At least one third of every human population have what might be termed an "authoritarian personality". They believe that anyone they dislike or disapprove deserve to be punished - as harshly as possible. Another third are indifferent and can be swayed either way. (The "floating voters" - floating!! ) Only a third or so has a conscience.

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What has always terrified me about war on people, either internally in a state, or externally against another state, is not just the mass killings of a supposed enemy but the terrible tortures which innocent people are forced to endure. Imagine, if you can, torture which is so severe that you scream at the intolerable pain, and which endures for hours, days, and possibly weeks or months. Death by pain without end. These are truly the monsters in our midst.

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"Before my friends were all in prison..."

Wrote a song about this a few years back: https://drive.google.com/file/d/11KNFaJP16PH3vCWGhK7iohRT2hdlyUx4/view?usp=sharing

Thank you for your work, Jonathan. Let's keep doing what we can so that it doesn't get to that and we start unwinding that insanity.

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I used to wonder how the Nazis were able to kill so many without the German people rising up to stop it. Now I see the collective silence and selective suppression of protests in the US and Europe in the face of mass killing of innocents allows any carnage to take place. “Defense of Israel “ is used for every unholy killing and maiming of children and innocents. Evil.

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You are right!

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Why look at the nazis?

Long before the Nazis existed, Europeans had sailed around the planet mass killing people and enslaving them in place aka colonialism. Under this regime at one point like half the planet was enslaved under the British Crown, with all of britain profiting. All the perpetrators were hailed as national heros and few in Britain protested until a few years ago when a small few were taken down a peg or two - or at least their statues were. Their descendants still enjoy the spoils of the their crimes against humanity though.

This is what actually supplied the materials and manpower that took the "industrial revolution" to new heights in the 19th century.

The Europeans even held the infamous "Berlin Conference" in which they carved up the entire continent of Africa:


That's exactly what the US is doing in the middle east and in Ukraine: what the Europeans did to Africa. Well before the nazis.

All the Euro-colonial diaspora are scoundrels. All.

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This is the 2nd time I've watched/read this description of inhumanity. What one monster does to others can easily be transferred to me and you. That's what is scary: Hey! that person has half a head! Whose arm is this?

This is the worst possible live to live, happiness becomes a dream.

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You're a good man Mr Cook

God Bless you

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From the lyrics of "Guns of Brixton"


When they kick at your front door

How you gonna come?

With your hands on your head

Or on the trigger of your gun

When the law break in

How you gonna go?

Shot down on the pavement

Or waiting in death row


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Spot on, Jonathan.

“Monsters exist, but they are too few in number to be truly dangerous. More dangerous are the common men, the functionaries ready to believe and to act without asking questions.”

― Primo Levi

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"common men"? Che cazzo.

He's so fvcking ghetto.

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I m afraid, it will happen

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