Lets not forget that also vital experts have been silenced by the British and German and French governments also - more or less proving that these governments have long been AIMING for their Israeli partners to succeed in genocide in Gaza:



This in particular was disgusting - even harassing his family - the family of a doctor on humanitarian work in Gaza:


"Met Police question London family of doctor in Gaza

17 October 2023"

I mean has any British citizen serving in the Israeli Genocide Force had the British security services turn up a their home to question their families? And they are actually terrorists!

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Thank you for this information. It is horrifying but not surprising to me, Corbyn was a good man and was smeared and undermined because of his humanitarian position on Palestine. As expected ( by me) Starmer is proving to be a complete monster- by far the worst PM of all time, and turning the UK into a GESTAPO run state. He is clearly 100% in the pocket of the zionists and is not representing the UK public or any humanitarian interests. I am disgusted that the police allow them selves to be used in this manner- shades of Nazi Germany!!!

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Jonathan, I can only presume so, but are you familiar with the work of Dr. E. Michael Jones of culturewars.com and fidelitypress.org?

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Thank you very much for sharing. I think it is important to add that many laws making those actions possible, have been introduced by the Conservative Government. Those include a broader definition of extremism and terrorism which includes activist and religious groups, a astonishing removal of rights if suspicions arrise such as holding someone for an indefinite amount of time and a stiffling of free speech and right to protest if they cause public nuisance or are loud and annoying. They paced the way to intimidate and/or control anyone who the government percives as a threat.

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What a surprise that the only place you can find out about this is on Substack, as opposed to the BBC/Guardian/name your useless MSM outlet. Fascism is alive and well in the UK

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The state censors do not have the resources, or the power, to silence or intimidate the mass movement into submission (the last Tory government had that ambition, but failed).

So instead, like the execrable cowards that they are, they pick off individually the its journalistic and intellectual banner bearers.

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There's something about the times we live in, in that it has produced the weakest of men and therefore the poorest quality of leadership fills its ranks. Other times knew leaders, whether one liked or agreed with them. I'm thinking of Kennedy in the US or Thatcher in Britain. Loathe them or love them, I did the former, but neither would have yielded to Israeli interference in how they ran their countries. Starmer for example, has all the drive and charisma of a mole, and in former times, would have remained just as hidden as the little fellow ! Weak men produce dangerous times, and such are the times we live in.

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Weak men, and women or people who are being blackmailed by Israel? Epstein didn’t do what he did just for the money.

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W Churchill light heartedly described the difference between England and a totalitarian state »If there’s a knock on your door at 5 am it’s probably the milk man « 

Things seem to have changed.

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9 hrs ago·edited 8 hrs ago

ABOLISH THE TERRORISM ACT which is illegal and unconstitutional .

There is no "terrorism", "terrorism" is a Zionist accusation and fascist repression of resistance. The only terrorists are those who terrorize ordinary citizens into submission to power.

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I'd like to agree, but I have to ask regarding Britain ... What Constitution? Allegedly as I was taught in post-Bagehot style, it relies on conventions, tradition, accepted norms; but these are being ignored or shredded before our eyes. The Tory discussion of the alleged perfidy of the ECHR shows how that hangs by a thread in a British Constitutional context. And our legislature?? Parliamentary sovereignty with a fixed electoral system and an hereditary and appointed element still in place with the Lords and the monarchy? Regulated by that judiciary? And our Fourth Estate?

What Constitution? Whose constitution?

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58 mins ago·edited 57 mins ago

Either there is a Law that is being violated or there is no Law and then people should not complain about State terrorism. I am not in Britain. I am Russian. In America, there are lawless actions by the State, but there are also cases where the Court overturns the lawless decisions and maintains the Law. It is important to know without emoting if there are violations of the Law or the Law does not exist.

In Israel, for example, there is no constitution and no human rights, so we cannot say that Israel violates anything, it's just a rogue, lawless state. But Britain is not officially lawless.

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Starmer's not 'left'. He's 'establishment' through and through.

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"Left" nowadays means 2mm left off centre. True Left, like Corbyn, say, will never been allowed near power.

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I don’t know what to say ?

But, I hope, my Friend Keir will look into the Police Harassment of the British Journalists !

But the Brits and not as bad as the German Foreign(not a German ?) Minister !

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What a very strange comment!!! Your 'friend Starmer"- is this sarcasm? True, the British public is not bad, but the police harassment is the direct responsibility of Starmer- HE is the cause. Why bring the German foreign minister into this- what could this possibly have to do with him??? The only connection this could possibly have with Germany is the adoption of Nazi techniques by the Starmer administration. Great pity- these changes in the UK mean that I will never visit it again, invest in it or buy any British products as my meager form of protest.

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The Left always eventually criminalizes free thought & free speech, being the slimy scumbucket human trash they are.

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Don't hold back, Stephen!

it's not until you get older that you really see the Left for what they really are.

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DRAINER c waywardwords 2024

don't keep writing about conflict,

it's such a drainer.

as if the bombing

of some distant city

really matters?

sure it's sad they're massacring

kids and mothers,

but dont keep posting pictures

of all these bodies

blown apart

and ripped to tatters

there's something quite distasteful

about these photos,

the lines of bloodied shrouds,

the burned, the burning

the beheaded babies.

now you're banging on

about starvation, sickness,

dysentry and polio.

and skin disease and lice

and pox and scabies

it's not that I don't give a shit

or lack compassion

but I've two growing kids,

a mortgage, and battles

of my own to fight

and to be honest

they kinda asked for it

didn't they?

by living there?

I mean, it's not as if

they're British, or Jewish

or even civilised?

or even white?

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"Even the name of the "counter-terrorism" raid is performative: "Operation Incessantness". The message the state wants to send is that it will not rest till it has us all behind bars."

You're saying we shouldn't believe this nonsense. I am not so sure Julian Assange would agree to that, Mr. Cook. You are safe as long as you don't have as high a profile as Julian Assange or Asa Winstanley. The minute you do, look out.

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It will amount to nothing but serious harassment and theft of time and money! To bother sincere people who still have a conscience about mass murder and state crimes is the real crime!

Anyone is a target.

Fucck the fascists that rule us!

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Dark-and-dreary (Zionist) days for the UK, and surely for my USA and elsewhere as well. This madness shows no signs of abating and indeed is deepening. Despair for 'democracy.' Despair for...and pray diligently for...the Palestinians (but where is God?...and His Prince of Peace?). Also Lebanon and the other Valiant Axis of Resistance forces determined to end subservience to Colonial Zionism as the modus operandi in the Middle East.

Thank you, Mr. Cook. Watch your back, esp. at 6 AM....

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