People need to prick-up their ears and RECOGNIZE if DCs CRIMINALLY Depraved, ZioNazis get away with their GazaSlaughter, ALL HUMANITY will be Genocided at their whim.
DC already starves 30% of Earth, in their Perpetual HumanSacrifice, InsiderTraders TotalitarianFascist, “Submit or DIE!” ResourceRape-RegimeChange, GlobalDomination “democracy” CRUSADES
People need to prick-up their ears and RECOGNIZE if DCs CRIMINALLY Depraved, ZioNazis get away with their GazaSlaughter, ALL HUMANITY will be Genocided at their whim.
DC already starves 30% of Earth, in their Perpetual HumanSacrifice, InsiderTraders TotalitarianFascist, “Submit or DIE!” ResourceRape-RegimeChange, GlobalDomination “democracy” CRUSADES
People need to prick-up their ears and RECOGNIZE if DCs CRIMINALLY Depraved, ZioNazis get away with their GazaSlaughter, ALL HUMANITY will be Genocided at their whim.
DC already starves 30% of Earth, in their Perpetual HumanSacrifice, InsiderTraders TotalitarianFascist, “Submit or DIE!” ResourceRape-RegimeChange, GlobalDomination “democracy” CRUSADES