In one way I agree with Joe Waller who also replied to my initial comment. No country can run another country. The people behind Big Oil, Big Banking, Big Pharma and so on, and so forth are mostly citizens of two countries whereof Israel is one.
There is no denying that whatever the President of Israel wants the US to do, everybody in the district of criminals bend over backwads to get it done.
In one way I agree with Joe Waller who also replied to my initial comment. No country can run another country. The people behind Big Oil, Big Banking, Big Pharma and so on, and so forth are mostly citizens of two countries whereof Israel is one.
There is no denying that whatever the President of Israel wants the US to do, everybody in the district of criminals bend over backwads to get it done.
In one way I agree with Joe Waller who also replied to my initial comment. No country can run another country. The people behind Big Oil, Big Banking, Big Pharma and so on, and so forth are mostly citizens of two countries whereof Israel is one.
There is no denying that whatever the President of Israel wants the US to do, everybody in the district of criminals bend over backwads to get it done.