex arguments, and aim at appealing to the widest possible audience.

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Old fashioned European Colonialism morphed into the NATO Terrorist Outfit during the 1950s. Their methods, mass murder, mutilation, Apartheid, land grab etc remain unchanged. Its subsidiaries, the CIA, MI6 et al collaborate in “leadership placement” within various nations not currently controlled (Georgia has resisted, so far). “Leaders” that deviate are eliminated (JFK) and replaced with lackeys (LBJ). The NATO Terrorist expansion program has succeeded in weakening Russia, (its primary objective since 1949) controlling the Middle East with its European pals occupying Palestine and “Friendly Arabs” in oil rich Gulf states. The Nuremberg Trials saw a handful of war criminals prosecuted, the ICC displayed token gestures following the collapse of Yugoslavia although depleted uranium bombs used by NATO Terrorists evaded ICC/ICJ scrutiny. Since its creation in 1949, NATO Terrorists have murdered well in excess of 35 million innocent Children, Women and Men in Laos, Cambodia, Vietnam, Syria, Iraq, Afghanistan, Palestine etc “legally”. Our species tells itself it's civilized, our species lies.

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Thank you !! And now for a FULL bipartisan story:

Mike Benz facts are TRULY astonishing: Both Trump would be assassins have state security connections that must be resolved. Routh was DEFINITELY a link in a CIA chain – that is now 100% certain.

Note: Prosecutors requested an indefinite delay in Routh trial due to “complexities” of the case.. CIA, FBI, NSA, DHS, DoJ, DoD are so corrupt that they have to prove that they are not involved.

The Dark Truth About The Trump Assassinations | Who Is Really Trying To Kill Trump? With Mike Benz


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