I know Israel might have committed some war crimes here but the real culprits are Hamas. This terrorist organization is playing the leading role in the genocide by using gazans as human shield. This is a common practice among terrorists

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Can you explain why Hamas are the culprits? This didn't start on October 7th.

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I know this conflict didn't start on October 7 but since the start of the conflict the first attackers have always been the Palestinians and also Hamas has been constantly firing rockets into Israel for unjustified reasons. If you blame Israel and ignore Palestine's fault you are an hypocrite

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There must be an immediate ceasefire in Gaza. Pope Francis has said what is needed, now he must do what is needed by going to Gaza and standing for peace, justice and freedom.

Please sign the petition and share widely.


From CodePink:

Tell the U.S. to arrest Netanyahu for his crimes against humanity! And tell

Congress to boycott his



Let us also support UNRWA. If our governments won’t act in accordance with humanity, then we will. https://www.unrwausa.org/donate

Also we can all support the brave doctors who have gone to Gaza: https://palestinian-ama.networkforgood.com/projects/206145-gaza-medical-supplies-oct-2023

Let us make our donations to honor Aaron Bushnell, or in memory of Hind Rajab.

Here’s a petition to excommunicate Joe Biden: https://www.change.org/p/excommunicate-president-joe-biden-bf979783-ac08-4576-a53f-c786ea23dc9c

These are a few small things we can do. If we can do more, let us do more.

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If the US president can’t talk tough to Israel, you expect a Zionist like Starmer who presides over an even weaker country like Britain to?! Like Genocide Joe, Stormtrooper Starmer is happy with what the IDF is doing and wouldn’t dream of stopping them. That is a fact.

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Devastating truth. Doesn't matter to these sorry excuses for human beings, that the majority of their constituents oppose Washington's support for this brutal situation.

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The ICC has committed suicide here, although it thinks it is sustaining its credibility. What it is actually doing is allowing a massive genocide to occur while noting it and not actually acting to prevent it. Which destroys its credibility.

The rest of the world is not going to respect or comply with the ICC if it slow marches and allows the west to commit blatant genocide, while move smartly to imprison "others" anytime the west commands it be done.

So goodbye ICC. Just pack it up and go home.

We now have full on anarchy and law of the jungle in this world. Tragic.

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I don't think you can say goodbye ICC. If you look at the legal history of genocides, not only are they slow, but sometimes they never get to declare that it existed.

There is a lot of legal conservatism in this, and still the political world (which is the one that in the end decides) is not mature enough to ask for speed. This is my opinion, of course.

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Its 2024 and slow does not fly anymore. So they are naked now.

It’s all gone.

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I disagree that there'll be anarchy and the law of the jungle without the ICC! The 'rest of the world' and the ICC itself knows how hypocritical, unfair and unhelpful the Western rules based order is.

China and Russia are leading this world into negotiating how International Law can be enforced and how peace can prevail in West Asia and elsewhere. Hopeful.

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West Asia maybe, but not elsewhere.

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Seeing as it's interference by the CIA and the neocons stirring up and funding most of the 'factions' in Haiti and Sudan etc and who support 'independence' in Georgia, Taiwan and the Philipines etc, not to mention supporting NATO expansion and neonazis in Ukraine to force Putin's hand or funding the Zionist supremacists in Palestine, once the rogue US is stopped (or when it economically collapses through sanctioning everyone else), the world will be a lot more peaceful right off the bat.

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We will see. BRICS is moving ahead faster and don't ever rely on India to support the West!

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BRICS can't come soon enough. A new world order, perhaps

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Yes, we will see...

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Highly recommend the book "Silent Coup" by Claire Provost and Matt Kennard. Reads like a detective story but provides a brilliantly researched exposé of how what William I. Robinson calls the TCC "Transnational Capitalist Class" have been hard at work ensuring that profit wins over social justice since Bretton Woods and the creation of the World Bank and IMF. Another example of true investigative journalism.

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Lawless In Gaza: Why Britain And The West Back Israel’s Crimes

By Jonathan Cook Oct 13, 2023

Western officials are more than happy with the direction of travel. Not just for Israel’s sake but for their own too. Because one day in the future, their own populations may be as much trouble to them as Palestinians in Gaza are to Israel right now.

Supporting Israel’s right to defend itself is their downpayment.

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It is heatbreaking to read emphasisiing yet again the horror which we are, have long been and , in the future are ever likely to be , shamefully and totally complicit

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Biden or what remains of his brain and by extension the democrats live in the 70s after the oil embargo ready to battle the Soviet Union and Mao with Israel securing the supply and every time we fill up we sent them a vote of confidence. Trump by securing segregated suburbia ensures demand for gated apartheid.

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But of course 💁🏻‍♀️ what did everyone expect

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Genocide is a monstrous evil. Today, however, monstrous evil matters less than football scores. We are all guilty of genocide.

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"The paper reported that Starmer would refuse to recognise a Palestinian state until he had received the blessing of the United States, reportedly to avoid the risk of a diplomatic falling out. Israel is Washington’s most favoured client state."

I'm sorry, Jonathan. You've got that bass ackwards.

"Israel runs the United States, and the Americans know it."

- Ehud Barak -

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The US foreign minster is one of them, a double agent. Half the US national security council are puppets of them.

The US president is in their pocket. The US minster of war in their pocket.

Yes, they run the place.

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The majority of the people working innside what I call the district of criminals are all dual Israeli citizens. THAT is the problem. ........................., and when the majority of Americans undertands what Alan Jabrosk ha beenn tryin to tell them for years Israel is done.


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In one way I agree with Joe Waller who also replied to my initial comment. No country can run another country. The people behind Big Oil, Big Banking, Big Pharma and so on, and so forth are mostly citizens of two countries whereof Israel is one.

There is no denying that whatever the President of Israel wants the US to do, everybody in the district of criminals bend over backwads to get it done.

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No, the oil barons and the media/military/surveillance/pharma complex runs both Israel and the United States (and the UK).

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Yes, precisely. The significance of the US is chiefly that it is the headquarters of that transnational complex.

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Yes indeed. And the more the MIC headquarters in the US is threatened by the rise and rise of Russia, China, Iran, Hezbollah, Yemen, BRICS, de-dollarisation, the peace movement, environmentalism, veganism and preventative medicine; the more they will double down with the propaganda.

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The last 5 paragraphs encapsulates everything for me. The ICC/ICJ , the Ultra Apartheid State of Israel, United States, UK, France, Germany and Canada are all holding hands to guarantee the genocide and extermination of Palestinians in broad daylight across all streams. For whose benefit is it?

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Whose benefit? The three "Ps": Power, Profits and Prophets. The convergence of these is terrifying. What could be worse?

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Thank you, Jonathan. As one of a handful of true journalists, you always give your readers clarity, if not hope. As Chris Hedges often says, it's our moral duty to tell the truth even if resistance seems hopeless.

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Let's just have the courage to say it bluntly: the judges of the ICJ and the ICC, by caving to Western pressure, are themselves complicit in genocide. The judges are genocidaires, just as if they were doing the killing personally. They should issue arrest warrants for themselves.

But as well illustrated here, the courts are a scam, intended to make the West look humanitarian – a more Orwellian task is difficult to imagine – and, worse, to provide yet another weapon to the most vile, vicious, and violent empire the world has ever seen to permit it to commit yet more genocide.

After all, genocide is the weapon of empire. That's how it rules. It destroys every nation it touches, then loots its corpse. If we don't all wake up and look directly and honestly at ourselves, then we are utterly screwed as a species.

Just sayin'.

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I have been waiting ever since the ICC said it may issue arrest warrants for Netanyahu and Gallant....I had no idea that the machinations/agreements to not proceed for dubious reasons were taking place. I have not seen this information anywhere else. Is it true? I'm devastated. So much for international law.

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