I am Irish-American Catholic cradle to grave. 4 of my brothers and I served active duty in the US Military; 3 services Navy, Army, Marines. I condemn Israel Zionist terrorism and genocide against Palestinians and Lebanese; as a Catholic, a Christian, American of Irish descent, and as a U.S. military veteran. I am a member of the Catholic Church, AOH and American Legion. It is immoral, unChristian, unjust and evil.

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My little haiku on journalism:

Oh Journalism!,

Ignore our Zionism,

Look not at Gaza.

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The BBC is terrified of any debate that includes any criticism of NATO; the war in Ukraine or arms to Israel. It started with the 'Moral Panic', created by MSM but masquerading as an attack on racism aka 'anti-Semitism'. Sir Ephraim Mirvis told the world the truth when he congratulated the rich & powerful members of AIPAC on stopping 'Socialists' like Bernie Sanders & Jeremy Corbyn; I doubt the true message from history will ever be written as history is written by the victors. Where are John Pilger & Julian Assange when we need them most? No platform!

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Most of those in the public relations / propaganda business are just stenographers of power. Calling them journalists is an insult to the intellect.

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This year has redefined the world real. What is real? Are our politicians real politicians or bribed puppets of conglomerates, corporations, the banks and worse? Are our regulators real or are they submitted to the political agenda pandering to popularised and often-raficalised political sway? What are our associations and colleges of not organisations dictated by autocratic unjust leadership and the golden nuggets of a knighthood if compliance is deemed satisfactory by our unreal democracy. The only thing that is real are the cries of the persecuted, the oppressed and the suppressed. Threat is real, justice is not. Real should be mounted on a plaque alongside freedom, democracy, integrity and honesty. Mount them high on a monument to a dream long-lost as the world changes and we are left behind.

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I have these wise words, the other version by Pastor Niemoeller, framed and up on my wall. One of the most important things ever said. If we could only get that right all would be well. He learned tolerance and respect for others over his lifetime. Does that mean there’s hope?

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Finally they came for me because I read a certain journalist.

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Timothy Snyder on journalists.


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Ah, yes...Pastor Niemoller's famous WWII reflection. Goes well with the adage about those who don't know history are condemned to repeat it, doesn't it?

David Halberstam's book //The Best and the Brightest// shows how the egregious self confidence and sense of superiority of that era's Dem elite led to the horrors of Vietnam. In the US, our current Ivy Ds have become an unholy alliance between neolibs and neocons. Similar for W. Euro it seems. A cabal doing its best to prolong empire by means of the unipolar delusion. B & B 2.0.

We peasants, the working class majority, are merely economic cannon fodder to the neolibs and actual cannon fodder for the neocons. An elite disconnected from the real world isn't interested in the spiraling cost of healthcare. Or crumbling, dangerous infrastructure. Or the impact of climate change disasters. No money left for the common good because it's being spent on endless wars of empire.

Where is the thoughtful investigative reporting on these nasty realities? Relegated to Substack blogs.

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The reminder is always important! Thank you, Jonathan.

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'One cannot hope to bribe or twist,

Thank God, the British journalist.

But seeing what the man* will do unbribed,

There's no occasion to.'

Humbert Wolfe, c1930

* Now, for 'man', read...

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'It is difficult to get a man to understand something, when his salary depends upon his not understanding it.'

Upton Sinclair (1878-1968), American author, campaigning journalist & political activist, on the newspaper editors & publishers of his day.

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Some people fight with their «swords», while others fight with their «pencil»…although you’re probably using a keyboard, I would say it is doing more damage then the weapons used…great work and it is appreciated in a time where so many stay silent. From a Palestinian refugee who spent his whole life as a refugee in western countries, the hypocrisy and lack of compassion towards Palestinians and Muslims is staggering.

There fore being on this platform and reading all the posts is heartwarming 🫶🏽👍🏽👏🏽👏🏽

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Well said, Jonathan! It's this silence of complicity that allows them to become more powerful, stronger and uglier. Indeed, those who place safety above truth can never truly be considered journalists.

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Excellent! Says it all!

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And I did not speak out for those convicted and heavily fined for private unverbalized prayers.

Because I was not one of those nut-bag-serious Christians... until, suddenly, 1984 was upon us all.


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Believe me your time will come just as it will for the general public who respond to posts like this , we are all under the microscope when my time comes I'll take it as a badge of honour

Respect Dean Smith

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