I would like to apologize. I made clear axiomatic Propositional Statements on the assumption of a universal understanding of the immutable axioms of Propositional/Predicate Logic, upon which all Language operates. Perhaps that was poor assumption, given the incongruent response replete with the intellectually-lazy puerility of Logical fa…
I would like to apologize. I made clear axiomatic Propositional Statements on the assumption of a universal understanding of the immutable axioms of Propositional/Predicate Logic, upon which all Language operates. Perhaps that was poor assumption, given the incongruent response replete with the intellectually-lazy puerility of Logical fallacy?
I'm sorry, but I'm not sorry if you don't understand the Logic upon which Language operates. Nobody can understand it for you, and neither inarticulate arrogantly-ignorant opinion contrary to objective Logic, nor popular sciolism is a substitute for knowledge/understanding.
Even if you cannot comprehend the axiom - 'Knowledge is dependent upon immutable axioms of objective Logic', it remains a Logically certain Propositional Statement. Your individual autonomous understanding or opinion is not requisite of the Truth Value for any Propositional Statement. Logic doesn't operate on opinion. 2 + 2= 4 no matter what you think. The "Algebra of Statements" exists no matter if you are aware or not. Reality exists regardless of delusion.
Without the immutable axioms of Propositional/Predicate Logic, knowledge itself would not exist, because Language/communication would not exist. Only useless incomprehensible nonsensical gibberish would exist.
FTR - Logic/Reason originate in the Mind. The Human Condition itself is a function of the Mind. Language is a Logic function of Cognition. Your understanding is not requisite of Truth. Furthermore, reading/writing without clear demonstrable understanding of Language/Logic is self-evident of the reading/writing skill demonstrated. Knowledge/intelligence cannot be faked, because it's axiomatic of the Language/Logic demonstrated.
It's axiomatic of your response you're lacking requisite understanding of Linguistics, Logic, & Language. Words are not what you imagine them to be. Logic is not what you imagine it to be. Reality is not what you imagine it to be!
Language is a function of Cognitive Logic - not opinion. Opinion is an inherently subjective 'context' of Language. Opinion is objectively Logical only as an immutable 'subjective' context of Human Speech. Propositional Statements on the other hand are an objectively 'Objective' context of Language operating upon immutable 'objective' axioms of Propositional/Predicate Logic. Knowledge of the axioms and an 'understanding' is not requisite of this axiomatic Truth. Opinion is moot-point, no matter how many times asserted as fact, or how eloquently, or inarticulately stated. Sophistry is inherent fallacy.
The word 'antisemitism' as a pejorative for "hating" Jews is axiomatic Sophistry, because it's axiomatic nonsense of Logic/Language. Semite is a Linguistic reference it has no meaning outside the study of Language/Linguistics therefore using it to invent a word that singularly represents a specific Religious denomination or Theocracy (Judaism/Zionism) is a Syllogistic fallacy.
In case you are also unfamiliar with the Human genome project - Jews are not a separate Race. They are ethnically Caucasian. Judaism is a Religion, not a Race. Zionism is a theocracy not a Race or Religion. The State of Isreal did not exist outside Biblical (Judeo-Christian) mythology before 1948.
Logic is not opinion - opinion is not Logic is an axiom of Language. Even if you don't have sufficient capacity to understand.
The word 'Semite' is now and always has been a Linguistic reference and never has been an Anthropological reference for Race/Genetics. Opinion is moot-point - even if you don't comprehend. Opinions do not change immutable axioms of Logic. Opinion does not change facts. Opinion does not change anything. All opinion does is demonstrate the ignorance of the opining.
Just because some undereducated halfwit started using "antisemite" as a pejorative for criticism of Jews, Isreal, and/or Zionism doesn't make it true - no matter how many equally gullible fools believe it to be rational. Stupid is as stupid does Forest Gump.
Whether you like it or not, or are incapable of comprehending - Palestinians ARE SEMITES. Coptic speaking Egyptians are SEMITES. ANYONE who speaks a Semitic Language is a Semite! Neither your opinion, nor the opinions of millions just as ignorant, change this axiom of Language. It is utterly absurd nonsense of Language to call Semitic (Arab speaking) Palestinians "antisemitic"! No matter how many 'Circular Reasoning' fallacies used to convince yourself otherwise. The quickest way to prove you don't understand Logic is to assume you can fake it.
The word 'antisemitism' is nonsense of Logic & Language even if you're not intelligent enough to understand why! Opinion is moot-point, even if you're psychologically dysfunctional and believe your opinions define reality.
Hebrew is not the only Language of the Jews. What about German Jews?
Their native Language is Yiddish! Yiddish is a Germanic Language not a Semitic Language. German Jews are not and never have been Semites! Opinion is moot-point.
If you say "gullible" loud enough, and slow enough, it sounds just like 'antisemitism'.
Using Circular Reasoning to assert an argument is amateur intellectually-lazy puerility. Believing the Logical fallacy is tragic comedy.
I would like to apologize. I made clear axiomatic Propositional Statements on the assumption of a universal understanding of the immutable axioms of Propositional/Predicate Logic, upon which all Language operates. Perhaps that was poor assumption, given the incongruent response replete with the intellectually-lazy puerility of Logical fallacy?
I'm sorry, but I'm not sorry if you don't understand the Logic upon which Language operates. Nobody can understand it for you, and neither inarticulate arrogantly-ignorant opinion contrary to objective Logic, nor popular sciolism is a substitute for knowledge/understanding.
Even if you cannot comprehend the axiom - 'Knowledge is dependent upon immutable axioms of objective Logic', it remains a Logically certain Propositional Statement. Your individual autonomous understanding or opinion is not requisite of the Truth Value for any Propositional Statement. Logic doesn't operate on opinion. 2 + 2= 4 no matter what you think. The "Algebra of Statements" exists no matter if you are aware or not. Reality exists regardless of delusion.
Without the immutable axioms of Propositional/Predicate Logic, knowledge itself would not exist, because Language/communication would not exist. Only useless incomprehensible nonsensical gibberish would exist.
FTR - Logic/Reason originate in the Mind. The Human Condition itself is a function of the Mind. Language is a Logic function of Cognition. Your understanding is not requisite of Truth. Furthermore, reading/writing without clear demonstrable understanding of Language/Logic is self-evident of the reading/writing skill demonstrated. Knowledge/intelligence cannot be faked, because it's axiomatic of the Language/Logic demonstrated.
It's axiomatic of your response you're lacking requisite understanding of Linguistics, Logic, & Language. Words are not what you imagine them to be. Logic is not what you imagine it to be. Reality is not what you imagine it to be!
Language is a function of Cognitive Logic - not opinion. Opinion is an inherently subjective 'context' of Language. Opinion is objectively Logical only as an immutable 'subjective' context of Human Speech. Propositional Statements on the other hand are an objectively 'Objective' context of Language operating upon immutable 'objective' axioms of Propositional/Predicate Logic. Knowledge of the axioms and an 'understanding' is not requisite of this axiomatic Truth. Opinion is moot-point, no matter how many times asserted as fact, or how eloquently, or inarticulately stated. Sophistry is inherent fallacy.
The word 'antisemitism' as a pejorative for "hating" Jews is axiomatic Sophistry, because it's axiomatic nonsense of Logic/Language. Semite is a Linguistic reference it has no meaning outside the study of Language/Linguistics therefore using it to invent a word that singularly represents a specific Religious denomination or Theocracy (Judaism/Zionism) is a Syllogistic fallacy.
In case you are also unfamiliar with the Human genome project - Jews are not a separate Race. They are ethnically Caucasian. Judaism is a Religion, not a Race. Zionism is a theocracy not a Race or Religion. The State of Isreal did not exist outside Biblical (Judeo-Christian) mythology before 1948.
Logic is not opinion - opinion is not Logic is an axiom of Language. Even if you don't have sufficient capacity to understand.
The word 'Semite' is now and always has been a Linguistic reference and never has been an Anthropological reference for Race/Genetics. Opinion is moot-point - even if you don't comprehend. Opinions do not change immutable axioms of Logic. Opinion does not change facts. Opinion does not change anything. All opinion does is demonstrate the ignorance of the opining.
Just because some undereducated halfwit started using "antisemite" as a pejorative for criticism of Jews, Isreal, and/or Zionism doesn't make it true - no matter how many equally gullible fools believe it to be rational. Stupid is as stupid does Forest Gump.
Whether you like it or not, or are incapable of comprehending - Palestinians ARE SEMITES. Coptic speaking Egyptians are SEMITES. ANYONE who speaks a Semitic Language is a Semite! Neither your opinion, nor the opinions of millions just as ignorant, change this axiom of Language. It is utterly absurd nonsense of Language to call Semitic (Arab speaking) Palestinians "antisemitic"! No matter how many 'Circular Reasoning' fallacies used to convince yourself otherwise. The quickest way to prove you don't understand Logic is to assume you can fake it.
The word 'antisemitism' is nonsense of Logic & Language even if you're not intelligent enough to understand why! Opinion is moot-point, even if you're psychologically dysfunctional and believe your opinions define reality.
Hebrew is not the only Language of the Jews. What about German Jews?
Their native Language is Yiddish! Yiddish is a Germanic Language not a Semitic Language. German Jews are not and never have been Semites! Opinion is moot-point.
If you say "gullible" loud enough, and slow enough, it sounds just like 'antisemitism'.
Using Circular Reasoning to assert an argument is amateur intellectually-lazy puerility. Believing the Logical fallacy is tragic comedy.