Thanks for a detailed and accurate analysis of the situation. I think those commenting miss the point that you're not saying any actual moderation is being advocated--just a 'kinder, gentler' genocide that might move a little more slowly. My question: Is there anything we can DO about it? (God bless Jeremy Corbyn, Ilhan Omar, Rashida Tlaib, Chris Hedges, Norm Finkelstein, Ilan Pappe, Amy Goodman and all those like them!)

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You’ve set out my 6 am inchoate thoughts on this exactly. Thank you: I feel overwhelmed by the comprehensive and thoroughly informed and cross referenced argument Jonathan has placed before us. Speechless and staggering out of bed, you’ve given me a handle to quell the dizziness here in the whirlwind that we are all reaping.

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The "West" is Not! attempting to "arm a genocidal state into moderation."

The United States and its vassal states are arming the Zionist Entity, Israel, into the annihilation, extermination and liquidation, or at the ver, very, very, least, forced deportation of Palestinians.

Seriously, is this not obvious?

dennis hanna


"The Palestine Papers: 1917-1922: Seeds of Conflict”.

by Doreen Ingrams

1st edition (January 1, 1973)

The Hundred Years War on Palestine

Rashid Khalidi

State of Terror: How Terrorism Created Modern Israel

by Thomas Suarez

THE COMPLETE DIARIES OF THEODOR HERZL. Edited by Raphael Patai; translated by Harry Zohn. New York and London: Herzl Press and Thomas Yoseloff, 1961. 5 vols. 1960 pp.

Der Judenstaat,

German, "The State of the Jews,"

commonly rendered as The Jewish State is a pamphlet written by Theodor Herzl and published in February 1896.

The Iron Wall by Ze'ev Jabotinsky published in 1923

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It has nothing to do with moderation. This is the empire and its final death rattle desperately trying to hang onto It’s hegemony.

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Could Lammy's small reduction in arms supplies be more for legal than political reasons - indicating that the Government is getting uneasy that it is in breach of its own legal advice? Too much to hope for?

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Why does the West keep trying? They don't, it's all a sham!

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One of the spin-offs is that keeping lots of threats, blood and gore etc., in front of the public, the Brave New World of control and censorship is easier for the Starmtroopers of this world to justify.

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The genocidal state is not Israel but the US

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Both. But Israel doing the killing with the impunity America gives it

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I agree, but they couldn't do anything if the US wasn't arming them, so the US government is killing Palestinians through their weapon, Israel.

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It's both, and now we in the U.S. are being urged to vote for a kinder, gentler genocide ('Aw, we're so sorry') with Kamala Harris. The situation is utterly heartbreaking and sick-making.

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Highly recommend The Big War from ABC Australia for a synopsis of the actors in this mess https://iview.abc.net.au/video/NC2403H028S00

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Who says the west is trying? They are trying to implement a final solution and got caught, because of AlJazeera, MEE and the imbecilic IDF soldiers posting warcrimes on TikTok.

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of course; no way do they want to see the end of this.

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