The problem I have with equating the WWII holocaust with the Israel/Palestine war is that the German state murdered millions who had done nothing to harm them. The Jews, Catholics, Armenians and others who were mass slaughtered in the millions hadn't terror-bombed anyone or tried to wipe out a race of people. They weren't doing anything …
The problem I have with equating the WWII holocaust with the Israel/Palestine war is that the German state murdered millions who had done nothing to harm them. The Jews, Catholics, Armenians and others who were mass slaughtered in the millions hadn't terror-bombed anyone or tried to wipe out a race of people. They weren't doing anything more than any other European citizen at the time: just living their lives.
In Israel the Palestinian people, first under the Nazi-backed Grand Mufti and surrounding Arab states tried to murder the Jews in the UN mandate. For over a quarter of a century Egypt, Jordan, Syria, etc. tried to destroy the state of Israel and after they failed many Palestinians continued to support the PLO and constant terror attacks against the Jews of Israel and demanded a genocide against the Jews. Hamas is just the latest to take on the goal of killing every Jew in Israel.
It's not the same, and the way most on the left focus solely on the cynical players that manipulate and connive to rid the land of the Palestinians leaves me a bit cold when they ignore the hate and violence coming from the other side.
It's not the same. It's not a simple attempted genocide. After WWII the Jewish population of Europe was roughly 1/4 what it was before the war. The Palestinian population keeps growing despite the alleged "genocide" Israel is carrying out. It's not the same and yet so many like this director and Cook blind themselves to the difference. One needn't support the viciousness of Netanyahu and the fundamentalist nuts in Israel to acknowledge that Hamas and its many Palestinian supporters bear much of the burden for their current plight.
The problem I have with equating the WWII holocaust with the Israel/Palestine war is that the German state murdered millions who had done nothing to harm them. The Jews, Catholics, Armenians and others who were mass slaughtered in the millions hadn't terror-bombed anyone or tried to wipe out a race of people. They weren't doing anything more than any other European citizen at the time: just living their lives.
In Israel the Palestinian people, first under the Nazi-backed Grand Mufti and surrounding Arab states tried to murder the Jews in the UN mandate. For over a quarter of a century Egypt, Jordan, Syria, etc. tried to destroy the state of Israel and after they failed many Palestinians continued to support the PLO and constant terror attacks against the Jews of Israel and demanded a genocide against the Jews. Hamas is just the latest to take on the goal of killing every Jew in Israel.
It's not the same, and the way most on the left focus solely on the cynical players that manipulate and connive to rid the land of the Palestinians leaves me a bit cold when they ignore the hate and violence coming from the other side.
It's not the same. It's not a simple attempted genocide. After WWII the Jewish population of Europe was roughly 1/4 what it was before the war. The Palestinian population keeps growing despite the alleged "genocide" Israel is carrying out. It's not the same and yet so many like this director and Cook blind themselves to the difference. One needn't support the viciousness of Netanyahu and the fundamentalist nuts in Israel to acknowledge that Hamas and its many Palestinian supporters bear much of the burden for their current plight.