You’ve set out my 6 am inchoate thoughts on this exactly. Thank you: I feel overwhelmed by the comprehensive and thoroughly informed and cross referenced argument Jonathan has placed before us. Speechless and staggering out of bed, you’ve given me a handle to quell the dizziness here in the whirlwind that we are all reaping.
You’ve set out my 6 am inchoate thoughts on this exactly. Thank you: I feel overwhelmed by the comprehensive and thoroughly informed and cross referenced argument Jonathan has placed before us. Speechless and staggering out of bed, you’ve given me a handle to quell the dizziness here in the whirlwind that we are all reaping.
You’ve set out my 6 am inchoate thoughts on this exactly. Thank you: I feel overwhelmed by the comprehensive and thoroughly informed and cross referenced argument Jonathan has placed before us. Speechless and staggering out of bed, you’ve given me a handle to quell the dizziness here in the whirlwind that we are all reaping.