Too horrible.

But we must continue protesting.

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we will

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As the poet said then they will come for us.

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I am so often critical and insensitive to those that say ' I cannot watch the news, it upsets me too much, there is nothing I can do.

My reply is, You can,therefore you should that is the least you can.BUT listening to these stories I know to be true was unbearable

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Thank you, Jonathan. Shared.

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The Iranian Revolutionary Guards are fighting against Imperalism? What about the ruthless suppression of the Iranian people, let's just sweep that under the carpet...

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Please don't gaslight. The article makes no such claim. It's quite possible to separate the dynamics of inter-state relations and domestic politics.

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Not sure what you mean by gaslight. Thanks for your point of explanation. I may not agree with all your views but Israel needs to abide by the decision of the ICJ and immediately halt its military offensive in Gaza.

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This report was so depressing I couldn't tap the like button. The empire -our empire- is so morally broken. Thank you for this article. Will it nudge us in the right direction? !

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People need to prick-up their ears and RECOGNIZE if DCs CRIMINALLY Depraved, ZioNazis get away with their GazaSlaughter, ALL HUMANITY will be Genocided at their whim.

DC already starves 30% of Earth, in their Perpetual HumanSacrifice, InsiderTraders TotalitarianFascist, “Submit or DIE!” ResourceRape-RegimeChange, GlobalDomination “democracy” CRUSADES

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Where the hell are we headed???

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