Thanks again, Jonathan. I regularly share your articles with persons potentially ready to open their eyes and look beyond the illusion of mainstream media

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I was exceedingly against Biden supporting, supplying weaponry and defending Israel, as he has claimed that they’re a Western ally. Bullshit. What has that ‘ally’ ever done for we Americans? I cannot think of anything. I even wrote to the WH about my anger over his actions pertaining to Israel—which goes far deeper. I received no response. I am so elated that he dropped out of the race.. should’ve done it much earlier. He is complicit in the genocide of the Palestinians—FULLY. It’s shameful and disgusting.

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il peggiore dei peggiori

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Absolute hogwash. What Palestinian territory? What apartheid? Pure ignorance.

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Yes, pure ignorance ...on your part😏



Here's a book for you as you are clearly a beginner on this subject ..happy reading!😉


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Not a beginner at all. Family from Lebanon - following it all my life. You would call me an “Arab-American.” You people on the left have no idea , you’re projecting your own ideology on the “Palestinians . “

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Your book selection is rather lame- Wikipedia , really?

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👎🏼 & 🖕🏼😤👺💔💔💔💔

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Excellent interpretation of the law and history.

Every word is written in a truthful way . Thank you for sharing to us laypeople!

Palestine / Ukraine both suffering the same horrific fate by Israeli governments and Russian governments through the MANY years .

Neither Netanyahu or Putin have any intention of leaving either country’s population alive ! Israel hangs on the coattails of the Holocaust-WHICH WAS HORRIFIC -should never happen again!

But Israel / Russia are repeating that same holocaust even as they complain- Remember the Holocaust how we suffered !!!

So thank you so much 😊

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Jul 25Liked by Jonathan Cook

Thank you Johnathan for this succinct article!

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Jul 24Liked by Jonathan Cook

Fabulous analysis, thank u!

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" And that will put multinational corporations, banks and pension funds in an ever harder legal position if they continue to ignore their own complicity with Israel’s criminality."

Absolutely. I worked in global investment banks for years, had to do training 2-4 times a year on sanctions etc. ICC/ICJ court judgments were mentioned. My understanding is that by their own rules and regulatory requirements, they have to stop operating in and with Israel, and individuals demonstrably connected with Israel.

And these are organisations that usually swarm supportively around US/NATO policy. They'll be conflicted, but have no choice afaict.

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There are many that already steer clear of Israeli government bonds. The judgement will put them even more on guard recording commercial instruments, as it raises the spectre of reparations being owned for wrongful expropriation and the ownership of assets based in occupied territories being worth nothing in reality. That kind of will scare many away.

But, the financial sector is riddled with hardcore zionists in influential positions, especially in the US and many of them will double on down their institutions' position rather than pull back.

So it's more likely that a split will emerge in the finance world, particularly between the US + foreign institutions dependent on US clients, and the rest.

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I think it will be hard for them, have to deal with Audit who can cause a lot of pain, and who are mainly fronting for the regulators anyway. The financial separation has begun already of course - BRICS, SCI, end of petrodollar etc. But the Gaza/Ukraine bookends have a wonderful clarifying effect on so many aspects of the :cough: rules based order.

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It’s the risk management issue. If the financial institution invests your money but has not undertaken the level of due diligence that is supposed to - such as evaluating the potential financial impact of new legal judgments- then the investors can sue the financial institutions to claw back losses. Based on not having fulfilled their fiduciary duties.

So a judgment that puts ownership of land and assets in the occupied territories as clearly stolenis a financial game-changer.

It also impacts the value of many businesses such as agricultural etc inside “Israel” that are based on stolen resources such as the diversion water:


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even during our son firth's and my 3-month volunteer teaching commitment in the 4 palestinian refugee camps surrounding nablus under the aegis of PROJECT HOPE NABLUS in 2023, the zioisraelis were already bombing and sniper-killing our students, injured resistance fighters, and our friends from drones, fighter jets, and helicopters, raining death from the night skies above our dormitory 3Xs/wk, on the helpless west bank palestinians. how could the western MSM ignore such egregiously fulminant destruction of innocent human life? who are these demonic people? it defies credulity that such human lifeforms can persevere w/ such arrant impunity.

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So is AmeriKKKa a rogue state

Netanyahu is Hitler Jr

Zionism is Jewish Naziism plain and simple.

Putin we need you’re help to clean out the rats nest in Israel

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What's long overdue is a specific "REMOVE THE SETTLEMENTS" campaign backed by Sanctions . This would be difficult for Israel to counter and avoids the mantra of Israel's right to defend itself. SA apartheid was basically defeated by sanctions. It's impossible to see any resolution without them.

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Sounds right, but be forewarned that US

will try to sanction those countries that try to sanction Israel. US will do anything and everything lawful, mostly unlawful, to preserve and protect its claim on the vast oil and gas deposits s surrounding Israel in those Arab petro states

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Jul 24Liked by Jonathan Cook

Thank you for your article and analisis. I would not know about ICJ ruling last Fri unless I read it.

I am sharing with my contacts.

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"jonathan cook is a british journalist. his article below is one of the most eloquent yet concise wordscripts on the issue of israeli genocide against palestinians that i have had the privilege to read:

its illegal occupation of palestinian lands;

its illegal, towering separation wall;

its illegal settlements;

its illegal, decades-long ethnic-deterging operations;

its illegal captures and tortures of palestinian civilians for just walking down their own streets;

its illegal, heinous denial of food, water, medical supplies, and other essential comestibles for palestinians since 1947;

its illegal, unrelenting destruction of palestinian public schools, hospitals, homes, universities, and infrastructure;

its illegal denial of palestinians their right to vote;

and, concomitantly, the egregious, unalloyed, categoric, long-standing complicity in these isreali crimes by the US, UK, canada, australia, new zealand, the scandanavian countries, germany, france, finland, and the netherlands, who must also be held accountable. however, it won’t happan, b/c the international courts and human rights organizations have not a farthing nor a shred of any means whatsoever to followup w/ enforcement.

if you have the disposable time, please read cook’s inimitable article. not-so-‘mum’ jeanie."

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Jul 24Liked by Jonathan Cook

The calm, accurate restatement of fact is revolutionary in a time of propaganda and lies.

Well done, Mr. Cook.

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At this point recanting actual FACT appears to be revolutionary. Assange imprisoned for it.

And increasingly worse, inside the US their government appears to be on a missing to make even reasoned critique illegal. Read the Motion to Dismiss submitted by the Uhuru 3 as a response to their ongoing legal inquisition of the government of the U.S. right now.



Such is the state of the self-declared “free world”.

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Only possible when American Politicians and European politicians jointly Enable the Zionist Monsters !

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