I understand that Pres-elect Trump is known to favor Zionism, but hope that his conscience will change , and he will be an opponent to it!

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Our politicians and police are turning this into a facist state of no freedom of speech, protest & commenting against Israel. They are all so corrupt, greedy, ego driven, soulless, spineless zionist loving, genocide supporting racists.

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Down with imperialism! Down with fascism! wow, I feel like I'm living in the 1930's! 😱 TY, very important points! Because they are true!

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What the bloody hell is going on with the Brits??!!😱😱 TY for stacking this!

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The exact same thing that has always been going on with the Brits. Only at some points in history the British imperialist state was more successful at keeping the masks on than it is at the moment.

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This was obviously going to happen, turning the UK onto a police state with Starmers faschist pro Zionist government. He's a coward and a bully,and at the first provocation hides behind the police and the Israel Lobby. What has the UK come to?

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Hiding Jews during WWII could get you killed. Supporting Palestinians today can get you arrested. Fickle....

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It was the practice that police operation names were randomly computer generated, precisely to avoid any leak of the name giving a clue to the targeting of the operation. (Hence 'Operation Yewtree'.)

And to leave a note specifying the name of the operation seems even more odd.

That it's a stupid name is just insulting.

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The UK is a full-on Marxist failed state & should be expelled from international organizations.

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I find it weirdly amusing that you'd call a police raid on a reporter a Marxist operation. There seems to be a terrible mix up of ideologies in many minds just now. But for the record...what the capitalist state of Britain is doing has 0 to do with Marxism.........Hitler wasn't a Marxist either.

Which is not to say that Marxist governments can't be repressive.....but the differences are important just now. Britain and much of the west are capitalist right wing pseudo democracies. Fascism has little in common with Marxism.....which isn't to say that both ideologies aren't capable of authoritarianism and degeneration into police states.

A police state isn't very purist in its behavior. It's just determined to silence whatever poses an inconvenient truth for its ruling oligarchy.

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Glad you're weirdly amused.

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Thanks...but I rather hoped you'd be normally ashamed. We can name call the other side all we want.......but we both know police states can come in both right and left forms...........and in the capitalist west......we're more at risk for the right wing form.

Had Jeremy Corbyn held the leadership of the Labour party, you might have had a bit of reality on your side........but it wasn't Marxists who removed him......or installed the present Labour leader in his place. It was the monied elite of primarily right wing oligarchs.

Nor is it generally a tactic of organized labour to arrest progressive journalists....in America, Chris Hedges and Nome Chomsky aren't deplatformed because their Marxists.........its because they tell a truth the powerful don't want anyone to hear.

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Thanks, got the book.

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Lets not forget that also vital experts have been silenced by the British and German and French governments also - more or less proving that these governments have long been AIMING for their Israeli partners to succeed in genocide in Gaza:



This in particular was disgusting - even harassing his family - the family of a doctor on humanitarian work in Gaza:


"Met Police question London family of doctor in Gaza

17 October 2023"

I mean has any British citizen serving in the Israeli Genocide Force had the British security services turn up a their home to question their families? And they are actually terrorists!

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Thank you for this information. It is horrifying but not surprising to me, Corbyn was a good man and was smeared and undermined because of his humanitarian position on Palestine. As expected ( by me) Starmer is proving to be a complete monster- by far the worst PM of all time, and turning the UK into a GESTAPO run state. He is clearly 100% in the pocket of the zionists and is not representing the UK public or any humanitarian interests. I am disgusted that the police allow them selves to be used in this manner- shades of Nazi Germany!!!

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Jonathan, I can only presume so, but are you familiar with the work of Dr. E. Michael Jones of culturewars.com and fidelitypress.org?

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Thank you very much for sharing. I think it is important to add that many laws making those actions possible, have been introduced by the Conservative Government. Those include a broader definition of extremism and terrorism which includes activist and religious groups, a astonishing removal of rights if suspicions arrise such as holding someone for an indefinite amount of time and a stiffling of free speech and right to protest if they cause public nuisance or are loud and annoying. They paced the way to intimidate and/or control anyone who the government percives as a threat.

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What a surprise that the only place you can find out about this is on Substack, as opposed to the BBC/Guardian/name your useless MSM outlet. Fascism is alive and well in the UK

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And many people, myself included, leaving the msm......everywhere, the need to toe the official line is becoming apparant....so its not news really, its right wing propaganda.

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